Today feels like it's the first day off I've had in about 3 weeks... I can't seem to stop yawning. Could have something to do with the cat tap-dancing around the bed at 4:30 this morning letting me know that she was *HUN-gry, mama!*...
She's been eating MUCH better, of late, and while I have no doubt that she will be on the renal food for the rest of her life, I am fairly sure that said life should be longer than originally expected when she was first diagnosed with early renal failure.
Fred's latest toy showed up - a new Dell computer. While I realize that Dell is proprietary with its stuff (as much so as Apple is when it comes to repair), they're fairly reliable hunks, and it gives Fred the ability to do all the graphics and music stuff he's been wanting to do, as well as play the latest and greatest of Command and Conquer *chuckle*.
After my fairly spectaculer melt-down this last weekend, I went to the doctor. It's been determined that I most likely was in need of a change of medications, so I'm now on a slow move over to Lexapro from the Paxil. I haven't had anything else new happen, but I'm supposed to be making a yearly "girly" appointment within the next week so I can be poked and prodded, as well as have a general monitoring of my mental well-being done by my PCP.
The job is... well... the job. It's honestly neither better nor worse than it was last time I talked about it. I have an interview on Monday, so hopefully that will go well. I was to have had an interview today, but it was a bust - turns out, since it was for Express Temp agency, they wanted me to quit my job immediately and then wait for them to find me a position to fill... Uh, no thanks. I can't afford it. I may be stressing, and I may not be getting paid what my qualifications show that I'm worth, but I'm not going to quit a job until I have a guarantee of a job offer in front of me, thankyouverymuch.
Tomorrow should be exciting for Fred and Speedboy. Speedboy was informed today that they were going to go to lunch tomorrow together... The conversation went thusly:
F: So, kiddo - you and I are going to go to lunch tomorrow.
S: OK.
F: At Sheri's (about 2 miles away or so).
S: [insert HUGE grin on face]
F: But we aren't taking the bus.
S: [even bigger grin] We got a CAR?!?!
F: Nope - we're running there.
S: [insert look of disbelief on face]
F: And the catch is, if you can keep up with me the whole way and not walk, you can order anything on the menu...
S: [thrilled] Cool!
F: But you don't want to eat a lot of heavy stuff - since we're running back, too.
S: oh.
I'm more than amused by this exchange.
Tonight we're having our obligitory Irish dinner of Corned Beef and potatoes, but with a switch - instead of cabbage, I got two beautiful bunches of asparagus from Freddy's at $0.99/lb! So, should be mighty tasty after gentle steaming and a little butter. Nummy.
Fred and I have sort of had an unspoken decision, from what I can tell... We're going to try and get better at the whole food consumation thing... Me, because high grocery bills stress me out, and him AND I because we both feel better when we're not quite as heavy as we've gotten over the winter. So - while we aren't going to *diet*, per se, I think we can safely say that healthier eating habits are going to be followed more, as well as some better physical activities (you know, ones that don't include the picking and shovelling into the mouth of Aplets and Cotlets on a minute-by-minute basis). Speaking of physical activities - anyone have a bellydance DVD they'd like to hand over? I'm kind of strapped for cash, and would like to start working out twice a week or more if possible...
***Amusing side note... The new Command and Conquer "Generals" game Fred is currently playing has an interesting background song to it at times... I keep hearing it and thinking of "Pirates of the Carribean"... I'm waiting for one of the AI's to ask "But why are the Bombs gone?" or "Because the man who's doin' the firin' is dropping a bomb - and the bomb that's doin' the droppin' is goin' to take out your base, savvy?"***
And I'm now going to turn my attention to the preparation of the asparagas... which will be tasty.