This weekend is Dragon's Mist Defender's Tourney, so we're in the last mad dash to get ready for it. Then it's a week off and then back into one last camping dash to Blackthorne Revel the weekend of the 15th.
Meanwhile, I'm sewing clothes for the baby (but only after she goes to bed - she's crawling now, and is into EVERYTHING otherwise), trying to keep the house relatively clean, trying to find time to make and sew garb for me, tailoring people's office clothing, and trying to get another babysitter lined up as our dear Val will be leaving us for good after the 23rd of Aug. :-(
The good news is that we will (hopefully soon) have a little bit extra cash coming in. I'm still trying to get a second job, but am thinking that I may have to hold off on that until after we're done camping AND we have my thyroid under control... More good news is that we already have a few possible choices for a new sitter, so that's good, too. I'm not nearly as wigged out as I had been the last time.
Mum is heading down tomorrow to come with us, and should be here in the early afternoon - she was hoping to get here early, but apparently was still chasing her tail at 1pm today, so...
I'm still having to figure out what to do about food this weekend. I need to remind Fred to send to everyone we're camping with that we'll be doing a pot-luck on Saturday. That way, there'll be plenty of foodstuffs for everyone, and we won't break the bank doing it. I will be making the hash for Sunday morning breakfast, but will scoot out enough for mom before adding sausage (veg-head that she is).
Other than that, there'll be some new recipes posted up soon, I'm sure...
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Recovery? What's that?
This last weekend was Sea Dogs. While Fred headed off with Ronnie for the weekend, I stayed home with Boo, secure in the knowledge that they would be off to *ba-ba-ba-bum* certain sunburn.
Saturday, we woke up fairly early (Boo woke up hungry, but happy, at 6:30am, so I figured we'd get up and get her fed at that point). She had her first "2nd foods" mix of apples and cherries, mixed with some rice cereal, and she at the entire 2.5 oz in one sitting. I think she has a sweet tooth... LOL.
After that, we changed, got everything together that was left to do, and headed out the door by 8am to catch the bus downtown on the first leg of our journey to the zoo.
We stopped at work to say "Happy Birthday" to one of my co-workers and show off the pirate dress to everyone, then headed over to the Saturday farmer's market just up the street.
We wended our way through the streets and I got one of the best fruit pasties that I've had in a while - huckleberry sweetened with pear. Yum. I always forget how good huckleberries are until I get really good ones.
We headed over to the zoo at that point, met up with Linda and Susan, and Linda's two grand-children, and headed into the zoo... Whereupon I found that the foot-gear I'd chosen was sadly not up to the task. I purchased flip-flops at the store, and we went on with our journey.
Boo actually was interested in the animals this time, and only had one major crying fit through the whole 4 hours we were there - pretty good for a 6 month old, honestly. We had lunch there, and then headed back home to our individual pads, my feet being very angry with me (the flip-flops didn't help, either).
We got home around 4:30, and I fed Boo and let her crawl around for a bit. She ended up collapsing around 6:30pm, and didn't wake up again until 2am, hungry and disgruntled (as usual - she doesn't like this whole bodily function thing going on). I fed her, then changed and settled her back down to bed, and settled down myself.
We both woke up later Sunday, around 7-ish, and spent the day lounging around the house, waiting for Fred to come home - which didn't happen until late that evening... Because he was a big dork... But that's his story.
Saturday, we woke up fairly early (Boo woke up hungry, but happy, at 6:30am, so I figured we'd get up and get her fed at that point). She had her first "2nd foods" mix of apples and cherries, mixed with some rice cereal, and she at the entire 2.5 oz in one sitting. I think she has a sweet tooth... LOL.
After that, we changed, got everything together that was left to do, and headed out the door by 8am to catch the bus downtown on the first leg of our journey to the zoo.
We stopped at work to say "Happy Birthday" to one of my co-workers and show off the pirate dress to everyone, then headed over to the Saturday farmer's market just up the street.
We wended our way through the streets and I got one of the best fruit pasties that I've had in a while - huckleberry sweetened with pear. Yum. I always forget how good huckleberries are until I get really good ones.
We headed over to the zoo at that point, met up with Linda and Susan, and Linda's two grand-children, and headed into the zoo... Whereupon I found that the foot-gear I'd chosen was sadly not up to the task. I purchased flip-flops at the store, and we went on with our journey.
Boo actually was interested in the animals this time, and only had one major crying fit through the whole 4 hours we were there - pretty good for a 6 month old, honestly. We had lunch there, and then headed back home to our individual pads, my feet being very angry with me (the flip-flops didn't help, either).
We got home around 4:30, and I fed Boo and let her crawl around for a bit. She ended up collapsing around 6:30pm, and didn't wake up again until 2am, hungry and disgruntled (as usual - she doesn't like this whole bodily function thing going on). I fed her, then changed and settled her back down to bed, and settled down myself.
We both woke up later Sunday, around 7-ish, and spent the day lounging around the house, waiting for Fred to come home - which didn't happen until late that evening... Because he was a big dork... But that's his story.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Weekend of something...
So, the weekend is upon us. Fred and Ronnie left around 10:45 this morning, and handed Boo to Val for the rest of the day. I'll take over when I get home, and then have the weekend with her while Fred's at the event.
This is the first "official" weekend I've had the baby all to myself since she was born. It'll be difficult, to say the least. Normally there's at least a little bit of a respite that I can get when I need it.
We're going to go to the zoo tomorrow morning - this is mostly to distract both Boo and me from the fact that we're on our own, and to wear her out to a point where she'll sleep and be a little easier to deal with (I hope)...
I was going to BBQ tomorrow night, but so far it doesn't look like that will happen. Though I sent out information on it almost a month ago, most of my friends are going to be at the event. Those that aren't going are busy with other things.
My main issues will be trying not to focus on the fact that I'm once again at home while Fred's at an event, and trying to remember to eat. I'm tired enough already, I don't need to add lack of food to the issue... I'm feeling depressed, what with no one at home to talk with outside of the baby, and no one to hang out with since everyone is at the event. I'm not sure that I'll be interested in doing much of anything other than the zoo.
The thyroid issue seems to be continuing. Meds perked it up a bit, but it's slowly going back downhill to where I was. I know they're leaning currently toward Hashimoto's disease as a "final" diagnosis. I go in on the 18th to see what's up and will most likely get results by the 20th. If it *is* Hashimoto's, they'll try and kill the thyroid, to make sure that my body doesn't do it for me... Should make an interesting ride. I just hope that I don't lose more hair than I already have.
This is the first "official" weekend I've had the baby all to myself since she was born. It'll be difficult, to say the least. Normally there's at least a little bit of a respite that I can get when I need it.
We're going to go to the zoo tomorrow morning - this is mostly to distract both Boo and me from the fact that we're on our own, and to wear her out to a point where she'll sleep and be a little easier to deal with (I hope)...
I was going to BBQ tomorrow night, but so far it doesn't look like that will happen. Though I sent out information on it almost a month ago, most of my friends are going to be at the event. Those that aren't going are busy with other things.
My main issues will be trying not to focus on the fact that I'm once again at home while Fred's at an event, and trying to remember to eat. I'm tired enough already, I don't need to add lack of food to the issue... I'm feeling depressed, what with no one at home to talk with outside of the baby, and no one to hang out with since everyone is at the event. I'm not sure that I'll be interested in doing much of anything other than the zoo.
The thyroid issue seems to be continuing. Meds perked it up a bit, but it's slowly going back downhill to where I was. I know they're leaning currently toward Hashimoto's disease as a "final" diagnosis. I go in on the 18th to see what's up and will most likely get results by the 20th. If it *is* Hashimoto's, they'll try and kill the thyroid, to make sure that my body doesn't do it for me... Should make an interesting ride. I just hope that I don't lose more hair than I already have.
General Mayhem,
Personal Angst
Thursday, July 24, 2008
New dress for baby!
I found this fabric at Fabric Depot about a month or two ago, when I went with Raistlin and her mother to the first portion of the outdoor sale. I saw it, and I *had* to get it.

So, here's the first of the pirate print outfits that I've been working on for Boo. While Raistlin's mother said that I was "sick" for buying the fabric, I have to say that this turned out SO adorable I can hardly stand it. Everyone else thinks it's cute, too.

The back has 6 gold buttons down it, and they look like little doubloons.

This is the detail of one of the two pockets on the front.

So, I'm hoping to get photos of her in it on Saturday when we go to the zoo.

So, here's the first of the pirate print outfits that I've been working on for Boo. While Raistlin's mother said that I was "sick" for buying the fabric, I have to say that this turned out SO adorable I can hardly stand it. Everyone else thinks it's cute, too.
The back has 6 gold buttons down it, and they look like little doubloons.

This is the detail of one of the two pockets on the front.

So, I'm hoping to get photos of her in it on Saturday when we go to the zoo.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Re-working the system; or, What I'd Do if _I_ Ran The US...
My mother and I used to discuss politics when I was younger, about what would happen if we were a benevolent dictator of the US... It was an interesting exersize about what we felt could be improved upon, and what worked, and how we would impliment the changes. Fred and I took up the practice when we hooked up, and we've had a number of great conversations which got us thinking in new ways (at least, it did me) on how things "should" be run here.
One of the big things that always seemed to come up between my mother and I was welfare reform, as well as birth control.
All women, regardless of marital status, will have assistance on their first child for the first two years, if it’s proven that, based on NET income, they are in financial need for Welfare. WIC will be provided for the first child for the first three years, again based on financial need. The two will be separated, and they must qualify for them separately – but they can qualify for both, based on net income. The 2nd child will only receive WIC assistance, and there will be NO Welfare assistance. No further children will qualify for assistance.
Welfare assistance will include medical assistance for mother and child for the first two years, and additional medical assistance for the child for another three years, if they qualify based on income and their current employment assistance.
Fred had ideas on getting the US back on its feet as well... Basically, once we have troops back, put them to work – if they’re going to earn money, let them do what they were trained to do (Besides carry a gun and menace people). We have bridge-builders, ship-builders, engineers, etc. Send them to the places that need it the most (hurricane Katrina comes to mind) and have them clean the place up. We’re already paying them, what’s wrong with having them work here?
I have no doubt that it would be a very unpopular idea - but at the same time, think about how much has yet to be done in the US, where natural disasters have come through and wiped out whole cities. Think of the amazing amount of service that could be done throughout the US, improving the state of our nation. Not only that, but they would get practical, hands-on experience in the areas that they signed up to get training in while being IN the military in the first place.
Speaking of having the troops back, we need to focus more on what's happening here in the US than outside of it. I'm not a xenophobe - but I'll tell you what, in reading US history over the past 60 years, I've seen quite a number of things go on, not the least of which is that we've given billions of dollars in aid to other countries, with the promise of being paid back within "x" number of years, we've provided millions of man-hours, not to mention men and women, for policing countries and fighting for others' freedoms. We've spent years giving weapons to countries to help them fight against our "mutual" enemies, only to later have those weapons turned against us when we become the enemy. Meanwhile, at home, our children grow up without quality healthcare, without a decent, well-rounded education, some without even decent nutrition - and why? Because our government seems to be more interested in helping those countries outside the US, rather than helping and improving our own.
As for the government itself, it needs to be overhauled. At the very least, the Electoral College needs to be disbanded completely. It's an outdated and out-moded idea. It was fine when we were unable to communicate for weeks at a time, and relied on state representatives to vote based on the state's majority. These days, we get updates by the second - there's no reason to rely on 13 people, who will vote on their own, regardless of the people's majority vote. If we really want the ad campaigns to "Rock the vote" to work, then we need to make sure that those votes really COUNT!
Am I crazy? Possibly. Am I right? Well, I definitely think so. I doubt that anyone else will, but since it's my blog, I get to write what I want. Neener.
One of the big things that always seemed to come up between my mother and I was welfare reform, as well as birth control.
All women, regardless of marital status, will have assistance on their first child for the first two years, if it’s proven that, based on NET income, they are in financial need for Welfare. WIC will be provided for the first child for the first three years, again based on financial need. The two will be separated, and they must qualify for them separately – but they can qualify for both, based on net income. The 2nd child will only receive WIC assistance, and there will be NO Welfare assistance. No further children will qualify for assistance.
Welfare assistance will include medical assistance for mother and child for the first two years, and additional medical assistance for the child for another three years, if they qualify based on income and their current employment assistance.
Fred had ideas on getting the US back on its feet as well... Basically, once we have troops back, put them to work – if they’re going to earn money, let them do what they were trained to do (Besides carry a gun and menace people). We have bridge-builders, ship-builders, engineers, etc. Send them to the places that need it the most (hurricane Katrina comes to mind) and have them clean the place up. We’re already paying them, what’s wrong with having them work here?
I have no doubt that it would be a very unpopular idea - but at the same time, think about how much has yet to be done in the US, where natural disasters have come through and wiped out whole cities. Think of the amazing amount of service that could be done throughout the US, improving the state of our nation. Not only that, but they would get practical, hands-on experience in the areas that they signed up to get training in while being IN the military in the first place.
Speaking of having the troops back, we need to focus more on what's happening here in the US than outside of it. I'm not a xenophobe - but I'll tell you what, in reading US history over the past 60 years, I've seen quite a number of things go on, not the least of which is that we've given billions of dollars in aid to other countries, with the promise of being paid back within "x" number of years, we've provided millions of man-hours, not to mention men and women, for policing countries and fighting for others' freedoms. We've spent years giving weapons to countries to help them fight against our "mutual" enemies, only to later have those weapons turned against us when we become the enemy. Meanwhile, at home, our children grow up without quality healthcare, without a decent, well-rounded education, some without even decent nutrition - and why? Because our government seems to be more interested in helping those countries outside the US, rather than helping and improving our own.
As for the government itself, it needs to be overhauled. At the very least, the Electoral College needs to be disbanded completely. It's an outdated and out-moded idea. It was fine when we were unable to communicate for weeks at a time, and relied on state representatives to vote based on the state's majority. These days, we get updates by the second - there's no reason to rely on 13 people, who will vote on their own, regardless of the people's majority vote. If we really want the ad campaigns to "Rock the vote" to work, then we need to make sure that those votes really COUNT!
Am I crazy? Possibly. Am I right? Well, I definitely think so. I doubt that anyone else will, but since it's my blog, I get to write what I want. Neener.
Monday, July 07, 2008
essay on being poor
It's about as fun as having wisdom teeth pulled and not using anestetic - the only difference being that eventually, the pain of the wisdom teeth will wear off.
I'm going to get a 2nd job as soon as I have enough energy to do so. We just can't afford to go on like we are currently, and it's more stressful for me to not have a cushion than it is for me to have a 2nd job.
Haven't found anyone interested in purchasing my serger. Am going to put up a page on craig's list and hope. I'd like to get $100 for it. The only thing wrong with it is the cutting blade, which is broken - but is easily fixed.
Baby continues to grow at an astounding rate. I need to get her some new all-in-ones. She only has 3 now that fit her. The rest are WAY too small. She's into 9-12 month old clothing, and just turned 5 months on Sunday...
Went to the zoo Sunday with Fred and baby. We all had a very good time, until Fred's allergies decided to pounce upon him with a vengeance. We are thinking it's a combo of pollens and bird dander, which means if we go to the zoo, he'll have to make sure to take his Zyrtec, or go to the dr for a script to help with the allergies... Otherwise he'll be no fun at all, and we will have to deal with a cranky Fred - whom no one likes at all.
Have come up with a slight twist to an idea that the SCA has, Siege Cooking...
The rules are simple:
You must have at least 2 people (obviously, or it's not a contest).
There will be 3 judges to taste the creations.
Each contestant will be given enough ingredients for 2 creations to be made for each judge (a total of six plates per contestant)
Contestants are allowed 3 hours to create the dishes in their encampment.
Contestants are allowed to ask for help ONLY within their encampment.
Contestants are NOT allowed to leave their encampment OR go offsite for additional ingredients once the contest starts.
Contestants are not allowed to raid other encampments to gain additional ingredients.
Contestants are allowed ONE visit to the "mystery box" at the judge's station, within the first two hours of the contest, and they can take up to 3 items. Each item they take, they must replace with a different item that they don't need. The only person allowed to visit the "mystery box" is the contestant.
Each contestant will turn in their dishes at the same time, at the end of the 3 hours. They can have as much help as they feel is necessary to transport the dishes, and can make as much pomp and circumstance as they feel their dishes deserve, in order to serve them.
Each dish will focus on the mystery ingredient.
Criteria for judging will be:
Plating/presentation: 10 points
Originality: 5 points
Flavor/Taste: 5 points
In the event of a tie, each contestant will be allowed to say a few words about their dishes - the more interesting the better... The one with the best description and/or story regarding their dish will be declared the winner by a 4th judge.
I have seen some of these in the past at SCA events, and they're a lot of fun... Should be interesting to see what people come up with.
I'm going to get a 2nd job as soon as I have enough energy to do so. We just can't afford to go on like we are currently, and it's more stressful for me to not have a cushion than it is for me to have a 2nd job.
Haven't found anyone interested in purchasing my serger. Am going to put up a page on craig's list and hope. I'd like to get $100 for it. The only thing wrong with it is the cutting blade, which is broken - but is easily fixed.
Baby continues to grow at an astounding rate. I need to get her some new all-in-ones. She only has 3 now that fit her. The rest are WAY too small. She's into 9-12 month old clothing, and just turned 5 months on Sunday...
Went to the zoo Sunday with Fred and baby. We all had a very good time, until Fred's allergies decided to pounce upon him with a vengeance. We are thinking it's a combo of pollens and bird dander, which means if we go to the zoo, he'll have to make sure to take his Zyrtec, or go to the dr for a script to help with the allergies... Otherwise he'll be no fun at all, and we will have to deal with a cranky Fred - whom no one likes at all.
Have come up with a slight twist to an idea that the SCA has, Siege Cooking...
The rules are simple:
You must have at least 2 people (obviously, or it's not a contest).
There will be 3 judges to taste the creations.
Each contestant will be given enough ingredients for 2 creations to be made for each judge (a total of six plates per contestant)
Contestants are allowed 3 hours to create the dishes in their encampment.
Contestants are allowed to ask for help ONLY within their encampment.
Contestants are NOT allowed to leave their encampment OR go offsite for additional ingredients once the contest starts.
Contestants are not allowed to raid other encampments to gain additional ingredients.
Contestants are allowed ONE visit to the "mystery box" at the judge's station, within the first two hours of the contest, and they can take up to 3 items. Each item they take, they must replace with a different item that they don't need. The only person allowed to visit the "mystery box" is the contestant.
Each contestant will turn in their dishes at the same time, at the end of the 3 hours. They can have as much help as they feel is necessary to transport the dishes, and can make as much pomp and circumstance as they feel their dishes deserve, in order to serve them.
Each dish will focus on the mystery ingredient.
Criteria for judging will be:
Plating/presentation: 10 points
Originality: 5 points
Flavor/Taste: 5 points
In the event of a tie, each contestant will be allowed to say a few words about their dishes - the more interesting the better... The one with the best description and/or story regarding their dish will be declared the winner by a 4th judge.
I have seen some of these in the past at SCA events, and they're a lot of fun... Should be interesting to see what people come up with.
Friday, July 04, 2008
Happy 4th of July! Remember?
One of the most amazing things happens each year on the 4th in the US. We celebrate the signing of the constitution - literally penning into creation a new country!
Each year, about a week prior, we start off with firework stands, star-spangled sales, and brightly colored, patriotic favors wending their way throughout our stores and down the streets. And yet...
Here I sit, at work, and I answer the phone at the local hospital, and take calls asking WHY the clinics are closed today?! I am absolutely amazed that, for all the professed "patriots" here in the area where I live, apparently they are completely oblivious to the 4th of July and the reasons that everything that is NON-ESSENTIAL to the hospital will be closed for the weekend... Why!!!?
Are they completely mental?
Is it that they are patriotic, unless it inconveniences them?
Honestly. Really. Let's think about this, here. If you are going to play the patriot card, then do it full blast. Don't wander around in red, white, and blue, spouting the first verse of the Star-Spangled Banner (because you can't remember the 2nd one), and then be confused because nothing is open!
Honestly, we don't actually have THAT many holidays that affect our daily lives. It's not THAT much of an inconvenience, as long as you learn to plan ahead. Especially with dr appointments. This is not a life-or-death issue. Don't act like it is. Life-and-death are allergic reactions, spurting blood, passing out, heart attacks, or other things which would immediately cause the quality (not to mention quantity) of life to be greatly reduced within the next half hour. Be real.
Each year, about a week prior, we start off with firework stands, star-spangled sales, and brightly colored, patriotic favors wending their way throughout our stores and down the streets. And yet...
Here I sit, at work, and I answer the phone at the local hospital, and take calls asking WHY the clinics are closed today?! I am absolutely amazed that, for all the professed "patriots" here in the area where I live, apparently they are completely oblivious to the 4th of July and the reasons that everything that is NON-ESSENTIAL to the hospital will be closed for the weekend... Why!!!?
Are they completely mental?
Is it that they are patriotic, unless it inconveniences them?
Honestly. Really. Let's think about this, here. If you are going to play the patriot card, then do it full blast. Don't wander around in red, white, and blue, spouting the first verse of the Star-Spangled Banner (because you can't remember the 2nd one), and then be confused because nothing is open!
Honestly, we don't actually have THAT many holidays that affect our daily lives. It's not THAT much of an inconvenience, as long as you learn to plan ahead. Especially with dr appointments. This is not a life-or-death issue. Don't act like it is. Life-and-death are allergic reactions, spurting blood, passing out, heart attacks, or other things which would immediately cause the quality (not to mention quantity) of life to be greatly reduced within the next half hour. Be real.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Justification! Victory is mine - sort of...
So, yesterday I went to see another Dr about my thyroid. She pulled more blood from me, did another THS test, as well as a Free T4 test and a ferrous count. We also went over the rest of my health history and family history, and I really felt like we were connecting for the first time - It felt like she actually listened to me.
This morning she called and let me know the test results. My thyroid went from 5.3 last week to 7.5 as of yesterday... the T4 didn't seem to have an issue, but was borderline, so I'm now going to be on Synthroid to stabalize it. In addition, while I'm not anemic, my iron level is currently at a 9 - the lowest they like to see it is 50... So, yeah, a little bit of issue on both parts... I have only one thing to say to the first Dr:
I did mention at the beginning of all of this that I figured my thyroid was out of whack, and there could be something else... Gee, could it be that I was RIGHT?!?!?!
I think so.
This morning she called and let me know the test results. My thyroid went from 5.3 last week to 7.5 as of yesterday... the T4 didn't seem to have an issue, but was borderline, so I'm now going to be on Synthroid to stabalize it. In addition, while I'm not anemic, my iron level is currently at a 9 - the lowest they like to see it is 50... So, yeah, a little bit of issue on both parts... I have only one thing to say to the first Dr:
I did mention at the beginning of all of this that I figured my thyroid was out of whack, and there could be something else... Gee, could it be that I was RIGHT?!?!?!
I think so.
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