Apparently, I'm a right-winged, Evangelical Christian. Did you know that? I had no idea - apparently it snuck up on me when I wasn't looking. I hate it when that happens. Always makes me feel kind of wonky when my religious faith is suddenly changed with no warning. *chortle*
Seriously, folks... According to the Pedophile who spawned Absolute Zero's boycott of, those of us who feel that pedophelia is wrong rank right up there with Jimmy Swaggert and the OCA.
We slander, create libelous statements, and put together witch-hunts against these people, and oppress them every chance we get - and why? Because we believe that the law was written by, and voted into being by, a few hundred-thousand people who felt that children cannot always make the right decisions about sex and relationships, and therefore should not engage in relationships with those who may possibly use a child's mis-understanding of "sex vs relationships" against them - and inso doing, cause major psychological damage... Not to mention the physical harm that can occur.
Per, Slander and Libel have to do with "the communication of a statement that makes a false claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may harm the reputation of an individual, business, product, group, government or nation... If the offending material is published in some fleeting form, as by spoken words or sounds, sign language, gestures and the like, then this is slander. If it is published in more durable form, for example in written words, film, compact disc and the like, then it is considered libel."
Interestingly, "§230(c) states that “that no provider or user of an interactive computer shall be treated as a publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider,” thereby providing forums immunity for statements provided by third parties."
Additionally, "Truth is an absolute defense in the United States as well as Canada. In some other countries it is also necessary to show a benefit to the public good in having the information brought to light... Opinion is a defense recognized in nearly every jurisdiction. If the allegedly defamatory assertion is an expression of opinion rather than a statement of fact, defamation claims usually cannot be brought because opinions are inherently not falsifiable. However, some jurisdictions decline to recognize any legal distinction between fact and opinion. The United States Supreme Court, in particular, has ruled that the First Amendment does not require recognition of an opinion privilege."
It's all very interesting, and legal-based, and if you're interested in looking at whether or not what's printed on my site is libel or slander, please feel free. However - I don't believe that I am guilty of either based on the law.
You see, I'm repeating a lot of what this guy has already admitted to. The fact that he's admitted to being a pedophile. The fact that he's admitted to looking for relationships with boys between the ages of 14 and 18. The fact that he's not pleased with Canada raising it's legal age of consent to 16, and wants to continue relationships with boys below that age after that law goes into effect. The fact that the book that he has published was turned down by no less than 5 other publishers because of its content and that at least 3 of them turned it down stating that it was ILLEGAL TO PRINT because of the content. These are things that he has already admitted to and stated himself It's the fact that I don't agree with it, and don't like it, and want to do something about his behavior that makes me "bad".
Of course, this could just be my own point of view. Certainly, there are those who consider me a horrible person because I'm an ecclectic Wiccan/Pagan (whatever you want to label it) who has worked in the porn industry - and still DOES work in the porn industry on occasion - and who actually *gasps* openly admits to being bi and liking men as well as women. There are those who think I should burn in hell for having gay and lesbian friends, and for supporting the same-sex marriage ideas... There are those who consider me awful because I got a divorce, have admitted to having been raped and molested when I was younger and talk about it, and who is currently allowing my step-son to learn about all different religions rather than a single one.
This, of course, is your opinion. But this is me. It's who I am - and my choices, beliefs, and actions are mine to own up to. I try my best not to hurt those who do not have a voice, but instead give a voice to them so that they can be heard. Even if you *could* convince me, somehow (most likely with a LOT of drugs and brainwashing) that pedophelia was ok and that there are those who would treat children well, there are still more people out there who would NOT - and that's what the laws are there for.
Laws are there to protect the majority of those in its confines - and while it is not perfect, it is there, nonetheless. We can either abide by them, understanding that those laws were made for a purpose, or live in anarchy and struggle to survive each day without representation or rights.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
It's the year of the Fire Pig!
Merripan IS:

The strength of Tigers makes them dynamic and courageous. Outspoken on every subject, they are still tolerant and sensitive to the opinions of others. Kind to their fellows, Tigers can be short-tempered if they don't get their way. The Tiger balances between the passions and demands of the outside world and the comfort and inwardness of home. They tend to be philosophers with great intellect and think most about themselves and their families. Protecting their interests and loved ones to the utmost, they are generous with their love and affection.
Tigers are fighters. They fight not only with the outside world, they also spar with themselves. They are always seeking the balance between their search for inner and outer peace on the one hand, and their career-driven mind on the other. They will walk through a fire for the right cause, and are not afraid to appear rebellious when they believe in ideas that go against the majority. Tigers will support everything and everyone they choose -- in love, career, friends, etc. As friends, colleagues and lovers, they are loyal to the death … and even after. People admire the stripes of the tiger, their look and their talents, but are always a bit on edge with them, as one never knows exactly how a Tiger will react.
When Tigers are enthusiastic about a project, they will make it succeed … and attract supporters. They will find investors for whatever they promote. Let them rule the game and money will come. They are not always the greatest students, but their intensity makes them great managers and directors. Their charisma will also attract many fans when they are artists or performers. A Tiger's money is easily spent on the latest fashions. If you want to know what is hot today, you better call a Tiger! They will spend money in the most elegant boutiques or at the flee market as long as it is trendy to do so. But in the marketplace as elsewhere, Tigers want to be treated fairly. They will pay only what in their minds is the right price.
The Tiger woman enjoys the game of love and passion and is always full of life. She dives into romance fast and will marry quickly, too. She is only happy with her partner if the relationship allows her plenty of freedom, if she is able to hold the reins when it comes to decisions … and if you are willing to follow her lead. Tiger women have great character and are generally very joyful. If you love a Tiger woman, make sure you have plenty of energy and personal power, because she can't stand depressed or tired people. Mutual effervescence will inspire life-long partnership with the passionate tigress.
Famous Tigers:
Sir David Attenborough
Tom Berenger
Tom Cruise
Leonardo DiCaprio
Emily Dickinson
Isadora Duncan
Roberta Flack
Jodie Foster
Sir Alec Guiness
Hugh Hefner
William Hurt
Marilyn Monroe
Demi Moore
Lionel Ritchie
Kenny Rogers
H.G. Wells
Stevie Wonder
Natalie Wood
Frederick The Reckless IS:

Determined when he or she wants something, the Rat will work hard to get it. Rats are also very conscious and measured around money. But under their calm, charming veneer, aggression may be lurking. The Rat uses intellectual power for critical decision-making and is a mastermind when it comes to small details. Practical, but sometimes lacking vision and courage, the Rat can block his or her success because of greed and conservatism. Inner fear makes Rats unpredictable -- so don't let their charm fool you.
The Rat survives in ways no other signs does. He always finds a way to get out of trouble, as he applies his mind to every detail. Perfectionist as the Rat tends to be, it is hard to stay friends with a Rat for very long. Rats have great insights and are very telepathic, but in the end they may be lonely … because the Rat never completely trusts anyone. They create magic when they love you but become paranoid and suspicious when they stop trusting you.
The Rat has one goal: to be very successful. Rats will look their whole life for the recognition they claim to deserve. They can invest all their money and effort into something valiant but then fail because they get too detail oriented and lose sight of the big picture. The smallest little thing can distract a Rat. However, their charm may be enough to get them through any rough patch ... and enable them to survive with little money. Rats make great bankers, sales people, politicians and software specialists.
This man loves the good life. His ideal form of pleasure involves a harem and sumptuous food at all times. Using his vast charm, the Rat man approaches love as an extended practice session until he finds the ideal mate ... which of course he never does. Don't let his generosity fool you -- it's usually self-serving. But toward the end of his life, one partner will settle down a Rat man ... someone who at least comes close to his ideal. When a Rat becomes a father, he teaches everything he knows to his children.
Famous Rats:
Louis Armstrong
Marlon Brando
Hugh Grant
Charlton Heston
Gene Kelly
Glenda Jackson
Kris Kristofferson
Sean Penn
Burt Reynolds
Olivia Newton-John
Donna Summer
Andrew Lloyd Webber
Kim Wilde

The strength of Tigers makes them dynamic and courageous. Outspoken on every subject, they are still tolerant and sensitive to the opinions of others. Kind to their fellows, Tigers can be short-tempered if they don't get their way. The Tiger balances between the passions and demands of the outside world and the comfort and inwardness of home. They tend to be philosophers with great intellect and think most about themselves and their families. Protecting their interests and loved ones to the utmost, they are generous with their love and affection.
Tigers are fighters. They fight not only with the outside world, they also spar with themselves. They are always seeking the balance between their search for inner and outer peace on the one hand, and their career-driven mind on the other. They will walk through a fire for the right cause, and are not afraid to appear rebellious when they believe in ideas that go against the majority. Tigers will support everything and everyone they choose -- in love, career, friends, etc. As friends, colleagues and lovers, they are loyal to the death … and even after. People admire the stripes of the tiger, their look and their talents, but are always a bit on edge with them, as one never knows exactly how a Tiger will react.
When Tigers are enthusiastic about a project, they will make it succeed … and attract supporters. They will find investors for whatever they promote. Let them rule the game and money will come. They are not always the greatest students, but their intensity makes them great managers and directors. Their charisma will also attract many fans when they are artists or performers. A Tiger's money is easily spent on the latest fashions. If you want to know what is hot today, you better call a Tiger! They will spend money in the most elegant boutiques or at the flee market as long as it is trendy to do so. But in the marketplace as elsewhere, Tigers want to be treated fairly. They will pay only what in their minds is the right price.
The Tiger woman enjoys the game of love and passion and is always full of life. She dives into romance fast and will marry quickly, too. She is only happy with her partner if the relationship allows her plenty of freedom, if she is able to hold the reins when it comes to decisions … and if you are willing to follow her lead. Tiger women have great character and are generally very joyful. If you love a Tiger woman, make sure you have plenty of energy and personal power, because she can't stand depressed or tired people. Mutual effervescence will inspire life-long partnership with the passionate tigress.
Famous Tigers:
Sir David Attenborough
Tom Berenger
Tom Cruise
Leonardo DiCaprio
Emily Dickinson
Isadora Duncan
Roberta Flack
Jodie Foster
Sir Alec Guiness
Hugh Hefner
William Hurt
Marilyn Monroe
Demi Moore
Lionel Ritchie
Kenny Rogers
H.G. Wells
Stevie Wonder
Natalie Wood
Frederick The Reckless IS:

Determined when he or she wants something, the Rat will work hard to get it. Rats are also very conscious and measured around money. But under their calm, charming veneer, aggression may be lurking. The Rat uses intellectual power for critical decision-making and is a mastermind when it comes to small details. Practical, but sometimes lacking vision and courage, the Rat can block his or her success because of greed and conservatism. Inner fear makes Rats unpredictable -- so don't let their charm fool you.
The Rat survives in ways no other signs does. He always finds a way to get out of trouble, as he applies his mind to every detail. Perfectionist as the Rat tends to be, it is hard to stay friends with a Rat for very long. Rats have great insights and are very telepathic, but in the end they may be lonely … because the Rat never completely trusts anyone. They create magic when they love you but become paranoid and suspicious when they stop trusting you.
The Rat has one goal: to be very successful. Rats will look their whole life for the recognition they claim to deserve. They can invest all their money and effort into something valiant but then fail because they get too detail oriented and lose sight of the big picture. The smallest little thing can distract a Rat. However, their charm may be enough to get them through any rough patch ... and enable them to survive with little money. Rats make great bankers, sales people, politicians and software specialists.
This man loves the good life. His ideal form of pleasure involves a harem and sumptuous food at all times. Using his vast charm, the Rat man approaches love as an extended practice session until he finds the ideal mate ... which of course he never does. Don't let his generosity fool you -- it's usually self-serving. But toward the end of his life, one partner will settle down a Rat man ... someone who at least comes close to his ideal. When a Rat becomes a father, he teaches everything he knows to his children.
Famous Rats:
Louis Armstrong
Marlon Brando
Hugh Grant
Charlton Heston
Gene Kelly
Glenda Jackson
Kris Kristofferson
Sean Penn
Burt Reynolds
Olivia Newton-John
Donna Summer
Andrew Lloyd Webber
Kim Wilde
Happy Birthday Mishu!!!
In the spirit of birthdays all over, and since she was OH SO awesome to remember mine and set up such the best surprise party ever...

Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi
May everything you've ever needed show up for you, and may all your dreams to come be good!
Happy birthday to my younger self!

Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi
May everything you've ever needed show up for you, and may all your dreams to come be good!
Happy birthday to my younger self!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Not again!!!
And back to the doctor I go today. Yippee skippy... I swear, I never want to do this ever again. I don't want to deal with doctors, hospitals, urgent care centers, or emergency rooms... I especially don't want to deal with insurance companies (specifically MINE), or paperwork that my company is going to be making me fill out since I've been out more than 3 days (apparently I get to fill out "personal leave" paperwork because of it)...
Why am I going back, you ask? Well, suffice to say that there are times when a female dislikes taking antibiotics - INTENSELY - due to the possible side effects. This would be one of those times... I'm not going to go into more detail than that. Those who already know what I'm talking about can imagine what I'm going through. Those who haven't experienced it, or who don't know what I'm talking about, thank your respective dieties.
Oh, and apparently there's somthing at the office here that I seem to have issues with - my headache immediately got worse within an hour of being here, and I started sneezing and stuff... I'm really getting tired of this, and am unamused that my body seems to think that this is a perfect time to screw my paycheck over.
Thinking good thoughts...
Why am I going back, you ask? Well, suffice to say that there are times when a female dislikes taking antibiotics - INTENSELY - due to the possible side effects. This would be one of those times... I'm not going to go into more detail than that. Those who already know what I'm talking about can imagine what I'm going through. Those who haven't experienced it, or who don't know what I'm talking about, thank your respective dieties.
Oh, and apparently there's somthing at the office here that I seem to have issues with - my headache immediately got worse within an hour of being here, and I started sneezing and stuff... I'm really getting tired of this, and am unamused that my body seems to think that this is a perfect time to screw my paycheck over.
Thinking good thoughts...
General Mayhem,
Girlie issues,
Personal Angst
Monday, February 26, 2007
I'm still recovering from Saturday night... It probably doesn't help that I'm a caffiend, and haven't had a lot, but still... Holy...!
You see, apparently I can miss people's deviousness, much to my chagrin and (in this case) pleasure.
As I'd blogged earlier, my birthday was on the 20th, and we went out to Mandarin Palace so I could have my free birthday drink and hang out. I then decided that it would probably be a good idea to have those who weren't able to join me on Tuesday due to work to come by on Saturday night, as it was the 1 year anniversary of the Palace, and would be a pretty grand time all around anyway.
Unbeknownst to me, Mishu already had plans... 3 weeks earlier, she'd gotten a list of all my friends that I'd like to have invited to such things as my wedding shower and bachelorette party. From me. Unwittingly, I'd handed her the golden key to create a surprise birthday party for me.
She called everyone on the list, and had everything set up - only to panic when I posted about the 1 year anniversary of the Palace and going. Fred (who normally cannot keep a secret to save his soul when it comes to birthdays) calmed her down, saying that everything was fine, that since I was planning on being there, to simply go ahead as planned.
Fred had insisted on going late to dinner, around 8-ish. I didn't think anything of it. In fact, it made some sense in my brain - get dinner, then go into the bar and immediately start singing. Lil and Kyla showed up and had dinner with us as well, and brought pressies. Apparently, I chose exactly the *right* chair, as I completely missed Mishu coming in and out of the bar looking for Lil no less than 3 times. LOL.
I was momentarily stalled in the foyer of the restaurant asking whether Kyla and Lil were going to join Fred and I, and then Fred popped his head in and said that Mishu was there. I walked in, along with Lil and Kyla, and was completely floored.
They'd sectioned off a corner for the group, and had brought a cake, and a tiara for me, and presents... It was totally awesome, and I was completely surprised. Even Ang' and Slasher showed up, which was awesome. Slasher's one of my friends from the "bad old days", and is a great guy. I'm glad I got to see his spiky-ness.
I got lots of pressies as well, something again, I wasn't really expecting. Lil got me a beautiful pair of silver filagree earrings, and a dreamcatcher keyring. Geoffrey (who unfortunatly couldn't make it due to a cold) drew me a hedgie bursting out of a cake, and Kyla got me bath stuffs. Yay!
Mishu got me a copy of "Love Actually", a beautiful silver wedding photo album, and a set of 4 scented candles (I can make everyone hungry without cooking!). I had totally forgotten to mention in my last birthday post that Fred had also gotten me two beautiful hair clips - one a silver and leather knotwork clip, and the other a silver knotwork hair bun thingie.
I also entered the Karaoke contest and got 2nd place, which earned me a $25 gift certificate to the Palace. There were t-shirts and stuff galore to be had as well - Fred and I made out like bandits.
I also ended up getting a LOT of drinks... Some guy decided to buy me a shot of whatever - so I shotgunned Irish Cream. I'd already had a cosmo and was working on a vodka-7... then another cosmo showed up, and I had been doing half-shots of rum as well... I'm a lightweight when it comes to alcohol, so I was pretty fashnikered.
We ended up closing the bar and taking ourselves home. Luckily for Fred and I, we live within staggering distance of the Palace, so in the immortal words of Yellowbeard, we "Staggered LEFT! Staggered RIGHT!" all the way home. Thankfully we did not have to do the crawling part.
I had a slight hangover the morning after... Fred had a decent hangover the morning after (he'd had 3 hefe's, an Irish carbomb, and some rum). We both gave Speedboy some of the cake we brought home and gave him the day off from restriction, provided that he went away and was sugar-high elsewhere. *chuckle*
So, yes - this was definitely a birthday to remember, and a really good one at that. Thank you Mishu, who planned the whole thing, and to everyone else who joined in on the party and planning and showed. I had TONS of fun!
You see, apparently I can miss people's deviousness, much to my chagrin and (in this case) pleasure.
As I'd blogged earlier, my birthday was on the 20th, and we went out to Mandarin Palace so I could have my free birthday drink and hang out. I then decided that it would probably be a good idea to have those who weren't able to join me on Tuesday due to work to come by on Saturday night, as it was the 1 year anniversary of the Palace, and would be a pretty grand time all around anyway.
Unbeknownst to me, Mishu already had plans... 3 weeks earlier, she'd gotten a list of all my friends that I'd like to have invited to such things as my wedding shower and bachelorette party. From me. Unwittingly, I'd handed her the golden key to create a surprise birthday party for me.
She called everyone on the list, and had everything set up - only to panic when I posted about the 1 year anniversary of the Palace and going. Fred (who normally cannot keep a secret to save his soul when it comes to birthdays) calmed her down, saying that everything was fine, that since I was planning on being there, to simply go ahead as planned.
Fred had insisted on going late to dinner, around 8-ish. I didn't think anything of it. In fact, it made some sense in my brain - get dinner, then go into the bar and immediately start singing. Lil and Kyla showed up and had dinner with us as well, and brought pressies. Apparently, I chose exactly the *right* chair, as I completely missed Mishu coming in and out of the bar looking for Lil no less than 3 times. LOL.
I was momentarily stalled in the foyer of the restaurant asking whether Kyla and Lil were going to join Fred and I, and then Fred popped his head in and said that Mishu was there. I walked in, along with Lil and Kyla, and was completely floored.
They'd sectioned off a corner for the group, and had brought a cake, and a tiara for me, and presents... It was totally awesome, and I was completely surprised. Even Ang' and Slasher showed up, which was awesome. Slasher's one of my friends from the "bad old days", and is a great guy. I'm glad I got to see his spiky-ness.
I got lots of pressies as well, something again, I wasn't really expecting. Lil got me a beautiful pair of silver filagree earrings, and a dreamcatcher keyring. Geoffrey (who unfortunatly couldn't make it due to a cold) drew me a hedgie bursting out of a cake, and Kyla got me bath stuffs. Yay!
Mishu got me a copy of "Love Actually", a beautiful silver wedding photo album, and a set of 4 scented candles (I can make everyone hungry without cooking!). I had totally forgotten to mention in my last birthday post that Fred had also gotten me two beautiful hair clips - one a silver and leather knotwork clip, and the other a silver knotwork hair bun thingie.
I also entered the Karaoke contest and got 2nd place, which earned me a $25 gift certificate to the Palace. There were t-shirts and stuff galore to be had as well - Fred and I made out like bandits.
I also ended up getting a LOT of drinks... Some guy decided to buy me a shot of whatever - so I shotgunned Irish Cream. I'd already had a cosmo and was working on a vodka-7... then another cosmo showed up, and I had been doing half-shots of rum as well... I'm a lightweight when it comes to alcohol, so I was pretty fashnikered.
We ended up closing the bar and taking ourselves home. Luckily for Fred and I, we live within staggering distance of the Palace, so in the immortal words of Yellowbeard, we "Staggered LEFT! Staggered RIGHT!" all the way home. Thankfully we did not have to do the crawling part.
I had a slight hangover the morning after... Fred had a decent hangover the morning after (he'd had 3 hefe's, an Irish carbomb, and some rum). We both gave Speedboy some of the cake we brought home and gave him the day off from restriction, provided that he went away and was sugar-high elsewhere. *chuckle*
So, yes - this was definitely a birthday to remember, and a really good one at that. Thank you Mishu, who planned the whole thing, and to everyone else who joined in on the party and planning and showed. I had TONS of fun!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Yeah - that's sounds about right...
Your Ex is Narcissistic |
![]() Your ex thinks they're the most important person in the world and couldn't care less about anyone else. Your ex definitely has a god complex. People with narcissistic personality disorder want total power, lack empathy, and are very arrogant. Sound at all familiar? |
Friday, February 23, 2007
Birthday Goodies!
So, the 20th was my birthday. I was taken out for dinner the evening before at Sambi's for sushi (YUM!!!). The day of, we went to Mandarin Palace for birthday drinks and to meet up with everyone there. We didn't stay long, as I was planning on heading to work the next day, but we did get to see Mishu, Llama and Mylo. Llama got me a coffee grinder in TEAL (yay blue hues!) so I can now grind my own spices at home. EEEeee!
Fred got me 7 (SEVEN, count them) Terry Pratchett books, including "Where's My Cow", which I love, and the newest of the Tiffany Aching series from Discworld, which I finished in 2 days and also love.
He also got me a set of Global Santoku stainless steel kitchen knives - some of the best in the world, mind you... OMG! I was utterly stunned. Not expecting that at all... And he got me dice, as well, so I can actually use my OWN dice for gaming from now on. Yay me!
The only downer to the entire week was having to head to the dr's on Thursday. I'd stayed home on Tuesday the 20th with a migraine and what felt like a huge ear infection that was tracing its way down into my jaws. The dr felt my glands and apparently there are sinus cavities that are right near the ear canals that I didn't know about - because I have another #@$%$##@$ sinus infection. So, I'm on another set of antibiotics and am home until next Tuesday. Yay me... Fred says I need a pipe-snake. I honestly simply believe I need new sinuses.
However - the antibiotics seem to be doing better, slowly. I'm down on pain meds from 3-4 ibuprofin every 3 hours, to 2-3 of them every 5-6 hours... My ears still feel like they need to pop, but that's slowly happening as well. Pressure builds, then finally releases, then starts building again. bleh.
The good news is that we are celebrating the 1st anniversary of Mandarin Palace tomorrow evening. There should be a nice karaoke party going on and I look forward to seeing those of my friends who couldn't be there on Tuesday due to things like work happening. ;-)
And now, I'm going to go to sleep... ZZZZZzzzzzzz
Fred got me 7 (SEVEN, count them) Terry Pratchett books, including "Where's My Cow", which I love, and the newest of the Tiffany Aching series from Discworld, which I finished in 2 days and also love.
He also got me a set of Global Santoku stainless steel kitchen knives - some of the best in the world, mind you... OMG! I was utterly stunned. Not expecting that at all... And he got me dice, as well, so I can actually use my OWN dice for gaming from now on. Yay me!
The only downer to the entire week was having to head to the dr's on Thursday. I'd stayed home on Tuesday the 20th with a migraine and what felt like a huge ear infection that was tracing its way down into my jaws. The dr felt my glands and apparently there are sinus cavities that are right near the ear canals that I didn't know about - because I have another #@$%$##@$ sinus infection. So, I'm on another set of antibiotics and am home until next Tuesday. Yay me... Fred says I need a pipe-snake. I honestly simply believe I need new sinuses.
However - the antibiotics seem to be doing better, slowly. I'm down on pain meds from 3-4 ibuprofin every 3 hours, to 2-3 of them every 5-6 hours... My ears still feel like they need to pop, but that's slowly happening as well. Pressure builds, then finally releases, then starts building again. bleh.
The good news is that we are celebrating the 1st anniversary of Mandarin Palace tomorrow evening. There should be a nice karaoke party going on and I look forward to seeing those of my friends who couldn't be there on Tuesday due to things like work happening. ;-)
And now, I'm going to go to sleep... ZZZZZzzzzzzz
Saturday, February 17, 2007
I'm in love...
Yes, it's true... There is something in my heart that ranks almost as high as my cat and my fiance...
They are teh cuteness!
I am seriously in love with this music box which plays Twinkle Twinkle Little Star... It's adorable.
And I totally need this broach. Ok - I don't need it... But I WANT it.
You can barely see the babies on these earrings and yet, they're there - and adorable! Not to mention, blue!
They look like pine cones, but these earrings are really hedgehogs in sterling silver.
Just in time for tourney season, there's these little babies. Of course, this means I'll need to make a new tablero table to go along with them, but hey - I can suffer this...
Anyone telling me that this is NOT cute is lying!
They have hedgie fabric there, too (though their links aren't working to give you a good look. OMG cute though!
Yup - you got it... a cassarole dish.
I'm a total sap for stuffies - and these would completely undo me! They're adorable.
This is the brother of the beanie baby hedgie that I already have... Normally I don't go in for them, but this is a hedgehog - that's different. LOL
And why not? You cannot be fully stylishly dressed without THESE... They'd go great with some hedgie pj's... You know, made from some of the nifty fabric noted above? Hint, hint!!!
And These simply canNOT be avoided at any cost... I must have!
All right, already! I'm done drooling... I shall take my obsession and share more later!
They are teh cuteness!
I am seriously in love with this music box which plays Twinkle Twinkle Little Star... It's adorable.
And I totally need this broach. Ok - I don't need it... But I WANT it.
You can barely see the babies on these earrings and yet, they're there - and adorable! Not to mention, blue!
They look like pine cones, but these earrings are really hedgehogs in sterling silver.
Just in time for tourney season, there's these little babies. Of course, this means I'll need to make a new tablero table to go along with them, but hey - I can suffer this...
Anyone telling me that this is NOT cute is lying!
They have hedgie fabric there, too (though their links aren't working to give you a good look. OMG cute though!
Yup - you got it... a cassarole dish.
I'm a total sap for stuffies - and these would completely undo me! They're adorable.
This is the brother of the beanie baby hedgie that I already have... Normally I don't go in for them, but this is a hedgehog - that's different. LOL
And why not? You cannot be fully stylishly dressed without THESE... They'd go great with some hedgie pj's... You know, made from some of the nifty fabric noted above? Hint, hint!!!
And These simply canNOT be avoided at any cost... I must have!
All right, already! I'm done drooling... I shall take my obsession and share more later!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Birthday Stuff...
So, it's now 5 days until my natal anniversary. I've been getting a modicum of crap from Mishu about not having a birthday party. It's not that I wouldn't want one, it's that the track record of said parties has been so piss-poor in the past...
Other than the birthday dinners that Lil held for me, anything that I've been in charge of have failed fairly spectacularly. So - I don't have them anymore. Not to mention the fact that most times, my birthday doesn't fall on an extremely convenient date to have a birthday party. Most times, it falls on Mon-Thursday, mostly falling on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I think I've had 2 birthdays that have fallen on Saturdays, one or two on a Friday, and one or two on a Sunday.
This year is sort of different... My birthday happens to fall on Mardi Gras. SO - if you'd like to join me in celebrating for a little while, I'll be at the Mandarin Palace, doing some karaoke, having a few drinks, and eating really good chinese food.
This is the closest I'll be getting to doing a birthday party, so live it up.
Oh, and pressies are not mandatory - welcome, but not mandatory. I'm mostly just wanting to hang out with friends and have fun.
Other than the birthday dinners that Lil held for me, anything that I've been in charge of have failed fairly spectacularly. So - I don't have them anymore. Not to mention the fact that most times, my birthday doesn't fall on an extremely convenient date to have a birthday party. Most times, it falls on Mon-Thursday, mostly falling on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I think I've had 2 birthdays that have fallen on Saturdays, one or two on a Friday, and one or two on a Sunday.
This year is sort of different... My birthday happens to fall on Mardi Gras. SO - if you'd like to join me in celebrating for a little while, I'll be at the Mandarin Palace, doing some karaoke, having a few drinks, and eating really good chinese food.
This is the closest I'll be getting to doing a birthday party, so live it up.
Oh, and pressies are not mandatory - welcome, but not mandatory. I'm mostly just wanting to hang out with friends and have fun.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Fun with OK Cupid...
Link: The 32-Type Dating Test by OkCupid - Free Online Dating. |
Fuzzy Logic
Shady update here... She's doing SO much better in the last 5 days since we started her on the renal therapy. Granted, she's completely unpleased about the sub-q injections and the squirts of laculose - but she's getting used to it, and at least doesn't struggle in the morning when I end up giving her shots.
She's been eating like a fiend in comparison to what she had been doing, and is generally perkier than she had been. She's glossy, and starting to lose the washboard that had been her backbone. I'm hoping she ends up gaining a pound by the end of this month.
I'm so very happy that she's feeling so much better. While I know that I can't have her forever, I really didn't want to have to put her down if it was something treatable, and something that won't negatively impact her quality of life.
She's gotten to a point now where she's pretty much accepted that whatever I do is going to make her feel better, even if she doesn't like it. She gripes about it, but won't struggle too much - though she hasn't been snuggling with me too much since the injections started. I'm hoping things will be better once they stop - if they stop... We'll see.
I have to take her in again around March 9th. Hopefully things will be MUCH better by then and she will be healthier.
I have to admit - I was totally terrified to go back to the vet on the 9th to get the news of what was wrong with her. I've had her since she was itty bitty - she turns 21 in July... It's difficult for me to face the eventuality that she will be gone, and it got smacked in my face on Friday how close she is to saying goodbye.
I have decided that, if we cannot give her a good QUALITY of life, where she is not in pain and no longer enjoys herself, then it will be time to say goodbye and let her go. Until then, however, I am going to work as hard as I can to give her the best of everything.
I love my puddin' tat.
She's been eating like a fiend in comparison to what she had been doing, and is generally perkier than she had been. She's glossy, and starting to lose the washboard that had been her backbone. I'm hoping she ends up gaining a pound by the end of this month.
I'm so very happy that she's feeling so much better. While I know that I can't have her forever, I really didn't want to have to put her down if it was something treatable, and something that won't negatively impact her quality of life.
She's gotten to a point now where she's pretty much accepted that whatever I do is going to make her feel better, even if she doesn't like it. She gripes about it, but won't struggle too much - though she hasn't been snuggling with me too much since the injections started. I'm hoping things will be better once they stop - if they stop... We'll see.
I have to take her in again around March 9th. Hopefully things will be MUCH better by then and she will be healthier.
I have to admit - I was totally terrified to go back to the vet on the 9th to get the news of what was wrong with her. I've had her since she was itty bitty - she turns 21 in July... It's difficult for me to face the eventuality that she will be gone, and it got smacked in my face on Friday how close she is to saying goodbye.
I have decided that, if we cannot give her a good QUALITY of life, where she is not in pain and no longer enjoys herself, then it will be time to say goodbye and let her go. Until then, however, I am going to work as hard as I can to give her the best of everything.
I love my puddin' tat.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Tasty Turkey Ragout
2 - 3 turkey thighs, skinned
2 20 oz cans diced tomatoes
1 can mushrooms
1 medium red onion, diced
1 large shallot, minced
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 zucchini, diced
2 Tbsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried rosemary
1 tsp white pepper
1 Tbsp garlic salt
2 packets spaghetti seasoning mix
Place all items into a crock-pot, stir, and set to high. Cover, and let go 6-8 hours.
Remove bones, stir again, shred pieces if necessary.
Serve over ravioli, potatos or polenta.
This makes about 8 servings, so there's sure to be leftovers... I recommend baked potatoes or cheese ravioli. You can make a creamy rissoto to put it over, though, or polenta. Yum!
Pork, Beans and Barley
1 lb pork carnitas (specific cut of pork - see below)
1 c dried black beans
1 c dried white beans
1 c dried red kidney beans
3 carrots, peeled and diced
4 stalks celery with leaves, cleaned, and diced
1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and veined, minced
4 cloves garlic, minced
6-8 cups water (enough to just cover the ingredients by 1 inch)
1 tsp white pepper
2 tsp dried oregano
2 tsp dried rosemary
2 chicken boullion cubes
2 beef boullion cubes
1 small package barley
Carnitas is a specific cut of pork - Normally it's the fattier portion of the cut known as a "fresh ham". It's an incredibly flavorful portion of the meat, and cooks up equally good both in stir-fry's and in slow-cooking. You will need to trim a little more on this cut, but the flavor is worth it, as is the price - about half what you would find per pound for a normal cut.
Jalapenos are hot only if you do not vein them. You can control the heat based on how much vein you leave in. Remember - you can always add, but it's fairly hard to take away.
Combine everything except the barley into the crock-pot, and set to low for 6-8 hours. About 1/2 hour prior to being ready to serve, pour in the barley and stir. This will be your thickener, and will serve to really pop up the flavor.
BBQ chicken
8 pieces of dark meat chicken, skinned, left on the bone
1 red or sweet onion, diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
24 oz of your favorite bbq sauce (enough to cover the chicken)
Combine everything and set to simmer 6-8 hours. Best served on sandwiches, or over mashed or baked potatoes.
This is great with turkey or pork as well.
2 - 3 turkey thighs, skinned
2 20 oz cans diced tomatoes
1 can mushrooms
1 medium red onion, diced
1 large shallot, minced
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 zucchini, diced
2 Tbsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried rosemary
1 tsp white pepper
1 Tbsp garlic salt
2 packets spaghetti seasoning mix
Place all items into a crock-pot, stir, and set to high. Cover, and let go 6-8 hours.
Remove bones, stir again, shred pieces if necessary.
Serve over ravioli, potatos or polenta.
This makes about 8 servings, so there's sure to be leftovers... I recommend baked potatoes or cheese ravioli. You can make a creamy rissoto to put it over, though, or polenta. Yum!
Pork, Beans and Barley
1 lb pork carnitas (specific cut of pork - see below)
1 c dried black beans
1 c dried white beans
1 c dried red kidney beans
3 carrots, peeled and diced
4 stalks celery with leaves, cleaned, and diced
1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and veined, minced
4 cloves garlic, minced
6-8 cups water (enough to just cover the ingredients by 1 inch)
1 tsp white pepper
2 tsp dried oregano
2 tsp dried rosemary
2 chicken boullion cubes
2 beef boullion cubes
1 small package barley
Carnitas is a specific cut of pork - Normally it's the fattier portion of the cut known as a "fresh ham". It's an incredibly flavorful portion of the meat, and cooks up equally good both in stir-fry's and in slow-cooking. You will need to trim a little more on this cut, but the flavor is worth it, as is the price - about half what you would find per pound for a normal cut.
Jalapenos are hot only if you do not vein them. You can control the heat based on how much vein you leave in. Remember - you can always add, but it's fairly hard to take away.
Combine everything except the barley into the crock-pot, and set to low for 6-8 hours. About 1/2 hour prior to being ready to serve, pour in the barley and stir. This will be your thickener, and will serve to really pop up the flavor.
BBQ chicken
8 pieces of dark meat chicken, skinned, left on the bone
1 red or sweet onion, diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
24 oz of your favorite bbq sauce (enough to cover the chicken)
Combine everything and set to simmer 6-8 hours. Best served on sandwiches, or over mashed or baked potatoes.
This is great with turkey or pork as well.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
News of the Fuzzy Kind...
Well, there's good news, and not so great news...
Shady was taken to the vet yesterday because she's been rather listless, not eating very well, and having hard stool. As she's 20, I got worried about her and decided since I got 3 basic wellness plans with my job, I should take advantage of it for it's free check-up.
I had to drop her off for 3.5 hours so they could do blood, urine and fecal tests on her, and check her out in general. They also ended up doing a thyroid test and a feline leukemia test on her as well, which weren't covered under the plan, but I figured it was worth it.
Turns out, she's dropped 3 pounds in the last 2 years - yikes! While not such a big thing for humans, she's 2/3 the weight she should be for her bone structure.
Her thyroid and feline leukemia tests came back ok, and negative for issues. Her blood work came back fine - no infections and no high white cell count, which means no cancer, either. Her stool showed no parasites, but they did a de-worm just in case.
The issue is with her kidneys. Turns out, she's in the beginning stages of renal failure. Thankfully, we caught it in a period of time that it can be reversed, if I do everything that the vet tells me to.
We've changed her diet over to Royal Canin renal LP for wet food, and Hills Science diet K/d renal for dry. We've gotten rid of all her treats for now, since they're not designed for kidney issues, and I don't want to ruin the treatment at this point.
I also have to give her sub-q injections of a solution to help clean out her system of the excess protein she's had that's causing her kidneys to work so hard. Poor baby has to deal with being poked each day with 50 cc's of it.
She's also getting Laculose and Lactalace to help with the hard stool issues. Her colon's enlarged because she was flushing out all her liquid through her kidneys to try and process the protein. Poor thing.
I did find out that her right eye is partially discolored, but partially it's due to the renal failure - her eye doesn't contract so well anymore, so it messes with her judgement.
The one thing I did NOT like was the doctor I had that day. She didn't seem pleased to be treating a 20 year old cat, and continually talked down to me even when I explained exactly what was going on *in fairly technical terms* to her. She didn't do any better when we were checking out, either. She actually asked me if doing a sub-q routine and taking care of her was something that I *wanted* to do - like I'm going to say no! She's my baby, and she's not in pain, and still feisty. There's no reason for me to say no and decide to put her down. I was really unhappy with that, and I think next time I'm going to ask to see someone else.
I'm to bring her back in in a month, and hopefully by then we'll have fixed it. Meanwhile, I am hoping that everyone sends good thoughts her way.
Shady was taken to the vet yesterday because she's been rather listless, not eating very well, and having hard stool. As she's 20, I got worried about her and decided since I got 3 basic wellness plans with my job, I should take advantage of it for it's free check-up.
I had to drop her off for 3.5 hours so they could do blood, urine and fecal tests on her, and check her out in general. They also ended up doing a thyroid test and a feline leukemia test on her as well, which weren't covered under the plan, but I figured it was worth it.
Turns out, she's dropped 3 pounds in the last 2 years - yikes! While not such a big thing for humans, she's 2/3 the weight she should be for her bone structure.
Her thyroid and feline leukemia tests came back ok, and negative for issues. Her blood work came back fine - no infections and no high white cell count, which means no cancer, either. Her stool showed no parasites, but they did a de-worm just in case.
The issue is with her kidneys. Turns out, she's in the beginning stages of renal failure. Thankfully, we caught it in a period of time that it can be reversed, if I do everything that the vet tells me to.
We've changed her diet over to Royal Canin renal LP for wet food, and Hills Science diet K/d renal for dry. We've gotten rid of all her treats for now, since they're not designed for kidney issues, and I don't want to ruin the treatment at this point.
I also have to give her sub-q injections of a solution to help clean out her system of the excess protein she's had that's causing her kidneys to work so hard. Poor baby has to deal with being poked each day with 50 cc's of it.
She's also getting Laculose and Lactalace to help with the hard stool issues. Her colon's enlarged because she was flushing out all her liquid through her kidneys to try and process the protein. Poor thing.
I did find out that her right eye is partially discolored, but partially it's due to the renal failure - her eye doesn't contract so well anymore, so it messes with her judgement.
The one thing I did NOT like was the doctor I had that day. She didn't seem pleased to be treating a 20 year old cat, and continually talked down to me even when I explained exactly what was going on *in fairly technical terms* to her. She didn't do any better when we were checking out, either. She actually asked me if doing a sub-q routine and taking care of her was something that I *wanted* to do - like I'm going to say no! She's my baby, and she's not in pain, and still feisty. There's no reason for me to say no and decide to put her down. I was really unhappy with that, and I think next time I'm going to ask to see someone else.
I'm to bring her back in in a month, and hopefully by then we'll have fixed it. Meanwhile, I am hoping that everyone sends good thoughts her way.
General Pet Cuteness,
Personal Angst
Friday, February 09, 2007
Thorn in the side...
So, recently, as I'm sure you noticed from a prior post, I've been a little on the political side. I've done so for a number of reasons:
*I was molested when I was 4 and had no recourse as my mother didn't believe me.
*Exploiting minors for sex is not only taboo, it's against the law.
*I currently have a 13 year old son that I want to protect.
*I would like to have another child in the future, and want to procect it as well.
*I have friends who have children, and they need a voice, too.
I have never had an issue with people having sex with other people. I don't have an issue with gays or lesbians; hell, I'm bi... Why on EARTH would I have a problem with sexuality? The fact is, as long as it's between CONSENTING ADULTS, I have no problem with it.
The issue, however, is that there are some people out there, like this asshat, who thinks that because his sexual perversions run against the law and exploit minors, he's a sexual minority and deserves the right to go after little boys. He has used the same argument that those within a gay or lesbian pairing have used - that he has the right to find love where he wants to.
Uh - that's all fine and dandy when it's another adult. I'm sure that most everyone will agree that if there are two adults involved in making the decision as to what they'd like to do in bed, it's all good.
When the law states that someone is too young to know their own mind about a sexual encounter, or starting a sexual relationship, you'd better believe I'm gonna get up in arms about it. There's a reason for the laws - it's not just because they are written by uptight legislators who haven't had sex in years (as he's said over and over). No, it's because on average, teenagers and pre-teens (not to mention small children) cannot make logical, thought-based decisions about sex that are good at that age. Period. End of story. And even if you're lucky enough to FIND one of the few teenagers who understands *exactly* what they're getting into, the law says NO. Therefore, you, as the adult, should be the one to stand up and let them know that it's not ok until after they are of legal age.
MySpace took down his profile. As they are closely linked to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, I'm quite happy that they saw the potential for disaster there and removed it.
Blogger has removed the content, but not the profile, twice now - and he's pissed about it. He is of the opinion that his rights are being mashed up into pulp, and he's being stepped on by "the man" for his being a "sexual minority"...
As Fred says, if by "sexual minority" he means "wanting to, and following through with, having sex with little boys who are either barely old enough in Canada - or underage - and generally being a sick FUCK", then yeah, he's a sexual minority.
The following is the email that I have sent to ALL of the hosts of his known profiles and web addresses. I am wanting to make DAMNED sure that they understand what it is that they are allowing to be posted, and by whom. I also linked their own TOS to each of the emails (they're not on here, but they're easy enough to find by going to their websites) to remind them of what they do and do not allow on their websites. I also included all the links to his other sites to the rest of them, so they can look for themselves and see what it is they are allowing into their midst.
If you would like to follow suit and copy and paste this email, please feel free to do so.
The person I'm speaking of has the following profile on your site:
He is a Canadian who has chosen to openly admit that he is a pedophile, under the usage of the words "boylove" and "ephebiphile" (they apparently sound better than pedophile).
As you know, pedophilia is illegal both in Canada and in the USA. He has many different profiles on different blog sites, and feels that it is his right to support pedophelia and those who would target young children for sexual activities.
He is currently embroiled in a battle with those of us on the web willing to support the National Center for Missing and Exploited children, and have him and his rhetoric removed from the web. has removed his profile already, and we have notified both National law enforcement and the media to let them know of his whereabouts.
The following are the current known links for this man. He is, we believe, a danger to underage people on the web everywhere. He specifically targets boys between the ages of 11 and 15, and has admitted such on his blogs.
Please take the steps necessary to block this man from utilizing the web for his personal trolling ground.
Thank you.
While I don't normally get involved in such hyped-up political stuff, I gotta say - when I do get involved, I get INVOLVED - and I choose my arguments wisely.
*I was molested when I was 4 and had no recourse as my mother didn't believe me.
*Exploiting minors for sex is not only taboo, it's against the law.
*I currently have a 13 year old son that I want to protect.
*I would like to have another child in the future, and want to procect it as well.
*I have friends who have children, and they need a voice, too.
I have never had an issue with people having sex with other people. I don't have an issue with gays or lesbians; hell, I'm bi... Why on EARTH would I have a problem with sexuality? The fact is, as long as it's between CONSENTING ADULTS, I have no problem with it.
The issue, however, is that there are some people out there, like this asshat, who thinks that because his sexual perversions run against the law and exploit minors, he's a sexual minority and deserves the right to go after little boys. He has used the same argument that those within a gay or lesbian pairing have used - that he has the right to find love where he wants to.
Uh - that's all fine and dandy when it's another adult. I'm sure that most everyone will agree that if there are two adults involved in making the decision as to what they'd like to do in bed, it's all good.
When the law states that someone is too young to know their own mind about a sexual encounter, or starting a sexual relationship, you'd better believe I'm gonna get up in arms about it. There's a reason for the laws - it's not just because they are written by uptight legislators who haven't had sex in years (as he's said over and over). No, it's because on average, teenagers and pre-teens (not to mention small children) cannot make logical, thought-based decisions about sex that are good at that age. Period. End of story. And even if you're lucky enough to FIND one of the few teenagers who understands *exactly* what they're getting into, the law says NO. Therefore, you, as the adult, should be the one to stand up and let them know that it's not ok until after they are of legal age.
MySpace took down his profile. As they are closely linked to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, I'm quite happy that they saw the potential for disaster there and removed it.
Blogger has removed the content, but not the profile, twice now - and he's pissed about it. He is of the opinion that his rights are being mashed up into pulp, and he's being stepped on by "the man" for his being a "sexual minority"...
As Fred says, if by "sexual minority" he means "wanting to, and following through with, having sex with little boys who are either barely old enough in Canada - or underage - and generally being a sick FUCK", then yeah, he's a sexual minority.
The following is the email that I have sent to ALL of the hosts of his known profiles and web addresses. I am wanting to make DAMNED sure that they understand what it is that they are allowing to be posted, and by whom. I also linked their own TOS to each of the emails (they're not on here, but they're easy enough to find by going to their websites) to remind them of what they do and do not allow on their websites. I also included all the links to his other sites to the rest of them, so they can look for themselves and see what it is they are allowing into their midst.
If you would like to follow suit and copy and paste this email, please feel free to do so.
The person I'm speaking of has the following profile on your site:
He is a Canadian who has chosen to openly admit that he is a pedophile, under the usage of the words "boylove" and "ephebiphile" (they apparently sound better than pedophile).
As you know, pedophilia is illegal both in Canada and in the USA. He has many different profiles on different blog sites, and feels that it is his right to support pedophelia and those who would target young children for sexual activities.
He is currently embroiled in a battle with those of us on the web willing to support the National Center for Missing and Exploited children, and have him and his rhetoric removed from the web. has removed his profile already, and we have notified both National law enforcement and the media to let them know of his whereabouts.
The following are the current known links for this man. He is, we believe, a danger to underage people on the web everywhere. He specifically targets boys between the ages of 11 and 15, and has admitted such on his blogs.
Please take the steps necessary to block this man from utilizing the web for his personal trolling ground.
Thank you.
While I don't normally get involved in such hyped-up political stuff, I gotta say - when I do get involved, I get INVOLVED - and I choose my arguments wisely.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
HA! I find it amusing that the asshat pedophile was complaining about how his "rights" were being violated, and how Blogger/Blogspot was going against their own TOS... Seems someone didn't read their TOS agreement very well...
This is what I found when I decided to go ahead and review said TOS for blogspot users (those with "blogspot" in their address). It's paraphrased and I picked out the pertinent bits. If you don't want to wade through the technical jargon, you can read the stuff in italics - it's the "translated" version of it that's specific to the asshat...
BlogSpot TOS -
4. MEMBER CONDUCT - You agree to not use the Service to: (a) upload, post or otherwise transmit any Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable; (b) harm minors in any way;...(k) promote or provide instructional information about illegal activities, promote physical harm or injury against any group or individual, or promote any act of cruelty to animals.
You agree that, by clicking "I Agree", you won't be writing and/or posting ANYTHING on your blog that is considered unlawful or obscene, or harm minors IN ANY WAY, or give information about how to commit illegal activities.
You acknowledge that Pyra does not pre-screen Content, but that Pyra and its designees shall have the right (but not the obligation) in their sole discretion to refuse or remove any Content that is available via the Service. Without limiting the foregoing, Pyra and its designees shall have the right to remove any Content that violates the TOS or is otherwise objectionable.
You understand that we can remove any content that is against the TOS or is something we think is objectionable.
9. TERMINATION You agree that Pyra, in its sole discretion, may terminate your password, BlogSpot Site, use of the Service or use of any other Pyra service, and remove and discard any Content within the Service, for any reason, including, without limitation, for lack of use or if Pyra believes that you have violated or acted inconsistently with the letter or spirit of the TOS. Pyra may also in its sole discretion and at any time discontinue providing the Service, or any part thereof, with or without notice. You agree that any termination of your access to the Service under any provision of this TOS may be effected without prior notice, and acknowledge and agree that Pyra may immediately deactivate or delete your BlogSpot Site and all related information and files in your BlogSpot Site and/or bar any further access to such files or the Service. Further, you agree that Pyra shall not be liable to you or any third-party for any termination of your access to the Service.
You agree that we can terminate your account at any time, without notice, if we believe that you've done something against the TOS, either in the spirit of the TOS or the actual written portion of it.
So there - he can sit and spin with his accusations of Blogger or BlogSpot going against its TOS. They did exactly what they promised to do.
This is what I found when I decided to go ahead and review said TOS for blogspot users (those with "blogspot" in their address). It's paraphrased and I picked out the pertinent bits. If you don't want to wade through the technical jargon, you can read the stuff in italics - it's the "translated" version of it that's specific to the asshat...
BlogSpot TOS -
4. MEMBER CONDUCT - You agree to not use the Service to: (a) upload, post or otherwise transmit any Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable; (b) harm minors in any way;...(k) promote or provide instructional information about illegal activities, promote physical harm or injury against any group or individual, or promote any act of cruelty to animals.
You agree that, by clicking "I Agree", you won't be writing and/or posting ANYTHING on your blog that is considered unlawful or obscene, or harm minors IN ANY WAY, or give information about how to commit illegal activities.
You acknowledge that Pyra does not pre-screen Content, but that Pyra and its designees shall have the right (but not the obligation) in their sole discretion to refuse or remove any Content that is available via the Service. Without limiting the foregoing, Pyra and its designees shall have the right to remove any Content that violates the TOS or is otherwise objectionable.
You understand that we can remove any content that is against the TOS or is something we think is objectionable.
9. TERMINATION You agree that Pyra, in its sole discretion, may terminate your password, BlogSpot Site, use of the Service or use of any other Pyra service, and remove and discard any Content within the Service, for any reason, including, without limitation, for lack of use or if Pyra believes that you have violated or acted inconsistently with the letter or spirit of the TOS. Pyra may also in its sole discretion and at any time discontinue providing the Service, or any part thereof, with or without notice. You agree that any termination of your access to the Service under any provision of this TOS may be effected without prior notice, and acknowledge and agree that Pyra may immediately deactivate or delete your BlogSpot Site and all related information and files in your BlogSpot Site and/or bar any further access to such files or the Service. Further, you agree that Pyra shall not be liable to you or any third-party for any termination of your access to the Service.
You agree that we can terminate your account at any time, without notice, if we believe that you've done something against the TOS, either in the spirit of the TOS or the actual written portion of it.
So there - he can sit and spin with his accusations of Blogger or BlogSpot going against its TOS. They did exactly what they promised to do.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
No Child Held Accountable?
I remember when I was growing up, each school year was punctuated with a test showing how well we were learning the curriculum. It was something that happened from first grade through 10th (11th grade was for the SAT's and the "who do you want to be" test).
We had our number 2 pencils and a brain full of information, a few scraps of scratch paper, and fingers for counting - no calculators until 10th grade, and then it was only if you happened to be taking Algebra 2-trig (polynomial curves weren't much fun to figure out on two hands...).
We sat in rows, head down, pencils held at the ready, and broke the seal on the test once we were told to. Slightly distracted by the occasional shuffling in our seats, we dutifully went through all the questions that we could. There were two parts to the test for grade school that I can remember. There was the grammer and language arts, and then there was the mathmatics. Not much on history, though we were getting taught that as well. Mostly it was grammer and language arts - the basics, so we could get into history and the like later on.
Sometimes the tests were times - usually there were two timed tests and two that weren't.
We would hear the minutes tick by and we would know that as we were taking this test, it was helping determine whether we needed help in certain areas, and what our teachers would do to help us. And then, the time would be up, and we'd put our pencils down.
Tests were normally given on Thursdays, and then Friday was a sort of free day, as it were. We would be allowed time to read our favorite books, or color - a reward for doing so well in taking our test quietly and following the test-taking rules.
We understood that, if we didn't do well we could end up in a special class. Not something we really wanted, but it could happen. If we really messed up, there was the option of the school holding us back. Even if we did all of our homework, if we couldn't deliver the information onto the test from what they'd been trying to teach us, they'd hold us back - it wasn't a punishment; it was more a determination that something was wrong, and the school needed to fix it.
Sometimes it *was* our fault, especially when we got older, and it was a consequence for not turning in our homework repeatedly, and/or skipping school too many times. The general attitude was, if you can't prove that you've learned it, or if you're not HERE to learn it, you get to repeat it.
I'm now learning that things have changed in school, and not necessarily for the better...
My stepson, Speedboy, is in 8th grade. He's on that delicate edge between junior high and high school, and has had the rush of testosterone running through him for a good 2 years... It's a heady time to be a kid, and an even more difficult one to be a boy at times...
The worst part, he's not doing well in school. And when I say he's not doing well, that's a nice way to put it. He doesn't care about whether he passes his classes or not. He doesn't even care if he's punished by us if he fails his classes. Why?
Because the school is refusing to make him own his decisions and reap the consequences of his actions - even when we, his parents, are insisting otherwise.
Schools are now apparently full of rainbows and sparkles, "the world is a gentle, loving place, my child" attitudes. Lots of platitudes, lots of "You just need more positive support and less negative consequences in your life".
Oregon and Washington have both decided not to do anything further than what they call "level testing" until 10th grade. These tests don't do anything other than prove whether the school has reached it's yearly academic goal under the "No Child Left Behind" statute. According to the info on it, Oregon is doing quite well in it's goals to meet federal academic standards - yet, the curriculum is still being taught the same way, but without the consequences... See, apparently flunking a child is bad for the school, and means they won't meet their goals and could lose their funding...
Of course, we have been told now for two years (Speedboy has, on average, a 1.9 GPA) that holding him back would be bad for his moral well-being, and he would not be able to achieve his full potential if he were to be forced to stay behind... Being held back is such a negative thing, they can't possibly do that - unless, of course, there's such a severe disability that he is unable to meet the federal academic standards...
We have also been told that he will be held accountable for his inability to attend to his responsibilities (ie. turning in homework, paying attention in class, keeping out of fights in school) - he'll be held back in 10th grade if it is deemed necessary, based on his test scores at that point.
Of course, the problem then is that he won't have enough time to get his credits together to graduate... He'll already have had a year under his belt where, if he wasn't doing what he needed to, he would have less than he should for 9th grade... But he won't be held account able, since 9th grade is "such a tender, new time for students"...
No child Left Behind is due to go back up to the legistlature again for a renewal vote... If it happens, this same tack will continue with other children. They won't be held accountable for what they learn until it's too late to fix the issue. The uneducated of today will end up being parents to the even less educated of tomorrow. And the Bush administration will be rolling in the dough, because they've gotten a lot of support from Mama Bush to help this little enterprise continue on.
We had our number 2 pencils and a brain full of information, a few scraps of scratch paper, and fingers for counting - no calculators until 10th grade, and then it was only if you happened to be taking Algebra 2-trig (polynomial curves weren't much fun to figure out on two hands...).
We sat in rows, head down, pencils held at the ready, and broke the seal on the test once we were told to. Slightly distracted by the occasional shuffling in our seats, we dutifully went through all the questions that we could. There were two parts to the test for grade school that I can remember. There was the grammer and language arts, and then there was the mathmatics. Not much on history, though we were getting taught that as well. Mostly it was grammer and language arts - the basics, so we could get into history and the like later on.
Sometimes the tests were times - usually there were two timed tests and two that weren't.
We would hear the minutes tick by and we would know that as we were taking this test, it was helping determine whether we needed help in certain areas, and what our teachers would do to help us. And then, the time would be up, and we'd put our pencils down.
Tests were normally given on Thursdays, and then Friday was a sort of free day, as it were. We would be allowed time to read our favorite books, or color - a reward for doing so well in taking our test quietly and following the test-taking rules.
We understood that, if we didn't do well we could end up in a special class. Not something we really wanted, but it could happen. If we really messed up, there was the option of the school holding us back. Even if we did all of our homework, if we couldn't deliver the information onto the test from what they'd been trying to teach us, they'd hold us back - it wasn't a punishment; it was more a determination that something was wrong, and the school needed to fix it.
Sometimes it *was* our fault, especially when we got older, and it was a consequence for not turning in our homework repeatedly, and/or skipping school too many times. The general attitude was, if you can't prove that you've learned it, or if you're not HERE to learn it, you get to repeat it.
I'm now learning that things have changed in school, and not necessarily for the better...
My stepson, Speedboy, is in 8th grade. He's on that delicate edge between junior high and high school, and has had the rush of testosterone running through him for a good 2 years... It's a heady time to be a kid, and an even more difficult one to be a boy at times...
The worst part, he's not doing well in school. And when I say he's not doing well, that's a nice way to put it. He doesn't care about whether he passes his classes or not. He doesn't even care if he's punished by us if he fails his classes. Why?
Because the school is refusing to make him own his decisions and reap the consequences of his actions - even when we, his parents, are insisting otherwise.
Schools are now apparently full of rainbows and sparkles, "the world is a gentle, loving place, my child" attitudes. Lots of platitudes, lots of "You just need more positive support and less negative consequences in your life".
Oregon and Washington have both decided not to do anything further than what they call "level testing" until 10th grade. These tests don't do anything other than prove whether the school has reached it's yearly academic goal under the "No Child Left Behind" statute. According to the info on it, Oregon is doing quite well in it's goals to meet federal academic standards - yet, the curriculum is still being taught the same way, but without the consequences... See, apparently flunking a child is bad for the school, and means they won't meet their goals and could lose their funding...
Of course, we have been told now for two years (Speedboy has, on average, a 1.9 GPA) that holding him back would be bad for his moral well-being, and he would not be able to achieve his full potential if he were to be forced to stay behind... Being held back is such a negative thing, they can't possibly do that - unless, of course, there's such a severe disability that he is unable to meet the federal academic standards...
We have also been told that he will be held accountable for his inability to attend to his responsibilities (ie. turning in homework, paying attention in class, keeping out of fights in school) - he'll be held back in 10th grade if it is deemed necessary, based on his test scores at that point.
Of course, the problem then is that he won't have enough time to get his credits together to graduate... He'll already have had a year under his belt where, if he wasn't doing what he needed to, he would have less than he should for 9th grade... But he won't be held account able, since 9th grade is "such a tender, new time for students"...
No child Left Behind is due to go back up to the legistlature again for a renewal vote... If it happens, this same tack will continue with other children. They won't be held accountable for what they learn until it's too late to fix the issue. The uneducated of today will end up being parents to the even less educated of tomorrow. And the Bush administration will be rolling in the dough, because they've gotten a lot of support from Mama Bush to help this little enterprise continue on.
Amazon's response...
This is the response I got from Amazon regarding my email:
Thank you for writing to with your comments about the
listing of "Octaevius Altair."
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Please know that you are a valued customer of, and I am
very sorry if the listing of this product has caused you any offense.
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changes to web site features or functions. Likewise, we cannot make
promises that other departments will make changes at our request.
The most we can do is to be sure that your comments are forwarded to
those who have these responsibilities.
Rest assured that we have forwarded your comments to appropriate
department in our company for consideration to remove the item from
our web site.
Please know that we do take the feedback very seriously. Strong
customer feedback like yours helps us continue to improve the
selection and service we provide, and we appreciate the time you
took to write to us.
Please let me assure you that we have done so. I hope you will
understand our limitations in this regard.
Thank you for your understanding. We hope to see you again at
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Thank you for writing to with your comments about the
listing of "Octaevius Altair."
I realize that you have been greatly inconvenienced by this
Please know that you are a valued customer of, and I am
very sorry if the listing of this product has caused you any offense.
Please note that, customer service is not in a position to make
changes to web site features or functions. Likewise, we cannot make
promises that other departments will make changes at our request.
The most we can do is to be sure that your comments are forwarded to
those who have these responsibilities.
Rest assured that we have forwarded your comments to appropriate
department in our company for consideration to remove the item from
our web site.
Please know that we do take the feedback very seriously. Strong
customer feedback like yours helps us continue to improve the
selection and service we provide, and we appreciate the time you
took to write to us.
Please let me assure you that we have done so. I hope you will
understand our limitations in this regard.
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My Wish List...
It's the newly improved and updated wish list. As the hubster and the gf got me some AMAZING stuff this year, I've found it necessary to fall back on the basics - books and dvd's... The list ranges from the reasonably inexpensive to the OMG! I'd love to have them all - on the other hand, I must remember that I live in a 2 bedroom apartment and we don't have the room right now. Le sigh... Eventually I will have a house (note that this is NOT on the list - I think it's silly to have a wish list that includes more than 3 things that I know I won't get ever), but since I don't right now, I will dream...
Amira's Belly Dance 101 DVD, a quality instructional workout video of Oriental Bellydance basics
The Heartbeat of Bellydance: Rhythms & Belly Dance combinations for Drum Solos - Starring Jenna and Raqay
Learn 21 Shimmies and 1001 Variations Belly Dance Instruction (2005) - with Leyla Jouvana - made by the International Academy of Middle Eastern Dance
Bellydancing: The Sensuous Workout with Shamira
Bellydancing: The Sensuous Workout 2 "Pure Technique" with Shamira
Learn Drum Solo Technique & Choreography with Sadie - Belly Dance Lesson DVD
American Tribal Style Basics - Belly Dance Instruction with Kajira
American Tribal Style Beyond Basics - Belly Dance Instruction with Kajira
Azar's Belly Dance Workout: Level 1
Learn Lavish Layers with Ansuya - Belly Dance Lesson DVD
Learn Finger Cymbals with Ansuya - Belly Dance Lesson DVD
Ultimate Combinations Vol 1 Belly Dance Instruction
Ultimate Combinations Vol 2 Belly Dance Instruction
Beautiful Hands and Arms Belly Dance Instructional DVD
Learn Classic Cabaret Floor Work Belly Dance DVD
Belly Dance Basics
The Incredibles
Lilo and Stitch
Sleeping Beauty
The Last Unicorn
Monster’s Inc
A Bug’s Life
The Aristocats
The Iron Giant
Treasure Planet
Muppet Movie
Muppet Christmas Carol
Muppet Treasure Island
Muppets and Jim Henson Christmas
The Muppets Take Manhatten
The Wizard of Oz
Nightmare before Christmas
The Storyteller
Indiana Jones Trilogy collection
Adventures of Robin Hood (1938 – Errol Flynn)
Big Night
The Piano
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Singin’ in the Rain
My Fair Lady
Sweeney Todd (2007)
The Music Man
An American In Paris
The Court Jester
White Christmas
Pizza stone
Large griddle (preferably plug-in with removable trays)
Food storage containers (Costco has great ones!)
Better pantry system…
Small deep freezer
Cutco “Ultimate” set – or the “Homemaker 18 piece” set, with a pair of scissors
Decent Cheese cutter…
Garrett, PI(Old Tin Sorrows/ Dread Brass Shadows/ Red Iron Nights)
Angry Lead Skies (Garrett P.I.)
Garrett Investigates (Deadly Quicksilver Lies, Petty Pewter Gods, Faded Steel Heat)
The Garrett Files (omnibus of Sweet Silver Blues, Bitter Gold Hearts and Cold Copper Tears)
Cuisine And Culture by Linda Civitello
The Flavor Bible
Festivals, Family and Food
Enchanted, again
Amira's Belly Dance 101 DVD, a quality instructional workout video of Oriental Bellydance basics
The Heartbeat of Bellydance: Rhythms & Belly Dance combinations for Drum Solos - Starring Jenna and Raqay
Learn 21 Shimmies and 1001 Variations Belly Dance Instruction (2005) - with Leyla Jouvana - made by the International Academy of Middle Eastern Dance
Bellydancing: The Sensuous Workout with Shamira
Bellydancing: The Sensuous Workout 2 "Pure Technique" with Shamira
Learn Drum Solo Technique & Choreography with Sadie - Belly Dance Lesson DVD
American Tribal Style Basics - Belly Dance Instruction with Kajira
American Tribal Style Beyond Basics - Belly Dance Instruction with Kajira
Azar's Belly Dance Workout: Level 1
Learn Lavish Layers with Ansuya - Belly Dance Lesson DVD
Learn Finger Cymbals with Ansuya - Belly Dance Lesson DVD
Ultimate Combinations Vol 1 Belly Dance Instruction
Ultimate Combinations Vol 2 Belly Dance Instruction
Beautiful Hands and Arms Belly Dance Instructional DVD
Learn Classic Cabaret Floor Work Belly Dance DVD
Belly Dance Basics
The Incredibles
Lilo and Stitch
Sleeping Beauty
The Last Unicorn
Monster’s Inc
A Bug’s Life
The Aristocats
The Iron Giant
Treasure Planet
Muppet Movie
Muppet Christmas Carol
Muppet Treasure Island
Muppets and Jim Henson Christmas
The Muppets Take Manhatten
The Wizard of Oz
Nightmare before Christmas
The Storyteller
Indiana Jones Trilogy collection
Adventures of Robin Hood (1938 – Errol Flynn)
Big Night
The Piano
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Singin’ in the Rain
My Fair Lady
Sweeney Todd (2007)
The Music Man
An American In Paris
The Court Jester
White Christmas
Pizza stone
Large griddle (preferably plug-in with removable trays)
Food storage containers (Costco has great ones!)
Better pantry system…
Small deep freezer
Cutco “Ultimate” set – or the “Homemaker 18 piece” set, with a pair of scissors
Decent Cheese cutter…
Garrett, PI(Old Tin Sorrows/ Dread Brass Shadows/ Red Iron Nights)
Angry Lead Skies (Garrett P.I.)
Garrett Investigates (Deadly Quicksilver Lies, Petty Pewter Gods, Faded Steel Heat)
The Garrett Files (omnibus of Sweet Silver Blues, Bitter Gold Hearts and Cold Copper Tears)
Cuisine And Culture by Linda Civitello
The Flavor Bible
Festivals, Family and Food
Enchanted, again
I have deleted my wishlist. It's really crappy that I had to do it, but I couldn't, in all good conscience, keep it open. I still have the wedding registry there, but that's because apparently there isn't a way to remove it. *sigh* I am asking if you purchase anything for me, DON'T do it through
Because they apparently are of the opinion that they can sell whatever they want. The book in question?
This is the email that I have sent to Amazon as to why I have deleted my wishlist, and why I won't shop there anymore:
Octaevius Altair is a pedophile and predator - and yet, your company, and a company OWNED by (per the front page of, is publishing his work. I have deleted my wish list, and am advising all of my friends to boycott as well. I will not be using Amazon's services further, unless and until Amazon publicly apologizes and advises that they have removed "Viamund the boylove vampyre says...Poetry & Haiku's" and refuse to publish its ilk from this point forward.
Be aware - it's not just me who feels this way. We have alerted and, both of whom host a site for this person, and at least one has strong ties with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. I have now seen banners on over 10, well-read blog sites stating to boycott until pedophelia is no longer supported by you.
Think I'm overstating? Check it out:
I hope that you realize that the First Amendment is for those within the US (not outside - he lives in Canada), and both in Canada and in the US, pedophelia and its connected forms (kiddie-porn and books regarding the acceptance of such) is ILLEGAL and cannot be sold.
Thank you.
There's been a question of Rights and Freedoms being guaranteed by the first amendment, etc...
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society. (emphasis added)
This section is double edged. First it implies that a limitation on freedom of speech prescribed in law can be permitted if it can be justified as being a reasonable limit in a free and democratic society. Conversely, it implies that a restriction can be invalidated if it cannot be shown to be a reasonable limit in a free and democratic society. The former case has been used to uphold limits on legislation which are used to prevent hate speech and obscenity. (like pedophelia or kiddie porn...)
FURTHER - Wikipedia says:
In the United States freedom of expression is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. There are several exceptions to this general rule, including copyright protection, the Miller test for obscenity and greater regulation of so-called commercial speech, such as advertising.
Obscenity in specific is difficult to define under the First Amendment, and is often used in a legal context to describe expressions (words, images, actions) that offend the prevalent sexual morality of the time.
The Supreme Court has found that, when used in the context of the First Amendment, the word "obscenity" means material that deals with sex. In the United States, the 1973 ruling of the Supreme Court of the United States in Miller v. California established a three-tiered test to determine what was obscene - and thus not protected, versus what was merely erotic and thus protected by the First Amendment.
By definition then, the First Amendment will only cover those things which are deemed LEGAL within an obscene context - Child Pornography is specifically NOT on the legal list, and has been known to be illegal for some years now. While legal debates will rage on about whether other forms of pornography or erotica are acceptable or not, child pornography and pedophelia is NOT legal, either in Canada or in the US.
So... I urge you, dear readers, to include the following splat sign on your blogs, and spread the word. Boycott Amazon, and let the world know how much you hate child pornography. Be the voice for the child in the dark.

Because they apparently are of the opinion that they can sell whatever they want. The book in question?
This is the email that I have sent to Amazon as to why I have deleted my wishlist, and why I won't shop there anymore:
Octaevius Altair is a pedophile and predator - and yet, your company, and a company OWNED by (per the front page of, is publishing his work. I have deleted my wish list, and am advising all of my friends to boycott as well. I will not be using Amazon's services further, unless and until Amazon publicly apologizes and advises that they have removed "Viamund the boylove vampyre says...Poetry & Haiku's" and refuse to publish its ilk from this point forward.
Be aware - it's not just me who feels this way. We have alerted and, both of whom host a site for this person, and at least one has strong ties with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. I have now seen banners on over 10, well-read blog sites stating to boycott until pedophelia is no longer supported by you.
Think I'm overstating? Check it out:
I hope that you realize that the First Amendment is for those within the US (not outside - he lives in Canada), and both in Canada and in the US, pedophelia and its connected forms (kiddie-porn and books regarding the acceptance of such) is ILLEGAL and cannot be sold.
Thank you.
There's been a question of Rights and Freedoms being guaranteed by the first amendment, etc...
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society. (emphasis added)
This section is double edged. First it implies that a limitation on freedom of speech prescribed in law can be permitted if it can be justified as being a reasonable limit in a free and democratic society. Conversely, it implies that a restriction can be invalidated if it cannot be shown to be a reasonable limit in a free and democratic society. The former case has been used to uphold limits on legislation which are used to prevent hate speech and obscenity. (like pedophelia or kiddie porn...)
FURTHER - Wikipedia says:
In the United States freedom of expression is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. There are several exceptions to this general rule, including copyright protection, the Miller test for obscenity and greater regulation of so-called commercial speech, such as advertising.
Obscenity in specific is difficult to define under the First Amendment, and is often used in a legal context to describe expressions (words, images, actions) that offend the prevalent sexual morality of the time.
The Supreme Court has found that, when used in the context of the First Amendment, the word "obscenity" means material that deals with sex. In the United States, the 1973 ruling of the Supreme Court of the United States in Miller v. California established a three-tiered test to determine what was obscene - and thus not protected, versus what was merely erotic and thus protected by the First Amendment.
By definition then, the First Amendment will only cover those things which are deemed LEGAL within an obscene context - Child Pornography is specifically NOT on the legal list, and has been known to be illegal for some years now. While legal debates will rage on about whether other forms of pornography or erotica are acceptable or not, child pornography and pedophelia is NOT legal, either in Canada or in the US.
So... I urge you, dear readers, to include the following splat sign on your blogs, and spread the word. Boycott Amazon, and let the world know how much you hate child pornography. Be the voice for the child in the dark.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Update, update, update...
You may have noticed a new link on the lower left hand side: Confessions of a BBW Porn Goddess... Go check it out - kind of new, but good stuff.
In other news, I've started the trek through the Dream Catchers. We have 80 of them to do, and so far about 25 of them have been done. I can get through about one per hour. Should have most of them done by next week. Yay!
Next Sunday, hopefully will find me going through the last of them, as well as hopefully (possibly) going fabric shopping? Don't know - we'll have to see.
Anyway, am heading home now.
In other news, I've started the trek through the Dream Catchers. We have 80 of them to do, and so far about 25 of them have been done. I can get through about one per hour. Should have most of them done by next week. Yay!
Next Sunday, hopefully will find me going through the last of them, as well as hopefully (possibly) going fabric shopping? Don't know - we'll have to see.
Anyway, am heading home now.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
I'm still sick. I don't care what the doctors tell me, there's something just not quite right about what's going on. UNFORTUNATELY, since my current insurance is not much better than NO insurance at all (I have to hit $1250 to get them to cover ANYTHING besides just the visit to the dr's office), I'm going to simply have to suck it up and deal.
I'm tired, and feel as though someone kicked me all over. My muscles feel like they haven't gotten enough air so they're cramping, and my shoulder is totally boogered up. Overall, I'm not in horrible shape - especially when compared to Mishu, whose venom sacs- er, I mean tonsils- are acting up again and may yet again need milked for their pus-like substance... Urg.
On the other hand, it's getting kind of silly. If I were a hypochondriac, I'd be worried. As it is, I'm annoyed. I should just be OVER this crap by now.
muscle cramps/spasms
muscle aches
sinus pressure/pain
nausea (mostly from the phlem)
chest compression
It's been this way for actually 2 months now, off and on, and neither dr I've been to has been able to tell me anything. They've given me antibiotics and steroids, but nothing's really gotten rid of it. I'm assuming that this is just a really bad flu, and I need to take it easy for a while. So, no more OT for me. I'm also taking Melatonin so that I can get a good night's REM sleep, and hopefully that will help as well.
I've finished "The Six Wives of Henry VIII". It's an extremely impressive book, and sheds a lot of light on the women who had been queens. They're all so different, and each ended a different way due to different reasons. And while neither his wives nor Henry are blameless about creating their respective ends, both their actions were at least partially due to political intrigue common in the day. It's a really good read, and gives a much fuller picture of what happened, and why.
Tomorrow I get to go meet with Speedboy's teachers - again... We'll see what happens with that. The meeting is bright and early at 8am. Thrilled, really... Then it's off to the pet store for more food for the brat-cat, and over to pick up the rest of my anti-psycho pills, then back home where apparently we're supposed to have a "snot-in". Mishu, Fred and I are all going to sit on the couch, watch movies, eat comfort food, and generally be sick at one another. LOL.
Tomorrow night we're headed to Salvador Molly's for dinner. YUM. I lurves me some tex-mex/carribean/pirate food!
I'm tired, and feel as though someone kicked me all over. My muscles feel like they haven't gotten enough air so they're cramping, and my shoulder is totally boogered up. Overall, I'm not in horrible shape - especially when compared to Mishu, whose venom sacs- er, I mean tonsils- are acting up again and may yet again need milked for their pus-like substance... Urg.
On the other hand, it's getting kind of silly. If I were a hypochondriac, I'd be worried. As it is, I'm annoyed. I should just be OVER this crap by now.
muscle cramps/spasms
muscle aches
sinus pressure/pain
nausea (mostly from the phlem)
chest compression
It's been this way for actually 2 months now, off and on, and neither dr I've been to has been able to tell me anything. They've given me antibiotics and steroids, but nothing's really gotten rid of it. I'm assuming that this is just a really bad flu, and I need to take it easy for a while. So, no more OT for me. I'm also taking Melatonin so that I can get a good night's REM sleep, and hopefully that will help as well.
I've finished "The Six Wives of Henry VIII". It's an extremely impressive book, and sheds a lot of light on the women who had been queens. They're all so different, and each ended a different way due to different reasons. And while neither his wives nor Henry are blameless about creating their respective ends, both their actions were at least partially due to political intrigue common in the day. It's a really good read, and gives a much fuller picture of what happened, and why.
Tomorrow I get to go meet with Speedboy's teachers - again... We'll see what happens with that. The meeting is bright and early at 8am. Thrilled, really... Then it's off to the pet store for more food for the brat-cat, and over to pick up the rest of my anti-psycho pills, then back home where apparently we're supposed to have a "snot-in". Mishu, Fred and I are all going to sit on the couch, watch movies, eat comfort food, and generally be sick at one another. LOL.
Tomorrow night we're headed to Salvador Molly's for dinner. YUM. I lurves me some tex-mex/carribean/pirate food!
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