Dork, dork, dork!
Fuq'ing dur - wah, wah, wah, wah....
There are times when I really wonder about people's actions... Normally, I wouldn't bother with it, but this time it directly affects my relationship with a pretty cool lady and her equally cool children.
See, this lady had been living in the far SouthWest of the country, and struck up a friendship and online courtship with V, a friend of mine here. While I was (and still am) rather dubious about how well the relationship was going to go, considering they were almost WORLDS apart physically (not to mention mentally), I held my tongue and let them go forth...
I finally met her at an SCA event earlier this year. I found her to be bubbly and happy, fun to hang around and alltogether nice. I thought that perhaps, just perhaps, if the two of them actually worked at being FRIENDS, that something could bloom out of that. V got upset that weekend because of some of her actions, and I ended up telling him to quit reading into things based upon prior actions of prior girlfriends.
V'd been adament that the lovely lady and he were NOT seeing one another, that he wasn't seeing ANYONE. He'd been going through a divorce and had finally filed the paperwork for it, and *said* that he was done with dating for a while, simply focusing on his work and survival at this point in his life. And yet... He was talking with the lovely lady about having her move up to Portland, and seeing him, and being with him...
At the same time, V apparently was seeing a gal from his old work, over at FM. He'd told her that he wasn't going to be serious at all with anyone, and that he didn't want a serious relationship with anyone because he'd been so stressed about having a relationship in the past... At the same time, he was still dealing with a psychotic woman from the North that he'd had the misfortune of finding attractive enough to pseudo-date whilst still sort-of dating ME, still dating another gal, and STILL MARRIED AND LIVING WITH THE WIFE (this was several years ago)...
Are we getting dizzy yet? Yeah, me too...
SO... Here is our lovely lady, not really knowing much about the whole thing with this gal from his old work at FM, dealing with the frequent and annoying calls from the psycho from the North, and deciding that it would still be a good idea to uproot and move up here with the promise of a new start, and possibly a new life with V...
NOW things get interesting (HA - Like they weren't before)...
V has been diagnosed with Manic-Depression and been given meds (which he doesn't take over half the time). He's also drinking - a lot - and not eating. He's also been telling the psycho up North to leave him alone, but then calling her anyway even AFTER he changes his phone number.
V opens his home to the lovely lady and her two children, telling her in one breath that he doesn't want any type of relationship at all, and in the next breath that he really does love her and wants to be with her... And they've been sleeping together... At the same time, he's still seeing the gal from his work, and still talking with the psycho up North, though at this point he's supposedly trying to break things off with her and get her to leave him alone... Still.
Things between him and the gal from work are strained - she feels more for him than he wants her to. I cannot speculate on anything else that was going on between the two of them, but I do know that she broke things off from him, at least for a while, because she knew that it was her feeling for him more than his feelings for her.
Things between him and the lady are REALLY getting strained. The lady has been independent for a long time, and has been the "mommy" for so long, that it's difficult for her to break those habits. Instead of working together on this issue, V simply blows up on her each time she reverts to "mommy" mode, screaming at her that he doesn't *need* a mother, and she should just leave.
Things somehow mellow out between the two of them for a month or so, and she actually even gets to meet his parents (something that not even *I* warranted, and I supposedly am the relationship that he regrets screwing up the most) for the holidays.
At some point, over the last 24 hours, however, apparently things came to a head again, and the lady found out that apparently V has been seeing women on the side and all the while he's been telling her otherwise. I get a call this morning just before I log on for my shift from her, saying that she and her children have been kicked out of V's house, and she is taking them back down to the SW states.
She thanked me for being so kind, and apologized for calling so early. And all I can think is "What a stupid thing for V to do... after everything he's been through, and all the crap he's done in the past, when is he going to learn?" Apparently never. Oh, and he's deleted his myspace profile, probably to avoid having me write to him that he's a stupid asshole that needs to grow up and be honest for once in his life in a relationship.
So, that's that. I'm going to remain friends with the lady, regardless of where she moves. I like her, and I think she's good people, if sometimes a little misguided - aren't we all at times... ;-)
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Screaming mimi's!
That's who've been calling me lately at work. People who supposedly have worked in customer service, who've been part of a "team" working customer-facing positions - and yet, they're rude, pushy, and downright mean when they don't hear what they want to hear from me... DIAF! That's about all I have to say to them.
In other news, apparently Fred got a comment on his blog from one of the three he mentioned in a prior post about drama with the troupe. Apparently, he's going to be posting the comment up and putting up the name of said stupid mouth-breather... *rolls eyes* I think it's someone *linked* to them, but he says that the only person said SM-B has NOT mentioned is himself, and therefore, it's him. ok. whatever...
I'm in a rather bitchy and impatient mood today. The Goddess' dubious blessing smacked me down today after 2 days of being moody and bitchy. I knew it was coming, but I *SO* didn't need to deal with it today. At least I don't have to work tomorrow. Nope, tomorrow, for the first time in 2 weeks, I have a Friday off. With a list of things to do to try and catch up housework and stuff...
sort laundry
start laundry
clean kitchen
take speedboy shopping for new clothes at Target
do grocery shopping
sort clean clothing and place donations into box to go to goodwill or SA.
clean room
Fred will be at work, so that's actually a good thing - it means that he won't be tempted to hover or feel bad when he ends up ADD'ing on the computer whilst I spin out of control in the front room. LOL.
The list, at least, is in order of priority, so that's good... At least, if I don't get EVERYTHING done tomorrow, I can get the rest of it done Sunday or Monday.
I need to find out if I have to go to work on Tuesday, the 1st, or whether we will be off that day... I can't remember, and I need to see. *sigh* I'm a dork, I know. But I'm scheduled to be there, so I am not sure whether I should be or not.
I'll email my mgr and ask, and should have an email back for Saturday.
I've been ranting on a new tribe at I will say that I am getting good feedback on an issue that I've had for some time. I won't post it for now, until I've sorted it all out, but I will post about it later. I just need a little time. Perhaps that's why I'm all over the place tonight and can't focus so much.
In other news, apparently Fred got a comment on his blog from one of the three he mentioned in a prior post about drama with the troupe. Apparently, he's going to be posting the comment up and putting up the name of said stupid mouth-breather... *rolls eyes* I think it's someone *linked* to them, but he says that the only person said SM-B has NOT mentioned is himself, and therefore, it's him. ok. whatever...
I'm in a rather bitchy and impatient mood today. The Goddess' dubious blessing smacked me down today after 2 days of being moody and bitchy. I knew it was coming, but I *SO* didn't need to deal with it today. At least I don't have to work tomorrow. Nope, tomorrow, for the first time in 2 weeks, I have a Friday off. With a list of things to do to try and catch up housework and stuff...
sort laundry
start laundry
clean kitchen
take speedboy shopping for new clothes at Target
do grocery shopping
sort clean clothing and place donations into box to go to goodwill or SA.
clean room
Fred will be at work, so that's actually a good thing - it means that he won't be tempted to hover or feel bad when he ends up ADD'ing on the computer whilst I spin out of control in the front room. LOL.
The list, at least, is in order of priority, so that's good... At least, if I don't get EVERYTHING done tomorrow, I can get the rest of it done Sunday or Monday.
I need to find out if I have to go to work on Tuesday, the 1st, or whether we will be off that day... I can't remember, and I need to see. *sigh* I'm a dork, I know. But I'm scheduled to be there, so I am not sure whether I should be or not.
I'll email my mgr and ask, and should have an email back for Saturday.
I've been ranting on a new tribe at I will say that I am getting good feedback on an issue that I've had for some time. I won't post it for now, until I've sorted it all out, but I will post about it later. I just need a little time. Perhaps that's why I'm all over the place tonight and can't focus so much.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
So, the Christmas was quite enjoyable, filled with a lot of gifts for Josh, and some really *Cool* gifts for both Fred and me...
The day started out with me making crepes - otherwise known in my family as Swedish Pancakes or Roll-Ups. I only made a 1/2 batch of them as we also had 2 different kinds of thick-cut bacon, and there were only us 3. As it was, a 1/2 batch of roll-ups ends up making between 12 and 14 twelve inch crepes... They're big. We also had sweetened cranberry sauce to put into it - Yum... It had been so long since I'd had roll-ups, I've decided I'm going to make them every Sunday from now on. And I don't care if they *DO* make me gain weight - at least I'll be happy. LOL.
After breakfast, we unwrapped prezzies... Josh, of course, got the most. It was a rather astounding pile he had by the end of everything...
1 tabletop game of "League of Pirates" (2 players)
1 DS game "Harvest Farm" (or something like that)
1 wifi for his Nintendo DS
1 mp3 player
1 Sudoku brain teaser game - hand-held
1 set of the first 3 novels of Pern by Anne McCaffrey
1 first novel of Xanth by Peirs Anthony
1 Big Book of Brain Games
1 pair of hand grips
1 set of 8 lb dumb-bells
2 pairs of flannel plaid pj bottoms
1 pair flame pj bottoms
3 t-shirts to go with said pj bottoms
1 black button-down shirt with flames around the bottom
7 Pirates of the Carribean action figures
2 sets of laser tag games
1 aquarium - with 3 plastic plants, a treasure chest, rocks and some pebbles...
1 "Men's" skin conditioning set by Mary Kay from my sister...
1 Gundam Wing model - to assemble
Fred got...
1 grey and white sweater
1 dark blue sweater with grey flames going up the sleeves
1 leather jacket
1 wallet
1 book, "Whispering Nickel Idols" by Glen Cook
1 shaving kit and skin conditioner by Mary Kay from my sister...
1 bike rear tail light
I got:
1 tri-stone sharpener for my kitchen knives
1 book "The Chronicles of Master Li and Number Ten Ox" by Barry Hugart (YAY!!!)
1 DVD "Sweeney Todd" original musical with Angela Landsbury
1 package of fresh vanilla beans (OMG! I've never seen so much in my life!)
1 box of make-up by Mary Kay from my sister...
1 necklace of fire-treated pearls and silver (made by Raistlin)
I also got Fred and I matching mp3 players, though they haven't arrived yet. There were also 2 books purchased for the house - "What are the 7 Wonders of the World - and 100 other interesting facts" and "Unexplained Mysteries of the World" - both of which were from Discovery Store, and 4 DVD's for the house, too... We also got a new ornament for the tree from my sister. Good Christmas with LOTS of loot!
We decided this year to do a pork loin for dinner. I did a honey dijon glaze with garlic and rosemary. It turned out nummy indeed. I also roasted baby potatoes in olive oil, and sprinkled with chives and fresh sage, sprinkeled with salt, and then baked them until they were golden brown. We had broccoli and pork gravy to finish it all out, and it was tasty numminess for the rest of the evening.
It was the three of us, Mishu and Raistlin for dinner, and there was a relaxing feeling of just enjoying good food and company. Quite the pleasantness, and I thanked the powers that be for everything I had last night in the way of food and friends that were present, and sent out good thoughts toward all those who were not there but wanted to be.
I still have to make a few prezzies for friends, as I'm a total shlub and didn't finish everything on time. *sigh* I'm working on it, but the house and work is sort of overwhelming me. I'm hoping I can (sort of) catch up on Friday when I'm off again. Gotta do some laundry, then head out shopping for food and a copy of XP for the computer. Yay.
Hopefully the rest of my clothes that I purchased will be here soon. I'm waiting for an order from Roaman's and an order from TUK shoes... I want to look absolutely FABU for New Year's. I'd like to go to the party at Mandarin Palace with Fred. We'll see if he has to work on Monday or not.
The day started out with me making crepes - otherwise known in my family as Swedish Pancakes or Roll-Ups. I only made a 1/2 batch of them as we also had 2 different kinds of thick-cut bacon, and there were only us 3. As it was, a 1/2 batch of roll-ups ends up making between 12 and 14 twelve inch crepes... They're big. We also had sweetened cranberry sauce to put into it - Yum... It had been so long since I'd had roll-ups, I've decided I'm going to make them every Sunday from now on. And I don't care if they *DO* make me gain weight - at least I'll be happy. LOL.
After breakfast, we unwrapped prezzies... Josh, of course, got the most. It was a rather astounding pile he had by the end of everything...
1 tabletop game of "League of Pirates" (2 players)
1 DS game "Harvest Farm" (or something like that)
1 wifi for his Nintendo DS
1 mp3 player
1 Sudoku brain teaser game - hand-held
1 set of the first 3 novels of Pern by Anne McCaffrey
1 first novel of Xanth by Peirs Anthony
1 Big Book of Brain Games
1 pair of hand grips
1 set of 8 lb dumb-bells
2 pairs of flannel plaid pj bottoms
1 pair flame pj bottoms
3 t-shirts to go with said pj bottoms
1 black button-down shirt with flames around the bottom
7 Pirates of the Carribean action figures
2 sets of laser tag games
1 aquarium - with 3 plastic plants, a treasure chest, rocks and some pebbles...
1 "Men's" skin conditioning set by Mary Kay from my sister...
1 Gundam Wing model - to assemble
Fred got...
1 grey and white sweater
1 dark blue sweater with grey flames going up the sleeves
1 leather jacket
1 wallet
1 book, "Whispering Nickel Idols" by Glen Cook
1 shaving kit and skin conditioner by Mary Kay from my sister...
1 bike rear tail light
I got:
1 tri-stone sharpener for my kitchen knives
1 book "The Chronicles of Master Li and Number Ten Ox" by Barry Hugart (YAY!!!)
1 DVD "Sweeney Todd" original musical with Angela Landsbury
1 package of fresh vanilla beans (OMG! I've never seen so much in my life!)
1 box of make-up by Mary Kay from my sister...
1 necklace of fire-treated pearls and silver (made by Raistlin)
I also got Fred and I matching mp3 players, though they haven't arrived yet. There were also 2 books purchased for the house - "What are the 7 Wonders of the World - and 100 other interesting facts" and "Unexplained Mysteries of the World" - both of which were from Discovery Store, and 4 DVD's for the house, too... We also got a new ornament for the tree from my sister. Good Christmas with LOTS of loot!
We decided this year to do a pork loin for dinner. I did a honey dijon glaze with garlic and rosemary. It turned out nummy indeed. I also roasted baby potatoes in olive oil, and sprinkled with chives and fresh sage, sprinkeled with salt, and then baked them until they were golden brown. We had broccoli and pork gravy to finish it all out, and it was tasty numminess for the rest of the evening.
It was the three of us, Mishu and Raistlin for dinner, and there was a relaxing feeling of just enjoying good food and company. Quite the pleasantness, and I thanked the powers that be for everything I had last night in the way of food and friends that were present, and sent out good thoughts toward all those who were not there but wanted to be.
I still have to make a few prezzies for friends, as I'm a total shlub and didn't finish everything on time. *sigh* I'm working on it, but the house and work is sort of overwhelming me. I'm hoping I can (sort of) catch up on Friday when I'm off again. Gotta do some laundry, then head out shopping for food and a copy of XP for the computer. Yay.
Hopefully the rest of my clothes that I purchased will be here soon. I'm waiting for an order from Roaman's and an order from TUK shoes... I want to look absolutely FABU for New Year's. I'd like to go to the party at Mandarin Palace with Fred. We'll see if he has to work on Monday or not.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Holiday Wishes To All...
So, I doubt that I'm going to have time in the next 72 hours to update on what's going on for Christmas. I can say with certainty that I'm very thankful for the next two days off that I get to have, and that I don't have to worry about whether I'm scheduled to go in for Christmas or not - because I'm not - and even if I *were*, the call center is closed for it. Yay us!
I love the holiday season for the excuse it gives me to buy / make people stuff and give it to them, without them feeling confused about why they've received it. *chuckle* I adore gifting people, and seeing their faces when I do. It makes me happy.
While I would love to have the traditional "peace on earth, good will toward others" thing going on, I doubt that will ever happen - at least as long as organized religion and politics lead countries... That and human nature is one that is honestly greedy about certain things, whether it be land, food or even oxygen. It's just one of those things. We can consciously fight against it, but it seems that those in charge end up forgetting about it.
So - no, I'm not wishing for peace on earth and good will toward others. I'm hoping that at least for one day, those who have friends and family in the military who are serving will be able to spend time with their loved ones - even if it's only on the phone - and know that they are ok, alive, and well. I hope that those who have family far away (even if they *aren't* in the military) will be able to spend a little time chatting with one another, and know that their family is ok, alive, and well. And I hope that those who are *with* family this year appreciate the gifts that they bring into their lives each day with their presence - whether positive or not so much - and can say honestly that they're glad to have them around, at least for the one day.
My home will be open to anyone who would like to come by for dinner. It will be on around 6-ish in the evening. We'll be having a very large pork roast with mashed potatoes, gravy, and veggies. I may also be singing some carols, simply because I love the songs and like the way they make me feel, and you're all welcome to join in on those, too.
I hope that, whatever your holiday is like, it is filled with joy and provides you with everything you wish for in the coming year.
I love the holiday season for the excuse it gives me to buy / make people stuff and give it to them, without them feeling confused about why they've received it. *chuckle* I adore gifting people, and seeing their faces when I do. It makes me happy.
While I would love to have the traditional "peace on earth, good will toward others" thing going on, I doubt that will ever happen - at least as long as organized religion and politics lead countries... That and human nature is one that is honestly greedy about certain things, whether it be land, food or even oxygen. It's just one of those things. We can consciously fight against it, but it seems that those in charge end up forgetting about it.
So - no, I'm not wishing for peace on earth and good will toward others. I'm hoping that at least for one day, those who have friends and family in the military who are serving will be able to spend time with their loved ones - even if it's only on the phone - and know that they are ok, alive, and well. I hope that those who have family far away (even if they *aren't* in the military) will be able to spend a little time chatting with one another, and know that their family is ok, alive, and well. And I hope that those who are *with* family this year appreciate the gifts that they bring into their lives each day with their presence - whether positive or not so much - and can say honestly that they're glad to have them around, at least for the one day.
My home will be open to anyone who would like to come by for dinner. It will be on around 6-ish in the evening. We'll be having a very large pork roast with mashed potatoes, gravy, and veggies. I may also be singing some carols, simply because I love the songs and like the way they make me feel, and you're all welcome to join in on those, too.
I hope that, whatever your holiday is like, it is filled with joy and provides you with everything you wish for in the coming year.
Well, that's fitting, somehow... *chortle*
![]() | My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is: Her Excellency Merripan the Prickly of Menzies on the Minges Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title |
Thursday, December 21, 2006
If you've never heard this song, I highly recommend that you track it down and listen to it. It's a catchy tune, and one that I've loved since I was first exposed to Dr. Demento 12 years ago. In case you were wondering, YES, I am in THAT kind of mood today.
Recorded by Little Jimmy Dickens
Written by Neal Merritt
[E] One fine day as I was [B7] walkin' down the [E] street
Met a beggar man with rags upon his [B7] feet
Took a [E] (spoken) penny from my pocket,
In his [A] (spoken) tin cup I did drop it
And I [E] heard him say as [B7] I made my re-[E] treat.
May the bird of paradise fly [B7] up your [E] nose
May an elephant caress you with his [B7] toes
May your [E] wife be plagued with runners in her [A] hose
May the [E] bird of paradise [B7] fly up your [E] nose.
I was way behind one day to catch a train
Taxi driver, "said we'll make it just the same"
But a speed cop made it with us,
And as he wrote out the ticket
I stood by politely waitin' for my change.
Well, my laundry man is really on his toes
Found a hundred dollar bill among my clothes
When he called me, I came runnin',
Gave him back his dime for phonin'
And I heard him sayin' as I turned to go.
Recorded by Little Jimmy Dickens
Written by Neal Merritt
[E] One fine day as I was [B7] walkin' down the [E] street
Met a beggar man with rags upon his [B7] feet
Took a [E] (spoken) penny from my pocket,
In his [A] (spoken) tin cup I did drop it
And I [E] heard him say as [B7] I made my re-[E] treat.
May the bird of paradise fly [B7] up your [E] nose
May an elephant caress you with his [B7] toes
May your [E] wife be plagued with runners in her [A] hose
May the [E] bird of paradise [B7] fly up your [E] nose.
I was way behind one day to catch a train
Taxi driver, "said we'll make it just the same"
But a speed cop made it with us,
And as he wrote out the ticket
I stood by politely waitin' for my change.
Well, my laundry man is really on his toes
Found a hundred dollar bill among my clothes
When he called me, I came runnin',
Gave him back his dime for phonin'
And I heard him sayin' as I turned to go.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Chapter 2...
I haven't heard anything regarding the beginning of this story - then again, I haven't heard anything BAD about the story, so that's good - I guess... LOL. So, here's chapter 2.
Chapter 2
“My darling gel, I’m so glad you came,” Sophie’s cheeks were blooming red and her eyes sparkled happiness in their faded blue depths. “I was afraid that perhaps you wouldn’t, considering what you went through…” Her voice faded, and she glanced sorrowfully at Emily.
“Aunt, it’s not your fault that it happened, and I have refused to dwell on it overmuch. I came because I adore you, and I wanted to make sure that you were well and comfortable.” Emily smiled at her aunt and took a hand in hers, feeling the papery dryness of old skin beneath her youthful fingers.
“I could have sent for you early on, made sure that you weren’t exposed to your father’s distasteful habits – or his friends. I should have.” She nodded decisively to herself, obviously upset with her lack of action in the past. “There was so much I could have done. Your mother, rest her soul, would have wanted you to have a season, a coming out – she would have wanted you to be with me… But I simply didn’t realize how awful it was going to be –”
“Sophie, dearest – please do not overset yourself. It is done, and we must not contemplate what could have or should have happened. We must simply enjoy what we have now, and look to the future.” She smiled down at her aunt, then got up and walked around the bed to the settee.
“My dear Emily, even you know that there’s not much future here for me,” Sophie said, amusement in her face. Emily turned to look at her and started to protest, but Sophie shushed her and waived a hand. “Oh please, Em! Don’t lie to an old woman. I know I’m dying, and I’m at peace with it. I’ve had a full life, and have done most of what I wanted, even though it wasn’t always what I should have done. It suits me that I’m to pass now – and that you’re here with me to make the end of it less boring.”
“Well, then – while we’re making things less boring, Aunt, would you like some more tea?” A chuckle laced Emily’s voice, and she poured a cup for herself. Turning, she saw her aunt’s eyes flutter closed for a moment, then open slowly.
“Yes, I think tea would be nice. And then a nap… I seem to be a bit sleepy.” Sophie’s voice was soft and muted, and she sighed. “I seem to be a bit sleepy most days, honestly.”
Emily brought over the cups for both of them, and sat. “Would you like for me to read to you, Aunt?”
“That would be lovely.”
Anthony found the both of them sleeping a few hours later, Sophie propped up in her bed and snoring softly, and Emily curled up on the end of the bed, a book propped open in her hand. Apparently, poems of Byron and Shelley had caused a sudden attack of napping.
Gently touching her shoulder, he smiled as Emily sighed and rolled over, a confused, then guarded look on her face as she focused on his face. She put the book down, rubbed her eyes of sleep, then got up and patted her hair.
“My lord, I am sorry – I fear that I lost track of time and needed a nap.”
“It is quite alright, Miss Campbell. I came to let you know that dinner will be served in an hour or so, and the vicar’s wife, Mrs. Whitloe, will be there for you to meet. You will be joining us, I hope?”
Emily quietly moved away from her aunt, making sure not to touch any part of Anthony. She felt suddenly closed in, hemmed in a way, and he was much too large for the room, and much too close to her. He backed away from her and allowed her passage toward the door to her suite of rooms. She stopped just short of turning the handle and turned, her head bowed.
“I will be – happy to join Mrs. Whitloe and yourself this evening for dinner. I shall be down shortly.” She glanced up and saw that Anthony’s face was unreadable, then she quickly turned the handle and was gone as quickly as a summer breeze. Anthony’s jaw tightened, then relaxed just as quickly. There was plenty of time – no need to rush things.
An hour later found two rather somber faces sitting around a table with a third that couldn’t stop laughing. Mrs. Whitloe was a cheerful woman filled with laughter and joy for the world at large; and she felt no need to contain herself and not spread the joy to others. She happily chattered for both Emily and Anthony, and filled the two in on the local gossip around the town of Bramblebriar.
Having no occupation to keep her mind from wandering, other than to listen to the daily goings-on of the village, Emily found herself scanning the dining room, seeing the familiar shapes of family heirlooms and new statuary which must have been added by his lordship once he took over the properties. She was pondering a china shepherdess when a comment broke through her reverie and startled her.
“I say, Miss Campbell, you must have been off wool-gathering, I’m afraid.” Mrs. Whitloe chortled. “I asked if there is a young man that might be coming by to visit you from Devon?”
“No, Mrs. Whitloe. I have no young man. I am not in the market for marriage.”
“But why not, my dear? You are young, and handsome enough to catch a score of young beaux should you like it.”
“That is the issue there, Mrs. Whitloe – I don’t like it. Besides, one must have a dowry to have a marriage proposal. I do not possess such an illustrious thing as that. Pretty I may be, but as I am not matched with any other descriptive than that of poor, I feel certain that there will not be vast quantities of marriageable bachelors pounding at my door for me.” Emily glanced over at Anthony to find his eyes dark and angry, almost brooding, at this comment. Startled, she looked down and concentrated completely upon her soup.
“Well, be that as it may, young lady, there are quite a few young men out there with a decent income who would be more than willing to take a lovely young woman such as yourself to wed. You simply need to be seen.” Mrs. Whitloe’s eyes lit up. “We are having a harvest party next week! And as Lord Emberton has graciously allowed us the use of the hall, you have no reason but to come and join in the fun! Do help me coax her to join us at the party, my Lord.”
“Indeed Miss Campbell – it is normally one of the high points of our little town season. You must join us – if only to give your Aunt Sophie stories and descriptions of what everyone wore.” Anthony was rewarded with a small smile and a wistful expression on Emily’s face as she imagined what her aunt would think.
“All right. I suppose I have a serviceable gown I can use for the party.” She smiled again and looked at Mrs. Whitloe. “I may have to impose upon my and you regarding it, to make sure that it’s workable.”
“Of course, my dear,” Mrs. Whitloe chuckled, “Anything to help you out, lovey. I’m certain we shall have you the belle of the ball soon enough.”
Dinner continued with little further conversation besides decoration and general hospitality, until Mrs. Whitloe commented “Of course, it was different with the old Earl living here.”
All movement stopped from Emily, and Anthony stared hard at the older woman, who was oblivious to either of them.
“He couldn’t have given a jot for the town or those living in it – only thought of himself and his pleasures… Ahhh… It was a horrible time to be living in town then, and I can’t imagine being a servant up here.” She glanced over at Emily and, seeing her rapt attention, mistakenly took it for interest. “Since you’re from Devon dear, I doubt you heard of what happened here five years ago. I had lived here for a good ten years, after having married Mr. Whitloe, and we very near starved a few years because the crops weren’t being tended properly. His Lordship wasn’t interested in husbandry. Oh no, he was interested instead in gambling away his father’s fortune.
“Hadn’t always been this way, you know. He’d met a lovely young woman when he was very young and they were quickly married. Rumors are that she was in the family way when they said their vows, but everyone quashed the idea. He was in love, in either case, so it wasn’t anything anyone gossiped about for too long. His lady, Eleanor, what a lovely young thing – she kept his feet on the ground. It was said that she balanced his unruly side, and he gave her a beautiful baby girl… Goodness, it must have been, oh, twenty-five years since.
“It was a happy family that lived here. They visited the village weekly, took care of the people there, and it was generally thought that the town had never been so prosperous. As my dear husband would say, the worst always comes at the best of times…
“Eleanor took sick when her babe was aught but seven. No one knew that it could be contagious – until the little girl got sick with it as well. Smallpox ravaged them both and scarred the chit on her chest, and took her dear mum away from the both of them. It attacked the village as well, and we lost quite a number of people. It was a difficult time, and when the village looked to his lordship for support, there was none to be had. He’d gone round the bend with grief, and even the sight of his daughter, precious though she was, couldn’t console him. His heard had died, and there are those in the village who say his sanity died with him.”
Mrs. Whitloe warmed to her story then. “He started having parties at his house with the lords and ladies from London. At first, all seemed normal, though the parties did include some of the lesser desired people from town. The village was hopeful that this was a sign that His Lordship was feeling better, coming to grips with his loss – and yet… The windows were never uncovered, and the house was permanently darkened inside. It seemed that no one ever saw either his daughter or him, and it was whispered that there were dark goings on in the house.” Emily paled at this.
“Séances were held each week, and it was said that he was trying to bring Eleanor back from the dead. His dear little girl refused to be a part of it, and she hid in her rooms most times, seen to by the servants. When it was finally realized by His Lordship that Eleanor was well and truly gone from him and would never come back, he started having gambling parties and threw himself into what seemed the most unsavory crowds possible.
“Almost monthly the deterioration of the village and the house were seen by those both within and without, and there was worry that His Lordship was going to do either himself or his daughter a harm with all the goings-on. Year in and year out he ran further and further into debt with his creditors and gambling pals. It got to a point where, when the young girl turned twenty, he had become so drunk and debauched at one of his parties, he auctioned her off to the highest bidder to try and ease the noose around his neck.”
Mrs. Whitloe shook her head. “It was a sad state of affairs that night, I can tell you. A runner came from the house to let us know at the Parrish that His Lordship had finally gone round the bend, that his daughter had been forced to flee for her very virtue and life, and that in a fit of despair and horror, he had hung himself and crashed through the glass at the top of the stairs in the main hallway.”
Glancing up, she found that her audience was now weeping into her napkin, and Lord Emberton looked fit to be tied. “Did I say something amiss? I do apologize for oversetting you, my dear Miss Campbell. I don’t know where my mind went. I do like a good story, but I should have known that it would have upset you, as you’re still obviously tired from your journey.”
“Mrs. Whitloe, you will have to excuse me,” Emily said quietly. “I’m not used to hearing my father’s exploits bandied about so openly. I think I need to lay down for the rest of the evening. Thank you for an – educational evening.” With every ounce of dignity, she got up slowly and left the table, leaving a horrified-looking Mrs. Whitloe, and a very angry-looking Anthony.
Rushing through the house, Emily’s vision blurred with tears. She could still hear Mrs. Whitloe’s words ringing in her ears, and could not seem to keep a sob from erupting from between her lips. Her hand fisted into her mouth to keep from making further noise, and she hurried to her chambers at the end of the far hallway, the ghosts of horrors gone by nipping at her heels.
“My darling gel, I’m so glad you came,” Sophie’s cheeks were blooming red and her eyes sparkled happiness in their faded blue depths. “I was afraid that perhaps you wouldn’t, considering what you went through…” Her voice faded, and she glanced sorrowfully at Emily.
“Aunt, it’s not your fault that it happened, and I have refused to dwell on it overmuch. I came because I adore you, and I wanted to make sure that you were well and comfortable.” Emily smiled at her aunt and took a hand in hers, feeling the papery dryness of old skin beneath her youthful fingers.
“I could have sent for you early on, made sure that you weren’t exposed to your father’s distasteful habits – or his friends. I should have.” She nodded decisively to herself, obviously upset with her lack of action in the past. “There was so much I could have done. Your mother, rest her soul, would have wanted you to have a season, a coming out – she would have wanted you to be with me… But I simply didn’t realize how awful it was going to be –”
“Sophie, dearest – please do not overset yourself. It is done, and we must not contemplate what could have or should have happened. We must simply enjoy what we have now, and look to the future.” She smiled down at her aunt, then got up and walked around the bed to the settee.
“My dear Emily, even you know that there’s not much future here for me,” Sophie said, amusement in her face. Emily turned to look at her and started to protest, but Sophie shushed her and waived a hand. “Oh please, Em! Don’t lie to an old woman. I know I’m dying, and I’m at peace with it. I’ve had a full life, and have done most of what I wanted, even though it wasn’t always what I should have done. It suits me that I’m to pass now – and that you’re here with me to make the end of it less boring.”
“Well, then – while we’re making things less boring, Aunt, would you like some more tea?” A chuckle laced Emily’s voice, and she poured a cup for herself. Turning, she saw her aunt’s eyes flutter closed for a moment, then open slowly.
“Yes, I think tea would be nice. And then a nap… I seem to be a bit sleepy.” Sophie’s voice was soft and muted, and she sighed. “I seem to be a bit sleepy most days, honestly.”
Emily brought over the cups for both of them, and sat. “Would you like for me to read to you, Aunt?”
“That would be lovely.”
Anthony found the both of them sleeping a few hours later, Sophie propped up in her bed and snoring softly, and Emily curled up on the end of the bed, a book propped open in her hand. Apparently, poems of Byron and Shelley had caused a sudden attack of napping.
Gently touching her shoulder, he smiled as Emily sighed and rolled over, a confused, then guarded look on her face as she focused on his face. She put the book down, rubbed her eyes of sleep, then got up and patted her hair.
“My lord, I am sorry – I fear that I lost track of time and needed a nap.”
“It is quite alright, Miss Campbell. I came to let you know that dinner will be served in an hour or so, and the vicar’s wife, Mrs. Whitloe, will be there for you to meet. You will be joining us, I hope?”
Emily quietly moved away from her aunt, making sure not to touch any part of Anthony. She felt suddenly closed in, hemmed in a way, and he was much too large for the room, and much too close to her. He backed away from her and allowed her passage toward the door to her suite of rooms. She stopped just short of turning the handle and turned, her head bowed.
“I will be – happy to join Mrs. Whitloe and yourself this evening for dinner. I shall be down shortly.” She glanced up and saw that Anthony’s face was unreadable, then she quickly turned the handle and was gone as quickly as a summer breeze. Anthony’s jaw tightened, then relaxed just as quickly. There was plenty of time – no need to rush things.
An hour later found two rather somber faces sitting around a table with a third that couldn’t stop laughing. Mrs. Whitloe was a cheerful woman filled with laughter and joy for the world at large; and she felt no need to contain herself and not spread the joy to others. She happily chattered for both Emily and Anthony, and filled the two in on the local gossip around the town of Bramblebriar.
Having no occupation to keep her mind from wandering, other than to listen to the daily goings-on of the village, Emily found herself scanning the dining room, seeing the familiar shapes of family heirlooms and new statuary which must have been added by his lordship once he took over the properties. She was pondering a china shepherdess when a comment broke through her reverie and startled her.
“I say, Miss Campbell, you must have been off wool-gathering, I’m afraid.” Mrs. Whitloe chortled. “I asked if there is a young man that might be coming by to visit you from Devon?”
“No, Mrs. Whitloe. I have no young man. I am not in the market for marriage.”
“But why not, my dear? You are young, and handsome enough to catch a score of young beaux should you like it.”
“That is the issue there, Mrs. Whitloe – I don’t like it. Besides, one must have a dowry to have a marriage proposal. I do not possess such an illustrious thing as that. Pretty I may be, but as I am not matched with any other descriptive than that of poor, I feel certain that there will not be vast quantities of marriageable bachelors pounding at my door for me.” Emily glanced over at Anthony to find his eyes dark and angry, almost brooding, at this comment. Startled, she looked down and concentrated completely upon her soup.
“Well, be that as it may, young lady, there are quite a few young men out there with a decent income who would be more than willing to take a lovely young woman such as yourself to wed. You simply need to be seen.” Mrs. Whitloe’s eyes lit up. “We are having a harvest party next week! And as Lord Emberton has graciously allowed us the use of the hall, you have no reason but to come and join in the fun! Do help me coax her to join us at the party, my Lord.”
“Indeed Miss Campbell – it is normally one of the high points of our little town season. You must join us – if only to give your Aunt Sophie stories and descriptions of what everyone wore.” Anthony was rewarded with a small smile and a wistful expression on Emily’s face as she imagined what her aunt would think.
“All right. I suppose I have a serviceable gown I can use for the party.” She smiled again and looked at Mrs. Whitloe. “I may have to impose upon my and you regarding it, to make sure that it’s workable.”
“Of course, my dear,” Mrs. Whitloe chuckled, “Anything to help you out, lovey. I’m certain we shall have you the belle of the ball soon enough.”
Dinner continued with little further conversation besides decoration and general hospitality, until Mrs. Whitloe commented “Of course, it was different with the old Earl living here.”
All movement stopped from Emily, and Anthony stared hard at the older woman, who was oblivious to either of them.
“He couldn’t have given a jot for the town or those living in it – only thought of himself and his pleasures… Ahhh… It was a horrible time to be living in town then, and I can’t imagine being a servant up here.” She glanced over at Emily and, seeing her rapt attention, mistakenly took it for interest. “Since you’re from Devon dear, I doubt you heard of what happened here five years ago. I had lived here for a good ten years, after having married Mr. Whitloe, and we very near starved a few years because the crops weren’t being tended properly. His Lordship wasn’t interested in husbandry. Oh no, he was interested instead in gambling away his father’s fortune.
“Hadn’t always been this way, you know. He’d met a lovely young woman when he was very young and they were quickly married. Rumors are that she was in the family way when they said their vows, but everyone quashed the idea. He was in love, in either case, so it wasn’t anything anyone gossiped about for too long. His lady, Eleanor, what a lovely young thing – she kept his feet on the ground. It was said that she balanced his unruly side, and he gave her a beautiful baby girl… Goodness, it must have been, oh, twenty-five years since.
“It was a happy family that lived here. They visited the village weekly, took care of the people there, and it was generally thought that the town had never been so prosperous. As my dear husband would say, the worst always comes at the best of times…
“Eleanor took sick when her babe was aught but seven. No one knew that it could be contagious – until the little girl got sick with it as well. Smallpox ravaged them both and scarred the chit on her chest, and took her dear mum away from the both of them. It attacked the village as well, and we lost quite a number of people. It was a difficult time, and when the village looked to his lordship for support, there was none to be had. He’d gone round the bend with grief, and even the sight of his daughter, precious though she was, couldn’t console him. His heard had died, and there are those in the village who say his sanity died with him.”
Mrs. Whitloe warmed to her story then. “He started having parties at his house with the lords and ladies from London. At first, all seemed normal, though the parties did include some of the lesser desired people from town. The village was hopeful that this was a sign that His Lordship was feeling better, coming to grips with his loss – and yet… The windows were never uncovered, and the house was permanently darkened inside. It seemed that no one ever saw either his daughter or him, and it was whispered that there were dark goings on in the house.” Emily paled at this.
“Séances were held each week, and it was said that he was trying to bring Eleanor back from the dead. His dear little girl refused to be a part of it, and she hid in her rooms most times, seen to by the servants. When it was finally realized by His Lordship that Eleanor was well and truly gone from him and would never come back, he started having gambling parties and threw himself into what seemed the most unsavory crowds possible.
“Almost monthly the deterioration of the village and the house were seen by those both within and without, and there was worry that His Lordship was going to do either himself or his daughter a harm with all the goings-on. Year in and year out he ran further and further into debt with his creditors and gambling pals. It got to a point where, when the young girl turned twenty, he had become so drunk and debauched at one of his parties, he auctioned her off to the highest bidder to try and ease the noose around his neck.”
Mrs. Whitloe shook her head. “It was a sad state of affairs that night, I can tell you. A runner came from the house to let us know at the Parrish that His Lordship had finally gone round the bend, that his daughter had been forced to flee for her very virtue and life, and that in a fit of despair and horror, he had hung himself and crashed through the glass at the top of the stairs in the main hallway.”
Glancing up, she found that her audience was now weeping into her napkin, and Lord Emberton looked fit to be tied. “Did I say something amiss? I do apologize for oversetting you, my dear Miss Campbell. I don’t know where my mind went. I do like a good story, but I should have known that it would have upset you, as you’re still obviously tired from your journey.”
“Mrs. Whitloe, you will have to excuse me,” Emily said quietly. “I’m not used to hearing my father’s exploits bandied about so openly. I think I need to lay down for the rest of the evening. Thank you for an – educational evening.” With every ounce of dignity, she got up slowly and left the table, leaving a horrified-looking Mrs. Whitloe, and a very angry-looking Anthony.
Rushing through the house, Emily’s vision blurred with tears. She could still hear Mrs. Whitloe’s words ringing in her ears, and could not seem to keep a sob from erupting from between her lips. Her hand fisted into her mouth to keep from making further noise, and she hurried to her chambers at the end of the far hallway, the ghosts of horrors gone by nipping at her heels.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
What will I get for Christmas?
![]() | Here's What Merripan Will Get for Christmas! | ![]() |
Anxiety will get you an eggplant ... buy why?. | ||
Speedboy will get you half a jar of salsa. | ||
Gypsy Fae will get you A Real 'Get Out of Jail Free' card. | ||
Lilith will get you a petrified fetus. | ||
fred will get you your own death certificate. | ||
'What Will you Get for Christmas?' at |
Update - I spent WHA...?!
So, yesterday I decided to do a little shopping for myself. I had some money left over after paying for bills and going Yule shopping, so I figured that I would go out and do some clothes shopping for myself - especially since the last money I'd had to go shopping with had ended up going to bills instead - which sucked ass.
I ended up spending around $300 on myself - and got 2 pairs of pants, 3 sweaters, two cartigan button downs, 1 slinky top, 2 velvet burn-out tops, one velour top, a button-down purple shirt and a see-through cream-colored shirt - oh, and 3 new bras, since apparently my band size hasn't changed, but my CUP size has. grrrr. I'm now a DDD. scary.
I went to Avenue first, and got the bras, a sweater, the slinky top, a velour top, the see-through shirt, one of the cartigans, and the two pairs of pants. That was $192 - AFTER my discount...
I then headed over to Target and got the other cartigan, 2 more sweaters, the burn-out tops, and the button-down purple shirt. That was $115.
The really cool thing? All of them look really good together, which is nice.
The amusing part? I just got the "holiday bonus" at work, which is two $25 gift certificates to Target. ROFL! Which means I'm just gonna have to go back and get more stuff that I had wanted, but resisted because I wasn't wanting to pay THAT much...
I also picked up 3 shirts for Speedboy for his pj's, and a little something for Fred at Marshall's. I also got the present I needed for the secret santa thingy here at work while I was there.
Amazingly enough, I still have a little money left over! Wow! I'm impressed. And proud of myself. I actually gritted my teeth and went out and shopped, following some of the body style rules that the "What Not To Wear" team has placed for heavier-set women - and it worked. The only thing I didn't conform to was shoes - but that's because my feet just don't like kitten heels with pointy toes from PayLess - and I won't pay $100+ on a pair of shoes when I don't have that much to spend on them. But that's ok. I actually have my boobs up where they're supposed to be, my waist is emphasized where IT'S supposed to be, and I seem taller-looking.
So - there's 7 days til Christmas, and I'm counting down. I can't wait til Fred and Speedboy open their prezzies and sees what I got for them. I'm so excited. That's really the big thing for me on Christmas. It's nice to get given gifts, but I'm ever so much more excited about GIVING them and seeing the people's reactions of them.
I ended up spending around $300 on myself - and got 2 pairs of pants, 3 sweaters, two cartigan button downs, 1 slinky top, 2 velvet burn-out tops, one velour top, a button-down purple shirt and a see-through cream-colored shirt - oh, and 3 new bras, since apparently my band size hasn't changed, but my CUP size has. grrrr. I'm now a DDD. scary.
I went to Avenue first, and got the bras, a sweater, the slinky top, a velour top, the see-through shirt, one of the cartigans, and the two pairs of pants. That was $192 - AFTER my discount...
I then headed over to Target and got the other cartigan, 2 more sweaters, the burn-out tops, and the button-down purple shirt. That was $115.
The really cool thing? All of them look really good together, which is nice.
The amusing part? I just got the "holiday bonus" at work, which is two $25 gift certificates to Target. ROFL! Which means I'm just gonna have to go back and get more stuff that I had wanted, but resisted because I wasn't wanting to pay THAT much...
I also picked up 3 shirts for Speedboy for his pj's, and a little something for Fred at Marshall's. I also got the present I needed for the secret santa thingy here at work while I was there.
Amazingly enough, I still have a little money left over! Wow! I'm impressed. And proud of myself. I actually gritted my teeth and went out and shopped, following some of the body style rules that the "What Not To Wear" team has placed for heavier-set women - and it worked. The only thing I didn't conform to was shoes - but that's because my feet just don't like kitten heels with pointy toes from PayLess - and I won't pay $100+ on a pair of shoes when I don't have that much to spend on them. But that's ok. I actually have my boobs up where they're supposed to be, my waist is emphasized where IT'S supposed to be, and I seem taller-looking.
So - there's 7 days til Christmas, and I'm counting down. I can't wait til Fred and Speedboy open their prezzies and sees what I got for them. I'm so excited. That's really the big thing for me on Christmas. It's nice to get given gifts, but I'm ever so much more excited about GIVING them and seeing the people's reactions of them.
Story Time!
So, I have been working on this gothic thing for about a week or so... I'm wanting your opinion on how well it's going, so here's the Preface and chapter 1... I'll be posting more as I get them done...
There wasn’t a cloud in the Devonshire sky as the carriage whirred past at a moderate pace. Three horses followed along behind, keeping up a steady, but quick pace. A woman in blue, flanked by two men dressed in livery of the same color, trimmed with silver. A few tendrils of hair were escaping the knot at the base of her head, and flew behind her in flaming disregard of any sort of proper order. Her hat, which had been previously set at a jaunty angle, was now dangerously leaning to one side, and ready to fly at a moment’s notice.
The three of them rode along the carriage route set before them, following the ribbon of brown along the fields and into the town of BrambleBriar, then out again without stopping or slowing, urging their horses onward toward the manor house that the town was named for, just three miles down the road. The lady leaned forward in anticipation, happy at last to reach her destination. Her horse surged ahead of her two companions with little urging, feeling the happiness from his mistress and wishing also to be able to at last rest.
With that one urging, the hat, so precariously perched, now launched itself across the field and into a nearby bramble patch. The woman didn’t notice, too intent upon the vision now in front of her – the manor was brought into view as she reached the summit of a hill, and she looked down upon a lovely visage of it. A pond was off to one side, just peaking out from behind it, and there was a large stand of trees framing a beautiful garden on the other side of it. The front of the house was protected from any winds by a stand of tall trees, which stood sentinel on either side of the main driveway and down into the turnaround.
Riding up the drive, she was struck by the sudden realization that, while beautiful, this was a very lonely spot – sunken into a bowl with hills all around it, and no other houses in sight. The fields were terraced, and seemed to be filled with a number of different crops. She had stopped at the top of the hill, and shaded her eyes, looking down onto the scene below. All seemed very quiet and normal – quaint, even. Very different from the last time she’d been here… When she’d been forced to ride like the very hounds of hell had been after her. So long ago… So very, very long ago. She shuddered, then headed down the hill toward BrambleBriar once more.
Chapter 1
Several hands came up to grasp the horse’s heads as she rode up to the front door. The carriage had already been drawn around to the side of the house, and she urged her horse toward the servants’ entrance as well. A hand on the reins stopped her from moving forward. She looked down and saw a large, firm fist filled with leather, leading up to strong shoulders, set under a handsome head.
She blinked, then attempted half-heartedly to wrestle the reins back from him. He grinned up at her, then deftly took the reins completely away from her. She sat there, helpless as he led the horse to the dismounting steps by the front of the house, then held his hand out for her to grasp as she dismounted from her side-saddle.
“It was good of you to come, Miss Campbell,” he said, his voice rolling over her like warmed chocolate, rich and dark.
“I hardly felt as though I had a choice, my lord. You said it was most urgent, that my great-aunt needed me most desperately.” She glanced up at him, trying to gauge whether he’d been serious, or if it had been a rouse to get her there, alone.
“I was not exaggerating. She is most unwell, and will most likely not be able to live out the rest of this month, if Doctor Wellesly is any judge. I’m… grateful that you came. You’re presence here will ease her until she goes.” He looked into her eyes, capturing her gaze for a moment before she looked down quickly.
“Lord Emberton, I will be here for as long as is needed – however, I feel that I must let you know immediately that I am not here willingly. Nor will I stay here beyond my great-aunt’s passing. It was good of you to take her in after - everything. You were very kind, and I feel that I will never truly be able to repay you for your generosity. However, I cannot forget what happened here five years past, and I will not remain.”
“Of course, I… understand completely. Have you a chaperone with you, Miss Campbell?”
“No, my lord. One was not available to take with me on such short notice. I shall be staying in the bedroom next to my great-aunt, if that is acceptable to you.”
“Indeed. I took the liberty of having the rooms aired out for your arrival. I received your response several days ago. I will have a runner head to the village and meet with the vicar’s wife. She is of a matronly age, and can set well the duties of a chaperone for you during your visit. If that is acceptable to you, of course?”
“If it will make you feel more comfortable, then by all means. I do not plan to venture out of the suite you’ve made available to Aunt Sophie and me during my stay here.”
“You will dine at least once a day outside of those rooms, Miss Campbell. Please consider it a – request, if not an order. I do not wish to see you cooped up forever, and I have found that the life of a country lord is rather dull most days.” He smiled at her, hoping to find one in kind. She pursed her lips together in annoyance, instead.
“Fine, my lord.” She turned toward the door abruptly and started up the stairs. “If I may please be escorted to my rooms.”
He bowed, and held out his arm to her. Placing her arm under his, he led her into the darkness that was the front hallway, and into her immediate future, as unknown as the deepest depths of the sea.
She smelled beeswax and lemon, and as her eyes adjusted to the gloom of the front room, she saw a huge stained glass window at the top of the stairs, dominating the hall. Her eyes filled with tears as she remembered that the last time she’d been here, the window had been plain – but broken completely through. She rapidly blinked her eyes and focused again on the subject matter, to find that it was a mermaid on a rock – completely nude from the waist up, covered only by her long, wavy red curls. She could feel the blush start under her chemise, and tried to cover it up by looking at other parts of the front room.
Lord Emberton led her up the stairs and toward the west side of the house, overlooking the pond. Down the hallway filled with antiques she recognized from when she’d lived there, she followed quietly until they reached the room with a ewer and basin setting out front.
He quietly knocked on the door, and a somber-faced woman answered the door. Backing away, she allowed the both of them into a cheery-looking room. Flowers were everywhere, and the windows were open to let in the warm spring breeze. An old woman, graceful even at her advanced age, lay in the bed, sitting up and sipping broth quietly. She looked up and saw the two standing there, and broke into a smile.
“Dearest Emily! I’m so glad you were able to make it here,” she said quietly, her arms outstretched to greet the red-headed visitor.
Emily quickly disengaged herself from his lordship and hurried forward, eyes only for her aunt. Settling down gently next to her, she was hugged gently, then her hands were held in paper-dry, thin ones.
“My dear aunt. I hope that I find you well,” she said, looking worriedly into her aunt’s laughing green-gray eyes. “Are you well?”
Chuckling, her aunt sighed, then sipped daintily again from her soup. “According to the doctor, I’m to have strict bed-rest. I had a dizzy spell a few weeks ago. Wellesly thinks it’s my heart. I told him my heart was fine, and I need more exercise, but he won’t hear of it. Thinks that I need to be kept calm. Ha!” She plunked her spoon down and gazed at her niece. “Still, I’m glad that you came. You need to put to rest the ghosts that still walk here – the memories in your head. Emmy, dear, you need to move on and find yourself someone to be with, and not be alone.”
Emily caught her breath in her throat, and swallowed. “I shan’t be alone now. I have you.” She smiled softly, and cupped a hand in hers.
“Anthony, have you ever heard such nonsense – a young woman, of marriageable age, preferring the company of an old, dried out woman to a desirable young man?” She looked past Emily’s shoulder at his lordship, who smiled.
“My dear lady, who would ever want the company of someone other than yourself, when you’re so incredibly engaging?” She tittered, and he smiled at her. Looking over at Emily, his smiled faded. “I shall leave the two of you alone, then. I’m glad you came, Miss Campbell. It means the world.” He closed the door slowly, catching one last glimpse of Emily’s red head bent forward to listen intently to Sophie’s words.
There wasn’t a cloud in the Devonshire sky as the carriage whirred past at a moderate pace. Three horses followed along behind, keeping up a steady, but quick pace. A woman in blue, flanked by two men dressed in livery of the same color, trimmed with silver. A few tendrils of hair were escaping the knot at the base of her head, and flew behind her in flaming disregard of any sort of proper order. Her hat, which had been previously set at a jaunty angle, was now dangerously leaning to one side, and ready to fly at a moment’s notice.
The three of them rode along the carriage route set before them, following the ribbon of brown along the fields and into the town of BrambleBriar, then out again without stopping or slowing, urging their horses onward toward the manor house that the town was named for, just three miles down the road. The lady leaned forward in anticipation, happy at last to reach her destination. Her horse surged ahead of her two companions with little urging, feeling the happiness from his mistress and wishing also to be able to at last rest.
With that one urging, the hat, so precariously perched, now launched itself across the field and into a nearby bramble patch. The woman didn’t notice, too intent upon the vision now in front of her – the manor was brought into view as she reached the summit of a hill, and she looked down upon a lovely visage of it. A pond was off to one side, just peaking out from behind it, and there was a large stand of trees framing a beautiful garden on the other side of it. The front of the house was protected from any winds by a stand of tall trees, which stood sentinel on either side of the main driveway and down into the turnaround.
Riding up the drive, she was struck by the sudden realization that, while beautiful, this was a very lonely spot – sunken into a bowl with hills all around it, and no other houses in sight. The fields were terraced, and seemed to be filled with a number of different crops. She had stopped at the top of the hill, and shaded her eyes, looking down onto the scene below. All seemed very quiet and normal – quaint, even. Very different from the last time she’d been here… When she’d been forced to ride like the very hounds of hell had been after her. So long ago… So very, very long ago. She shuddered, then headed down the hill toward BrambleBriar once more.
Several hands came up to grasp the horse’s heads as she rode up to the front door. The carriage had already been drawn around to the side of the house, and she urged her horse toward the servants’ entrance as well. A hand on the reins stopped her from moving forward. She looked down and saw a large, firm fist filled with leather, leading up to strong shoulders, set under a handsome head.
She blinked, then attempted half-heartedly to wrestle the reins back from him. He grinned up at her, then deftly took the reins completely away from her. She sat there, helpless as he led the horse to the dismounting steps by the front of the house, then held his hand out for her to grasp as she dismounted from her side-saddle.
“It was good of you to come, Miss Campbell,” he said, his voice rolling over her like warmed chocolate, rich and dark.
“I hardly felt as though I had a choice, my lord. You said it was most urgent, that my great-aunt needed me most desperately.” She glanced up at him, trying to gauge whether he’d been serious, or if it had been a rouse to get her there, alone.
“I was not exaggerating. She is most unwell, and will most likely not be able to live out the rest of this month, if Doctor Wellesly is any judge. I’m… grateful that you came. You’re presence here will ease her until she goes.” He looked into her eyes, capturing her gaze for a moment before she looked down quickly.
“Lord Emberton, I will be here for as long as is needed – however, I feel that I must let you know immediately that I am not here willingly. Nor will I stay here beyond my great-aunt’s passing. It was good of you to take her in after - everything. You were very kind, and I feel that I will never truly be able to repay you for your generosity. However, I cannot forget what happened here five years past, and I will not remain.”
“Of course, I… understand completely. Have you a chaperone with you, Miss Campbell?”
“No, my lord. One was not available to take with me on such short notice. I shall be staying in the bedroom next to my great-aunt, if that is acceptable to you.”
“Indeed. I took the liberty of having the rooms aired out for your arrival. I received your response several days ago. I will have a runner head to the village and meet with the vicar’s wife. She is of a matronly age, and can set well the duties of a chaperone for you during your visit. If that is acceptable to you, of course?”
“If it will make you feel more comfortable, then by all means. I do not plan to venture out of the suite you’ve made available to Aunt Sophie and me during my stay here.”
“You will dine at least once a day outside of those rooms, Miss Campbell. Please consider it a – request, if not an order. I do not wish to see you cooped up forever, and I have found that the life of a country lord is rather dull most days.” He smiled at her, hoping to find one in kind. She pursed her lips together in annoyance, instead.
“Fine, my lord.” She turned toward the door abruptly and started up the stairs. “If I may please be escorted to my rooms.”
He bowed, and held out his arm to her. Placing her arm under his, he led her into the darkness that was the front hallway, and into her immediate future, as unknown as the deepest depths of the sea.
She smelled beeswax and lemon, and as her eyes adjusted to the gloom of the front room, she saw a huge stained glass window at the top of the stairs, dominating the hall. Her eyes filled with tears as she remembered that the last time she’d been here, the window had been plain – but broken completely through. She rapidly blinked her eyes and focused again on the subject matter, to find that it was a mermaid on a rock – completely nude from the waist up, covered only by her long, wavy red curls. She could feel the blush start under her chemise, and tried to cover it up by looking at other parts of the front room.
Lord Emberton led her up the stairs and toward the west side of the house, overlooking the pond. Down the hallway filled with antiques she recognized from when she’d lived there, she followed quietly until they reached the room with a ewer and basin setting out front.
He quietly knocked on the door, and a somber-faced woman answered the door. Backing away, she allowed the both of them into a cheery-looking room. Flowers were everywhere, and the windows were open to let in the warm spring breeze. An old woman, graceful even at her advanced age, lay in the bed, sitting up and sipping broth quietly. She looked up and saw the two standing there, and broke into a smile.
“Dearest Emily! I’m so glad you were able to make it here,” she said quietly, her arms outstretched to greet the red-headed visitor.
Emily quickly disengaged herself from his lordship and hurried forward, eyes only for her aunt. Settling down gently next to her, she was hugged gently, then her hands were held in paper-dry, thin ones.
“My dear aunt. I hope that I find you well,” she said, looking worriedly into her aunt’s laughing green-gray eyes. “Are you well?”
Chuckling, her aunt sighed, then sipped daintily again from her soup. “According to the doctor, I’m to have strict bed-rest. I had a dizzy spell a few weeks ago. Wellesly thinks it’s my heart. I told him my heart was fine, and I need more exercise, but he won’t hear of it. Thinks that I need to be kept calm. Ha!” She plunked her spoon down and gazed at her niece. “Still, I’m glad that you came. You need to put to rest the ghosts that still walk here – the memories in your head. Emmy, dear, you need to move on and find yourself someone to be with, and not be alone.”
Emily caught her breath in her throat, and swallowed. “I shan’t be alone now. I have you.” She smiled softly, and cupped a hand in hers.
“Anthony, have you ever heard such nonsense – a young woman, of marriageable age, preferring the company of an old, dried out woman to a desirable young man?” She looked past Emily’s shoulder at his lordship, who smiled.
“My dear lady, who would ever want the company of someone other than yourself, when you’re so incredibly engaging?” She tittered, and he smiled at her. Looking over at Emily, his smiled faded. “I shall leave the two of you alone, then. I’m glad you came, Miss Campbell. It means the world.” He closed the door slowly, catching one last glimpse of Emily’s red head bent forward to listen intently to Sophie’s words.
Monday, December 18, 2006
General updating...
So, our tree is up - a beautiful 6 foot noble fir (I *adore* nobles - they look the best for all my dangly ornaments), and last night we all got christmasy and decorated it.
Fred did all his wrapping last night - at least all the wrapping for all the gifts that he's gotten. I'd done some wrapping, so those got put out, too. I also did all the wrapping for Speedboy, who is making out like the proverbial bandit this year! I've gotten him 2 pairs of flannel pajama pants, a black and red flame shirt (soon to be delivered via USPS), a pair of flame pajama pants (also soon to be delivered via USPS), strength-training grippers, an electronic sudoku puzzle game, 4 books (the first 3 in the Pern series, and the first of the Xanth novels), and Fred and I both got all the stuff to create an aquarium for a little frog that I'll let Speedboy pick out himself. Fred's gotten him weights, 7 figures from Pirates of the Carribean 2, a box of his own 3-pack pirouline's, and some other things which I can't remember now because I just woke up. LOL. His mum is getting him a wi-fi for his Nintendo DS, and a gift card for Target so we can get him some new clothes.
Fred's making out like a bandit as well, though as he reads my blog, I'm not going to post all the things here - that would spoil the surprises. LOL. I know that Fred's gotten me a few things, too. Christmas this year is actually going to be a really good one for presents, since Fred had an extra $100 to play around with since he quit smoking. *smiles* I think *that's* the best Yuletide present as far as I'm concerned. I'm so proud of him. He's been through some rough patches, but hasn't gone back, and that's really important, and really something to be proud of - it's hard to quit smoking, especially when you've done it for so long. So, good on Fred for being so strong!
Today I do a bit of shopping for myself... I'm heading to Avenue to pick up some new bra's, possibly a new pair of pants, and some sweaters and shirts for work. I really need new clothes, and I just can't wait any longer to get them. SO - since I know that my presents do NOT include new clothing for me, I'm heading out... I was supposed to go with Bishy, but she had job interviews to go to. Yay for Bishy! So, I am thinking loads of good thoughts for her so she can stop stressing about it.
I'm also ordering the rings today, which we got sized for the other evening. I apparently have lost a little more weight in my fingers, and instead of a 10, I'm a 9. Who knew?! Fred, however, apparently gained a size due to knuckle damage, so is an 11. At least we were smart enough to get sized prior to ordering. :-)
Fred did all his wrapping last night - at least all the wrapping for all the gifts that he's gotten. I'd done some wrapping, so those got put out, too. I also did all the wrapping for Speedboy, who is making out like the proverbial bandit this year! I've gotten him 2 pairs of flannel pajama pants, a black and red flame shirt (soon to be delivered via USPS), a pair of flame pajama pants (also soon to be delivered via USPS), strength-training grippers, an electronic sudoku puzzle game, 4 books (the first 3 in the Pern series, and the first of the Xanth novels), and Fred and I both got all the stuff to create an aquarium for a little frog that I'll let Speedboy pick out himself. Fred's gotten him weights, 7 figures from Pirates of the Carribean 2, a box of his own 3-pack pirouline's, and some other things which I can't remember now because I just woke up. LOL. His mum is getting him a wi-fi for his Nintendo DS, and a gift card for Target so we can get him some new clothes.
Fred's making out like a bandit as well, though as he reads my blog, I'm not going to post all the things here - that would spoil the surprises. LOL. I know that Fred's gotten me a few things, too. Christmas this year is actually going to be a really good one for presents, since Fred had an extra $100 to play around with since he quit smoking. *smiles* I think *that's* the best Yuletide present as far as I'm concerned. I'm so proud of him. He's been through some rough patches, but hasn't gone back, and that's really important, and really something to be proud of - it's hard to quit smoking, especially when you've done it for so long. So, good on Fred for being so strong!
Today I do a bit of shopping for myself... I'm heading to Avenue to pick up some new bra's, possibly a new pair of pants, and some sweaters and shirts for work. I really need new clothes, and I just can't wait any longer to get them. SO - since I know that my presents do NOT include new clothing for me, I'm heading out... I was supposed to go with Bishy, but she had job interviews to go to. Yay for Bishy! So, I am thinking loads of good thoughts for her so she can stop stressing about it.
I'm also ordering the rings today, which we got sized for the other evening. I apparently have lost a little more weight in my fingers, and instead of a 10, I'm a 9. Who knew?! Fred, however, apparently gained a size due to knuckle damage, so is an 11. At least we were smart enough to get sized prior to ordering. :-)
Thursday, December 14, 2006
So, I decided to start another story... We'll see how it goes. So far, it reads like a gothic victorian romance novel, which is exactly what I wanted. I also decided to take a day away from sewing to give my carpal tunnel a rest. Somehow, in the midst of one of my last cleaning spurts, I threw out the gloves and wrist braces for it - so I have to go and buy new ones. *sigh*
Just got a call here at work from a woman who needed to verify vaccination information on a pet. It's fairly common for it to happen. The amusing point was that I told her the pet had been vaccinated for Rabies in 2005, and it was good for 3 years... She had trouble figuring out when it expired... *le sigh*
We have many such special people who call in. They don't understand one (or more) things about when they call us... For instance, if you're a hospital in our network, give us the hospital number, so we know... Don't just launch into everything, because we'll just end up stopping you, asking for the number, and then have you repeat everything anyway. Saves both of us hassle and bother. Another thing, our lost and found pet service is located in Oregon. Don't expect us to trot our happy butts down to Texas to pick up a pet just because we only have one phone number for it's owner and the phone number is disconnected. We won't. Don't get snide and pissy at us, either. It won't help and neither will we.
I get to move desks today. I sort of liked the one I was in, but apparently I need to be moved. So be it. *sigh* That's ok - I'm slowly getting together everything I need on a daily basis... I really need to be given about 5 days to simply re-vamp all the information so that it's easily found, and easily understood - you know, just like a *real* procedure guide would be. Ugh. It won't happen, but it would be nice...
Currently the weather is the worst of my day... The rest is just petty annoyances that I can deal with. We hates the rain! Hates it! Especially when we have to walks through it. HATES THE WETNESS!!! There's supposed to be 50 mph winds this afternoon and evening, which should make going home extra specially fun for both Fred AND me.
Tomorrow is the big holiday party here at the hospital. They're going to be doing a raffle for stuff. I've been eyeballing some of it. The pot and pan set and the knife set would be nice to have... Then I can get rid of / put into camp gear all the other stuff. Other stuff that they have is directly for small children, of which Fred and I have none - but most of the other people have a lot of (or grandkids, either way). I'm hoping they'll leave the pots and pans and nifty stuff to moi. Greedy, I am. ;-)
So - my new desk is slowly getting eaten by a travelling philodendron... It seems to wish to engulf the top shelf, and is intent on also encroaching on my neighbor. I like that they have REAL plants here, I will say. I have this overwhelming urge to petition them to also install a very large aquarium so that there can be some live fishies to watch, too...
I also need to review how a cat's internal organs are supposed to be... Shady has a really solid lump in her abdomen, and I'm worried that it's not supposed to be there... I'm afraid that it may be an obstruction in her intestines or something, which would explain why she's not gaining weight, and not always eating... *sigh* Thankfully, as I work at the hospital, I have the resources available to check up on what I should and should NOT be feeling when I check her.
We get our christmas tree today - makes me happy. I get to go home and trim the tree and have hot cocoa (maybe - if I feel industrious), and afterwards - who knows... Perhaps Santa Fred will have a prezzie just for me under the tree... Tee hee!
In any case, that's about all the excitement wandering around in my life...
Just got a call here at work from a woman who needed to verify vaccination information on a pet. It's fairly common for it to happen. The amusing point was that I told her the pet had been vaccinated for Rabies in 2005, and it was good for 3 years... She had trouble figuring out when it expired... *le sigh*
We have many such special people who call in. They don't understand one (or more) things about when they call us... For instance, if you're a hospital in our network, give us the hospital number, so we know... Don't just launch into everything, because we'll just end up stopping you, asking for the number, and then have you repeat everything anyway. Saves both of us hassle and bother. Another thing, our lost and found pet service is located in Oregon. Don't expect us to trot our happy butts down to Texas to pick up a pet just because we only have one phone number for it's owner and the phone number is disconnected. We won't. Don't get snide and pissy at us, either. It won't help and neither will we.
I get to move desks today. I sort of liked the one I was in, but apparently I need to be moved. So be it. *sigh* That's ok - I'm slowly getting together everything I need on a daily basis... I really need to be given about 5 days to simply re-vamp all the information so that it's easily found, and easily understood - you know, just like a *real* procedure guide would be. Ugh. It won't happen, but it would be nice...
Currently the weather is the worst of my day... The rest is just petty annoyances that I can deal with. We hates the rain! Hates it! Especially when we have to walks through it. HATES THE WETNESS!!! There's supposed to be 50 mph winds this afternoon and evening, which should make going home extra specially fun for both Fred AND me.
Tomorrow is the big holiday party here at the hospital. They're going to be doing a raffle for stuff. I've been eyeballing some of it. The pot and pan set and the knife set would be nice to have... Then I can get rid of / put into camp gear all the other stuff. Other stuff that they have is directly for small children, of which Fred and I have none - but most of the other people have a lot of (or grandkids, either way). I'm hoping they'll leave the pots and pans and nifty stuff to moi. Greedy, I am. ;-)
So - my new desk is slowly getting eaten by a travelling philodendron... It seems to wish to engulf the top shelf, and is intent on also encroaching on my neighbor. I like that they have REAL plants here, I will say. I have this overwhelming urge to petition them to also install a very large aquarium so that there can be some live fishies to watch, too...
I also need to review how a cat's internal organs are supposed to be... Shady has a really solid lump in her abdomen, and I'm worried that it's not supposed to be there... I'm afraid that it may be an obstruction in her intestines or something, which would explain why she's not gaining weight, and not always eating... *sigh* Thankfully, as I work at the hospital, I have the resources available to check up on what I should and should NOT be feeling when I check her.
We get our christmas tree today - makes me happy. I get to go home and trim the tree and have hot cocoa (maybe - if I feel industrious), and afterwards - who knows... Perhaps Santa Fred will have a prezzie just for me under the tree... Tee hee!
In any case, that's about all the excitement wandering around in my life...
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Saw this and had to laugh!
I'm in your hobby! Pimpin' your stuff!
This would be the text message I just got from Fred... LOL. The history of this was my failure at the Artisan Fair here at work. I got ONE person to purchase a bookmark that I made, and everyone else gave pretty platitudes and headed off in another direction.
So - Fred started talking with the ladies on the bus he rides home with all the time. They decided they'd like to look at said bookmarks and see whether they'd like to purchase any of them... I came home to find myself $23 richer last night. And there's another $10 coming to me today from another of the ladies. Also, another gal who was over last night to visit wants to purchase a bookmark, so that would be another $10...
And Fred's new Igor (assistant) is now interested in purchasing one. Apparently they're more popular than I had originally thought - I just needed to find people who actually *read*. *chuckle*
So - Fred started talking with the ladies on the bus he rides home with all the time. They decided they'd like to look at said bookmarks and see whether they'd like to purchase any of them... I came home to find myself $23 richer last night. And there's another $10 coming to me today from another of the ladies. Also, another gal who was over last night to visit wants to purchase a bookmark, so that would be another $10...
And Fred's new Igor (assistant) is now interested in purchasing one. Apparently they're more popular than I had originally thought - I just needed to find people who actually *read*. *chuckle*
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Loki Loves Me!
I originally heard this song at an SCA event a Loooooonnnnnggggg time ago - since then, whenever I end up having one of *those* days, it wanders through my head and I have to giggle. I found it again on Lil's cosmic central page... Hope it cheers you up, too!
Loki Loves Me
Loki loves me this I know,
For last night he told me so.
Little minions march along,
Drive you crazy with this song.
(chorus--sing between each verse)
Yes, Loki loves me
Yes, Loki loves me
Yes, Loki loves me
Last night he told me so
In the circle I did say
Loki send some luck my way
Great big smile all I did see
He said he'd come visit me
Monday morning, I woke up
Found piss in my coffee cup
Dung upon the kitchen floor
Slipped on it right through the door
Tuesday morning I arose
Found matchsticks between my toes
Loki's smile was nice and bright
"Hey there bud, you got a light?"
Wednesday when I went to work
Loki in my office lurked
Heard my secretary scream
"Oh, my GOD that's so obscene!"
Thursday morn, when I was gone
Loki mowed the neighbor's lawn
Even though the job was free
I found out he's sueing me
Friday when my grandma came
I though I would go insane
Found her tied up to my bed
Great big smile and damn near dead!
Saturday I went to lunch
With that same ol' black tie bunch
Loki came with as my guest
Insulted most and f**ked the rest
Sunday morn, a peaceful dawn
I looked around, was Loki gone?
A note upon my kitchen door
Read "Buy more beer, I'll go get Thor!"
Loki Loves Me
Loki loves me this I know,
For last night he told me so.
Little minions march along,
Drive you crazy with this song.
(chorus--sing between each verse)
Yes, Loki loves me
Yes, Loki loves me
Yes, Loki loves me
Last night he told me so
In the circle I did say
Loki send some luck my way
Great big smile all I did see
He said he'd come visit me
Monday morning, I woke up
Found piss in my coffee cup
Dung upon the kitchen floor
Slipped on it right through the door
Tuesday morning I arose
Found matchsticks between my toes
Loki's smile was nice and bright
"Hey there bud, you got a light?"
Wednesday when I went to work
Loki in my office lurked
Heard my secretary scream
"Oh, my GOD that's so obscene!"
Thursday morn, when I was gone
Loki mowed the neighbor's lawn
Even though the job was free
I found out he's sueing me
Friday when my grandma came
I though I would go insane
Found her tied up to my bed
Great big smile and damn near dead!
Saturday I went to lunch
With that same ol' black tie bunch
Loki came with as my guest
Insulted most and f**ked the rest
Sunday morn, a peaceful dawn
I looked around, was Loki gone?
A note upon my kitchen door
Read "Buy more beer, I'll go get Thor!"
Quiz time!...
Because Fred did it... and apparently I'm a little more joyful than he is - but his pic is prettier (at least, I think so...):
What do your eyes behold? {Beautiful pictures in results.}

Your eyes behold joy.
Your eyes are full of happiness and love. You are satisfied with yourself and almost everything going on around you. If something is going wrong you try to fix it the best way you can and if that doesn't work, you try to move on.
What do your eyes behold? {Beautiful pictures in results.}

Your eyes behold joy.
Your eyes are full of happiness and love. You are satisfied with yourself and almost everything going on around you. If something is going wrong you try to fix it the best way you can and if that doesn't work, you try to move on.
When someone looks into your eyes they can't help but smile.
Take this quiz!
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Monday, December 11, 2006
The Party!!! and the morning after...
I think it went off swimmingly - and not just because we had bi-valves and sea bugs galore, but because they turned out oh, so tasty, and there was plenty to eat - AND there were plenty of people to sit and talk to for the evening.
I woke up yesterday and immediately started picking crab and making my crab and avocado salad (which wound up on wheat thins and eaten by the bushel). I then relaxed for a bit and chatted with Ally and Fae. It was a really pleasant day of puttering around the kitchen getting things ready. I marinated peeled shrimp in Paul Newman's Parmesan and Garlic salad dressing for a few hours, then took the ham I purchased and wrapped them, skewered them with a toothpick, and baked them for about 10 minutes in a 375 degree oven. They turned out OH! so nummy.
Made devilled eggs, with chives and a mild dosing of horseradish. They were, as usual, gone in a flash...
I also had picked through all the mussels and clams and made sure what I had was alive vs dead. I then took leeks and chopped them up, lay them on the bottom of a large roasting pan with some garlic, and fried up the chorizo to lay over that... The clams and mussels went over it, white wine and dill was over THAT, and then the whole thing was popped into the oven at 400 degress to steam until done.
I re-heated the rest of the crab in some water with Old Bay seasoning in it, and served up what shrimp was NOT skewered as a scampi - which went over REALLY well. I also did bay scallops in butter and fresh sage. NUM.
Like I said - LOTS of food, and lots of people. The clams and mussels came out mildly spicy and quite tasty - we had a HUGE bowl of them (you know the large mixing bowls you can get at the store, the ones that you look at and think "that would work for a trough for popcorn"? Yeah, one of THOSE bowls) and there was still lots left over later.
There was, in fact, so much food that I totally spaced serving up the dessert that Lil purchased for us all (BAD MERRIPAN!). So, I still have two pies, a pumpkin and a marionberry, to eat... Not to mention the chocolate and vanilla ice cream.
After everyone left, Ally called some other friends over, and we sat chatting for a while longer. Fred had to go to bed at 9-ish, as he had to wake up for work this morning, so I stayed up til around midnight, and then went to bed.
This morning, I woke up to have the immediate question from Speedboy as to whether the clams and mussels were still good (what was left had been sitting out all night). I said no, which caused him to trot back into his room and remove them from his lunch. I have found that Speedboy takes the easiest route when it comes to packing his lunches, and when thwarted, he's then at a loss as to what to pack. He stood there for several seconds just staring at the kitchen, not doing anything, until I told him to make a sandwich for lunch. He then asked if he could take soda to school (we've gone over this several times - after his behavior significantly deteriorated in school when I purchased soda for him, we told him no more soda - period - for school). Further, the soda was not mine to give permission to take with him. So, I had to tell him no, which then caused him to sulk on the edge of his bed until he was due to leave for school. I swear...
So, now I sit here, contemplating what I should eat for breakfast, and not looking forward to the upcoming fight with the laundry, which needs to happen today as I am out of pants and undies. *sigh*
I woke up yesterday and immediately started picking crab and making my crab and avocado salad (which wound up on wheat thins and eaten by the bushel). I then relaxed for a bit and chatted with Ally and Fae. It was a really pleasant day of puttering around the kitchen getting things ready. I marinated peeled shrimp in Paul Newman's Parmesan and Garlic salad dressing for a few hours, then took the ham I purchased and wrapped them, skewered them with a toothpick, and baked them for about 10 minutes in a 375 degree oven. They turned out OH! so nummy.
Made devilled eggs, with chives and a mild dosing of horseradish. They were, as usual, gone in a flash...
I also had picked through all the mussels and clams and made sure what I had was alive vs dead. I then took leeks and chopped them up, lay them on the bottom of a large roasting pan with some garlic, and fried up the chorizo to lay over that... The clams and mussels went over it, white wine and dill was over THAT, and then the whole thing was popped into the oven at 400 degress to steam until done.
I re-heated the rest of the crab in some water with Old Bay seasoning in it, and served up what shrimp was NOT skewered as a scampi - which went over REALLY well. I also did bay scallops in butter and fresh sage. NUM.
Like I said - LOTS of food, and lots of people. The clams and mussels came out mildly spicy and quite tasty - we had a HUGE bowl of them (you know the large mixing bowls you can get at the store, the ones that you look at and think "that would work for a trough for popcorn"? Yeah, one of THOSE bowls) and there was still lots left over later.
There was, in fact, so much food that I totally spaced serving up the dessert that Lil purchased for us all (BAD MERRIPAN!). So, I still have two pies, a pumpkin and a marionberry, to eat... Not to mention the chocolate and vanilla ice cream.
After everyone left, Ally called some other friends over, and we sat chatting for a while longer. Fred had to go to bed at 9-ish, as he had to wake up for work this morning, so I stayed up til around midnight, and then went to bed.
This morning, I woke up to have the immediate question from Speedboy as to whether the clams and mussels were still good (what was left had been sitting out all night). I said no, which caused him to trot back into his room and remove them from his lunch. I have found that Speedboy takes the easiest route when it comes to packing his lunches, and when thwarted, he's then at a loss as to what to pack. He stood there for several seconds just staring at the kitchen, not doing anything, until I told him to make a sandwich for lunch. He then asked if he could take soda to school (we've gone over this several times - after his behavior significantly deteriorated in school when I purchased soda for him, we told him no more soda - period - for school). Further, the soda was not mine to give permission to take with him. So, I had to tell him no, which then caused him to sulk on the edge of his bed until he was due to leave for school. I swear...
So, now I sit here, contemplating what I should eat for breakfast, and not looking forward to the upcoming fight with the laundry, which needs to happen today as I am out of pants and undies. *sigh*
culinary arts,
General Mayhem,
Personal Angst
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Getting ready for it...
Yesterday was amusing, though probably more for me than for Lil. See, I'm having this party on Sunday, which involves various large quantities of seafood, and tasty foodstuffs... And Lil had graciously offered to tootle me around town in order to get said various foodstuffs - as long as I got to her house by around 10 am.
So, Friday morning found me waking up fairly early (For me, on a day off) and tootling across town on Tri-Met to meet her at her house... Only to find that no one was up yet.
I settled down into the house for about 10 minutes, being trod upon by various felines wandering through the front room, demanding attention. Jen came over from next door, as she'd heard me come by and was curious as to whom it was. It was then I found out that poor Lil had just gone to bed about an hour before.
Jen and I headed back over to her house next door and chatted for a while. I'd left my phone at Lil's, and apparently it tipped off the girls, both Angst and Anxiety, that their Auntie was by for a visit, and they came next door and piled onto me. About two hours later, I decided it was time to at least find out whether Lil and I were heading out for shopping or not. Anxiety went up and apparently the conversation was as follows:
Anxiety: "mummy -"
Lil: "What?"
A: "Mummy, I think you forgot something."
L: "Oh gods! What did I forget?"
A: "[auntie]..."
L: "Oh shit."
Anxiety returned and relayed that message to us, which we all giggled about for a bit, and then Lil came by with a mug of coffee and a wan look on her face. Turns out, working on yule gifties for people has managed to mess with her whole sleep schedule. She's not been a very happy camper this whole week.
We waited until she was somewhat awake, then headed out the door and over to Pacific Seafood, where I picked up about 5 lbs worth of mussels and about 5.5 lbs worth of butter clams. I would have picked up crawfish, but they didn't have any that were cheap (at least, not as far as I was concerned). They gave me a discount because I dropped that I was doing catering, and the amount I purchased was indicative of doing a party. LOL. Lil's face, as I was discussing this whole thing with the gal who was helping us, was priceless. Then she gave us the discount, and Lil's face was even MORE priceless. Bwa ha ha ha. It's good to know a chef when shopping for seafood.
We then headed to WinCo, where I went forth and purchased about 2 lb's of bay scallops and 4 dungeoness crabs (had them clean 'em - it's easier), shrimp, prucchiuto, and about 3 lbs of chorizo. I also got lots of garlic, 3 avocados, some leeks, chives, dill and sage, wheat thins, soda, breadsticks, and Lil got 2 kinds of pie. I forgot the whipped cream, but that's ok - I can pick some up tonight along with the crab boil stuff. Tonight I'm pickin' crab, and mixing up the crab salad for the hors d'hovres... crab and avocado with garlic, lemon and a little dill. Num!
Tomorrow will be a lot of cooking - but there's not much I can do tonight, except for the crab salad, and perhaps cleaning the leeks. Tomorrow I'll be deep frying up leek rings, prepping the clams, mussels and crab, getting the onions and potatoes ready, frying up the chorizo and adding it to everything, then doing a big ol' steam in the oven with everything in there, frying up the scallops with leeks and butter with a little sage and chive, and then watch everyone DIVE in.
I love feeding my friends. *giggle*
Tonight, I do get a really good thing - Fae and Ally are coming down, and I get a ride home (Yay me!) with their wonderful company (REALLY yay me!). I think we'll have about 10 people there for the dinner. Still haven't heard about Lyse, GD or Kyla, so I don't know whether they're coming or not... I'll plan on 10, though. I think we'll have enough food for everyone.
So, Friday morning found me waking up fairly early (For me, on a day off) and tootling across town on Tri-Met to meet her at her house... Only to find that no one was up yet.
I settled down into the house for about 10 minutes, being trod upon by various felines wandering through the front room, demanding attention. Jen came over from next door, as she'd heard me come by and was curious as to whom it was. It was then I found out that poor Lil had just gone to bed about an hour before.
Jen and I headed back over to her house next door and chatted for a while. I'd left my phone at Lil's, and apparently it tipped off the girls, both Angst and Anxiety, that their Auntie was by for a visit, and they came next door and piled onto me. About two hours later, I decided it was time to at least find out whether Lil and I were heading out for shopping or not. Anxiety went up and apparently the conversation was as follows:
Anxiety: "mummy -"
Lil: "What?"
A: "Mummy, I think you forgot something."
L: "Oh gods! What did I forget?"
A: "[auntie]..."
L: "Oh shit."
Anxiety returned and relayed that message to us, which we all giggled about for a bit, and then Lil came by with a mug of coffee and a wan look on her face. Turns out, working on yule gifties for people has managed to mess with her whole sleep schedule. She's not been a very happy camper this whole week.
We waited until she was somewhat awake, then headed out the door and over to Pacific Seafood, where I picked up about 5 lbs worth of mussels and about 5.5 lbs worth of butter clams. I would have picked up crawfish, but they didn't have any that were cheap (at least, not as far as I was concerned). They gave me a discount because I dropped that I was doing catering, and the amount I purchased was indicative of doing a party. LOL. Lil's face, as I was discussing this whole thing with the gal who was helping us, was priceless. Then she gave us the discount, and Lil's face was even MORE priceless. Bwa ha ha ha. It's good to know a chef when shopping for seafood.
We then headed to WinCo, where I went forth and purchased about 2 lb's of bay scallops and 4 dungeoness crabs (had them clean 'em - it's easier), shrimp, prucchiuto, and about 3 lbs of chorizo. I also got lots of garlic, 3 avocados, some leeks, chives, dill and sage, wheat thins, soda, breadsticks, and Lil got 2 kinds of pie. I forgot the whipped cream, but that's ok - I can pick some up tonight along with the crab boil stuff. Tonight I'm pickin' crab, and mixing up the crab salad for the hors d'hovres... crab and avocado with garlic, lemon and a little dill. Num!
Tomorrow will be a lot of cooking - but there's not much I can do tonight, except for the crab salad, and perhaps cleaning the leeks. Tomorrow I'll be deep frying up leek rings, prepping the clams, mussels and crab, getting the onions and potatoes ready, frying up the chorizo and adding it to everything, then doing a big ol' steam in the oven with everything in there, frying up the scallops with leeks and butter with a little sage and chive, and then watch everyone DIVE in.
I love feeding my friends. *giggle*
Tonight, I do get a really good thing - Fae and Ally are coming down, and I get a ride home (Yay me!) with their wonderful company (REALLY yay me!). I think we'll have about 10 people there for the dinner. Still haven't heard about Lyse, GD or Kyla, so I don't know whether they're coming or not... I'll plan on 10, though. I think we'll have enough food for everyone.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
How old am I?
Interesting to find out - I answered them all as honestly as I could - and got within a few years of how old I actually am...
You Are 35 Years Old |
![]() Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
Monday, December 04, 2006
Day off? HA! I don't THINK so.
Today I get to make creme puff pastries laced with orange zest and a little flavoring... Then I get to work more on beadwork, and a sign specifically stating that my work is NOT all here, and if they want something in specific, they can ask for custom-work and I can get it to them within a few days of ordering (normally), depending on my order volume. Payment upon delivery, NOT upon ordering, thank you.
I also need to run to the bank and deposit the rent into Fred's account, and get a booklet of receipts to use at the show...
Yesterday I *SHOULD* have been working. I feel guilty about it, but instead I hung out with Mishu all day. I hadn't seen her in a few weeks, and we both needed to just chill... Also, in the midst of everything yesterday, we got the new couch AND Fred had a troupe meeting for Pyrophelia (Mishu and I snarked about it most of the entire meeting, and for several hours afterwards)...
I'm just barely awake. I'm figuring if I don't sleep at all from now until Thursday, I should have a decent amount of product to lay out for sale... I'm totally nuts.
I also need to run to the bank and deposit the rent into Fred's account, and get a booklet of receipts to use at the show...
Yesterday I *SHOULD* have been working. I feel guilty about it, but instead I hung out with Mishu all day. I hadn't seen her in a few weeks, and we both needed to just chill... Also, in the midst of everything yesterday, we got the new couch AND Fred had a troupe meeting for Pyrophelia (Mishu and I snarked about it most of the entire meeting, and for several hours afterwards)...
I'm just barely awake. I'm figuring if I don't sleep at all from now until Thursday, I should have a decent amount of product to lay out for sale... I'm totally nuts.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Witches Weekly
So, I am needing to come up with new questions for my Witches Weekly updates... I don't always come up with the best questions, so if there's something that you want to have discussed, religious-wise, please let me know. I will post the question here on a week-by-week basis, and put in my answer as well. If you want to chime in on the discussion, by all means, feel free. You can either link your response page into my comments section, or respond there.
Your faith doesn't *have* to be wiccan/pagan to participate, either. Many religions have similar questions that should be explored, and I highly encourage everyone, regardless of faith, join in on discussions based on an open-minded opinion and the idea that it's not just ONE religion that is right... :-)
In that spirit, actually - here's a question for this week:
Does questioning your religion make you less faithful, or less true to your religion? Does utilizing ideas from other religions mean you are less true to the path you've chosen?
Personally, I don't think that it does. This goes straight back to the premise of "Only one religion is right and true and good"... NOT.
I actually welcome honest and open questions about my faith, and I will openly discuss what I feel with the person asking - as long as they understand that this is *my* personal feelings, not anyone else under the heading of "pagan".
There are always rules or premises, no matter what situation or religion, that cause followers issues - at least, those with two or more brain cells to rub together. Following blindly and brainlessly along is not something that is normally human nature - we question things, and in so doing, learn the answer. Whether we like it or not is another matter entirely.
Questioning one's faith has been happening since we pretty much figured out what faith was... Who hasn't thought about why we have death, what happens afterwards, whether it was fair or not, and what's going to happen to US...
There are several ways that religious leaders have justified certain mysteries throughout the years...
There's the "mysterious" way - "God/higher power/Gozer works in mysterious ways - we must simply accept it and move forward."
This attitude always bothered me, because it made me feel like I should put blinders on and not think about the fact that my best friend Zenoth has just died, and darn it, it wasn't fair - after all, he'd owed me money...
There's the "Smite" way - "God/higher power/Gozer saw that Zenoth was doing a bad thing, and therefore took his life - be careful that YOU don't do the same."
This attitude ALSO bothered me... Zenoth may have owed me money, but he wasn't a bad person - just bad with finances. He was good to his children, his wives, and had a good working relationship with his friends and neighbors... Does that mean that if I'm better, I get to live forever? Makes no sense.
There's the "righteous" way - "God/higher power/Gozer saw that Zenoth was righteous and decided to bring him up early, to help God/higher power/Gozer in the afterlife."
Mighty white of God/higher power/Gozer to do - what about his family? Who would take care of them? I mean, if God/higher power/Gozer is so busy that he has to take my friend up to help him out with processing, that means he certainly can't take time out to help Zenoth's family... And where does that leave me? And my family and friends?
There used to be no real way for us to answer the question "why death"... Even now, with all of our medical advances, all we can answer is what CAUSED death, not necessarily why we die. We certainly can't answer what happens after death, since (even if we DO believe in reincarnation) we can't remember what happened prior to birth.
We can't answer that question, but we can discuss differing opinions - and not just on "why death". We can openly and honestly discuss what we feel to be right based upon our own personal beliefs - this is neither a right or wrong answer, it's just a discussion of what *could* be.
If there's something that someone brings up that makes a good point, I can file it away for later mulling over in my own time. If there's something that someone brings up that I don't necessarily agree with, I can question why they believe it - not so they can justify it, but so that it can be explained. Perhaps I didn't understand it in the way they first said it - perhaps I did - either way, it allows everyone the ability to have a forum wherein they can look at their own beliefs, as well as others, and see what can work for them and what can't.
Many people, I know, have a distinct distaste for this more "buffet-style" religion, but it's worked for me so far... I don't go out of my way to specifically hurt people, if I do hurt people, I try and make ammends, and I attempt each day to make the world a little better than it was the day before, if only by smiling at someone I normally wouldn't have.
I don't feel that there should be an issue with a Catholic deciding to add some Buddhist beliefs to his tray, or a Muslim adding a pinch of Tao-ism... Why not? If it works within your personal ideals and beliefs, and doesn't hurt anyone in the process, then what's the big deal?
Bottom line on religion for me: If it fits, use it. If it doesn't, kick it to the curb and try again.
Your faith doesn't *have* to be wiccan/pagan to participate, either. Many religions have similar questions that should be explored, and I highly encourage everyone, regardless of faith, join in on discussions based on an open-minded opinion and the idea that it's not just ONE religion that is right... :-)
In that spirit, actually - here's a question for this week:
Does questioning your religion make you less faithful, or less true to your religion? Does utilizing ideas from other religions mean you are less true to the path you've chosen?
Personally, I don't think that it does. This goes straight back to the premise of "Only one religion is right and true and good"... NOT.
I actually welcome honest and open questions about my faith, and I will openly discuss what I feel with the person asking - as long as they understand that this is *my* personal feelings, not anyone else under the heading of "pagan".
There are always rules or premises, no matter what situation or religion, that cause followers issues - at least, those with two or more brain cells to rub together. Following blindly and brainlessly along is not something that is normally human nature - we question things, and in so doing, learn the answer. Whether we like it or not is another matter entirely.
Questioning one's faith has been happening since we pretty much figured out what faith was... Who hasn't thought about why we have death, what happens afterwards, whether it was fair or not, and what's going to happen to US...
There are several ways that religious leaders have justified certain mysteries throughout the years...
There's the "mysterious" way - "God/higher power/Gozer works in mysterious ways - we must simply accept it and move forward."
This attitude always bothered me, because it made me feel like I should put blinders on and not think about the fact that my best friend Zenoth has just died, and darn it, it wasn't fair - after all, he'd owed me money...
There's the "Smite" way - "God/higher power/Gozer saw that Zenoth was doing a bad thing, and therefore took his life - be careful that YOU don't do the same."
This attitude ALSO bothered me... Zenoth may have owed me money, but he wasn't a bad person - just bad with finances. He was good to his children, his wives, and had a good working relationship with his friends and neighbors... Does that mean that if I'm better, I get to live forever? Makes no sense.
There's the "righteous" way - "God/higher power/Gozer saw that Zenoth was righteous and decided to bring him up early, to help God/higher power/Gozer in the afterlife."
Mighty white of God/higher power/Gozer to do - what about his family? Who would take care of them? I mean, if God/higher power/Gozer is so busy that he has to take my friend up to help him out with processing, that means he certainly can't take time out to help Zenoth's family... And where does that leave me? And my family and friends?
There used to be no real way for us to answer the question "why death"... Even now, with all of our medical advances, all we can answer is what CAUSED death, not necessarily why we die. We certainly can't answer what happens after death, since (even if we DO believe in reincarnation) we can't remember what happened prior to birth.
We can't answer that question, but we can discuss differing opinions - and not just on "why death". We can openly and honestly discuss what we feel to be right based upon our own personal beliefs - this is neither a right or wrong answer, it's just a discussion of what *could* be.
If there's something that someone brings up that makes a good point, I can file it away for later mulling over in my own time. If there's something that someone brings up that I don't necessarily agree with, I can question why they believe it - not so they can justify it, but so that it can be explained. Perhaps I didn't understand it in the way they first said it - perhaps I did - either way, it allows everyone the ability to have a forum wherein they can look at their own beliefs, as well as others, and see what can work for them and what can't.
Many people, I know, have a distinct distaste for this more "buffet-style" religion, but it's worked for me so far... I don't go out of my way to specifically hurt people, if I do hurt people, I try and make ammends, and I attempt each day to make the world a little better than it was the day before, if only by smiling at someone I normally wouldn't have.
I don't feel that there should be an issue with a Catholic deciding to add some Buddhist beliefs to his tray, or a Muslim adding a pinch of Tao-ism... Why not? If it works within your personal ideals and beliefs, and doesn't hurt anyone in the process, then what's the big deal?
Bottom line on religion for me: If it fits, use it. If it doesn't, kick it to the curb and try again.
Friday, December 01, 2006
2 steps forward, 3 steps back...
At least, that's what it *feels* like at work. I know that it's not, and I know that I'm doing ok - it's just that I'm doing 2 jobs and neither of them are really clear at times... A lot of what we end up doing is work-arounds for the software, because it was designed to do things in a "perfect" world, and it doesn't always work out that way.
I've been trying to work on building a training manual, which is difficult if not impossible because of all the different nuances within the software that the hospitals use - and the different things which may occur that would cause us to do adjustments... It's incredible that they have all of this documentation, but none of it is really set up properly into a manual, and they don't have a training class or plan of action for it...
In talking with a co-worker of mine (the gal who trained me, actually) I learned that she and I think about the same way - that the call center should really be divided into three separate parts: Client Service, Hospital Service, and Collections Service. Further, everyone needs to have Client Service under their belt before they move to Hospital Service. Collections is kind of an entity unto themselves - they should have training on the other two, but only in an emergency, as they only do overflow.
In addition to changing the way the call center has worked from when Donna started, the powers that be also decided to change the wellness plans and what was and was not included... not everyone in the hospitals has gotten that little memo - or if they have, they blanked out the new information and end up getting upset about the change. Grr.
I'm going to re-design the whole training manual, and base it on the two separate parts that I normally deal with... Then I'm going to present them to the call center heads and ask that they look them over as a proposed training aid. If they like it, perhaps that will mean that I get off the phones faster...
Yes, I'm getting burned out of working at call centers. Hey, it was bound to happen after 8 years. *sigh* I wasn't every really looking to make being an inbound rep a life career goal. I'm just hoping and praying that I will do some really fabulous things with this manual so that I can get people excited and interested.
In other news... I haven't gotten anyone able to help me out on Thursday, which sucks ass... So, I will be transporting everything a little at a time so that I can be here with everything by the time Thursday rolls around. I'm going to be baking as well as selling jewelry. The baked goods will most likely be puff pastries filled with cream - I'm going to flavor them with a bit of orange and honey. Num.
BTW, if you would like something special for your loved one for the holidays, and you know he or she likes jewelry, keep me in mind. I do custom orders, and can send pics of what I have made as examples of what I do. Seed bead jewelry is delicate and looks rather like lace...
I have one hour left here at work, and then I get to go grocery shopping for necessities for the house. We really need bread, so that's pretty much first on the list. LOL. Got a pretty decent paycheck today, so that's good too.
I *DID* get a phone call from Sallie Mae again - apparently the deferral payment that they were supposed to process today declined... WTF? I got paid today - I checked this morning when I woke up. So, I called them back, and they tried to tell me that yes, it had declined. I said it was impossible, as I got paid today and had over $600 in my bank account at that moment - unless, of course, they'd run the payment PRIOR to me getting paid. And as it's a direct deposit, that would mean they'd run it YESTERDAY. There was a pause, and then they asked for my card # again. They ran it and - lo and behold - it went through just fine. Asshats.
So, all in all not a bad day - just not stellar. I'm going to have to have a stellar weekend, just to make up for it. LOL.
I've been trying to work on building a training manual, which is difficult if not impossible because of all the different nuances within the software that the hospitals use - and the different things which may occur that would cause us to do adjustments... It's incredible that they have all of this documentation, but none of it is really set up properly into a manual, and they don't have a training class or plan of action for it...
In talking with a co-worker of mine (the gal who trained me, actually) I learned that she and I think about the same way - that the call center should really be divided into three separate parts: Client Service, Hospital Service, and Collections Service. Further, everyone needs to have Client Service under their belt before they move to Hospital Service. Collections is kind of an entity unto themselves - they should have training on the other two, but only in an emergency, as they only do overflow.
In addition to changing the way the call center has worked from when Donna started, the powers that be also decided to change the wellness plans and what was and was not included... not everyone in the hospitals has gotten that little memo - or if they have, they blanked out the new information and end up getting upset about the change. Grr.
I'm going to re-design the whole training manual, and base it on the two separate parts that I normally deal with... Then I'm going to present them to the call center heads and ask that they look them over as a proposed training aid. If they like it, perhaps that will mean that I get off the phones faster...
Yes, I'm getting burned out of working at call centers. Hey, it was bound to happen after 8 years. *sigh* I wasn't every really looking to make being an inbound rep a life career goal. I'm just hoping and praying that I will do some really fabulous things with this manual so that I can get people excited and interested.
In other news... I haven't gotten anyone able to help me out on Thursday, which sucks ass... So, I will be transporting everything a little at a time so that I can be here with everything by the time Thursday rolls around. I'm going to be baking as well as selling jewelry. The baked goods will most likely be puff pastries filled with cream - I'm going to flavor them with a bit of orange and honey. Num.
BTW, if you would like something special for your loved one for the holidays, and you know he or she likes jewelry, keep me in mind. I do custom orders, and can send pics of what I have made as examples of what I do. Seed bead jewelry is delicate and looks rather like lace...
I have one hour left here at work, and then I get to go grocery shopping for necessities for the house. We really need bread, so that's pretty much first on the list. LOL. Got a pretty decent paycheck today, so that's good too.
I *DID* get a phone call from Sallie Mae again - apparently the deferral payment that they were supposed to process today declined... WTF? I got paid today - I checked this morning when I woke up. So, I called them back, and they tried to tell me that yes, it had declined. I said it was impossible, as I got paid today and had over $600 in my bank account at that moment - unless, of course, they'd run the payment PRIOR to me getting paid. And as it's a direct deposit, that would mean they'd run it YESTERDAY. There was a pause, and then they asked for my card # again. They ran it and - lo and behold - it went through just fine. Asshats.
So, all in all not a bad day - just not stellar. I'm going to have to have a stellar weekend, just to make up for it. LOL.
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