Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I'm in your hobby! Pimpin' your stuff!

This would be the text message I just got from Fred... LOL. The history of this was my failure at the Artisan Fair here at work. I got ONE person to purchase a bookmark that I made, and everyone else gave pretty platitudes and headed off in another direction.

So - Fred started talking with the ladies on the bus he rides home with all the time. They decided they'd like to look at said bookmarks and see whether they'd like to purchase any of them... I came home to find myself $23 richer last night. And there's another $10 coming to me today from another of the ladies. Also, another gal who was over last night to visit wants to purchase a bookmark, so that would be another $10...

And Fred's new Igor (assistant) is now interested in purchasing one. Apparently they're more popular than I had originally thought - I just needed to find people who actually *read*. *chuckle*


1 comment:

Jeanne S said...

Reading is gud! *grin*