Monday, July 07, 2008

essay on being poor

It's about as fun as having wisdom teeth pulled and not using anestetic - the only difference being that eventually, the pain of the wisdom teeth will wear off.

I'm going to get a 2nd job as soon as I have enough energy to do so. We just can't afford to go on like we are currently, and it's more stressful for me to not have a cushion than it is for me to have a 2nd job.

Haven't found anyone interested in purchasing my serger. Am going to put up a page on craig's list and hope. I'd like to get $100 for it. The only thing wrong with it is the cutting blade, which is broken - but is easily fixed.

Baby continues to grow at an astounding rate. I need to get her some new all-in-ones. She only has 3 now that fit her. The rest are WAY too small. She's into 9-12 month old clothing, and just turned 5 months on Sunday...

Went to the zoo Sunday with Fred and baby. We all had a very good time, until Fred's allergies decided to pounce upon him with a vengeance. We are thinking it's a combo of pollens and bird dander, which means if we go to the zoo, he'll have to make sure to take his Zyrtec, or go to the dr for a script to help with the allergies... Otherwise he'll be no fun at all, and we will have to deal with a cranky Fred - whom no one likes at all.

Have come up with a slight twist to an idea that the SCA has, Siege Cooking...

The rules are simple:

You must have at least 2 people (obviously, or it's not a contest).

There will be 3 judges to taste the creations.

Each contestant will be given enough ingredients for 2 creations to be made for each judge (a total of six plates per contestant)

Contestants are allowed 3 hours to create the dishes in their encampment.

Contestants are allowed to ask for help ONLY within their encampment.

Contestants are NOT allowed to leave their encampment OR go offsite for additional ingredients once the contest starts.

Contestants are not allowed to raid other encampments to gain additional ingredients.

Contestants are allowed ONE visit to the "mystery box" at the judge's station, within the first two hours of the contest, and they can take up to 3 items. Each item they take, they must replace with a different item that they don't need. The only person allowed to visit the "mystery box" is the contestant.

Each contestant will turn in their dishes at the same time, at the end of the 3 hours. They can have as much help as they feel is necessary to transport the dishes, and can make as much pomp and circumstance as they feel their dishes deserve, in order to serve them.

Each dish will focus on the mystery ingredient.

Criteria for judging will be:

Plating/presentation: 10 points
Originality: 5 points
Flavor/Taste: 5 points

In the event of a tie, each contestant will be allowed to say a few words about their dishes - the more interesting the better... The one with the best description and/or story regarding their dish will be declared the winner by a 4th judge.

I have seen some of these in the past at SCA events, and they're a lot of fun... Should be interesting to see what people come up with.


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