Wednesday, March 21, 2007

By Freya's Bra-straps!

Some things just beg to be made fun at...

Take THIS little number for instance...

All I can say is WOW... The most amusing (appalling?) portion of it is found HERE with their little "cheers". I about blew my soda out my nose at the absurdity of it.

I never realized how much I abhore such fluffy-bunny-esque type groups... The most frightening thing is that I see these people ALL OVER THE PLACE in my hometown here... Right down to the dredlocked hair (look - you're white. I'm sorry, but it just looks DIRTY - deal with it, get over your lack of melanin, and get a JOB!).

I'm all for being motivated for peace, prosperity and the general pursuit of happiness - but honestly, there's such a thing as making a spectacle of yourself and the religion as a whole. This would be an embarrassment to any religion, honestly.

It makes me equate it to those in the right-winged christian sects who put their hands in the air for better reception. *shudder*


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll comment after I have thrown up my lunch! :-S