Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Oh sigh...

So, I just barely get over one cold, and another one hits me... I really wish people at work would not think "Gee, I'm not throwing up, so I must not be sick anymore - never mind that I still have a high fever." Stupid people.

I took Sunday off so I could again be sick at home and hopefully recover faster. I seem to be, but it's still kind of iffy.

Tuesday was the ultrasound appointment - you know, the one that I had to make because Elizabeth wasn't cooperating and kept moving around... Yeah, that one...

Well, I got there and immediately got under the belly probe - and wouldn't you know it - the little turtle decided not to wake up... AT ALL! She had wedged herself into my pelvic bone, with little feet propped into my cervix, and her head into my hip joint on the right side. She wouldn't move at all, and the radiology tech (same one as last time) and I just looked at one another and laughed.

I ended up being turned almost completely upside down to try and roll her out, since jiggling my belly vigerously wouldn't work. She finally did roll out of the hip, but she kept her feet tucked into my cervix, the little impling.

We spent another hour and 20 minutes or so trying to get her to roll over and move into the best positions to get photos... All we got was her looking vaguely annoyed, and moving one hand, then rolling over and ignoring us.

At one point, in order to get a clear picture of the feet, they had to do a vag ultrasound. She has long toes, I'll say that much. And we got a good look of her folding herself in half, her little knees pressed up to her nose. Long legs, too, from the look of her - not going to take much after me, bone-wise.

We went back for another round of abdominal scans, but still couldn't wake her up at all. There are two more things they need to check for, so I'm to go back in next Tuesday morning for (hopefully) a final ultrasound.

Of course, as soon as I got home, she woke up and started kicking. *sigh*


1 comment:

Jeanne S said...

One of my most vivid memories of pregnancy is how when I would finally get a chance to lie down & rest, the little demonspawn would wake up! Apparently any stress hormones rising or falling don't go through the placenta until approximately 30 minutes after they hit your system, so the baby will often be ready for playtime right when you're ready for naptime, and vice versa.