Saturday, October 06, 2007

Today's adventures!

We got up at 8am this morning to head out to the 56th Annual Greek Festival, over in NE PDX. I have tried to go every year, ever since I found out we had one. I love me some lamb and Gyros! Not to mention the delicious pastries and wonderful music that always ends up playing there.

Upon arriving at around 11am, we were lucky enough to find ourselves early - this meant no elbowing through the crowds like last year, and meant that we were able to really enjoy ourselves in both eating and browsing through their little shop area within the church rectory. We walked in, I pulled out money to get our "talents" (that's what the greek currancy is called), and then we were presented with this little gem of a sign:

The most amusing part is that the Greek Orthodox Church was thought of (at least, by me) to be fairly tea-totalling...

And then, the most luscious smells began to waft over to us, and Fred and I had to go investigate:

I loves me some lamb... Unfortunately, we missed out on the lamb as I had to be at work by 2:45pm and the dinner didn't even start until 1pm. *sigh* However, that is something to keep in mind for next year - I may simply have to take the day off so I can head over and have me some lamb dinner. Yum...

Afterwards, Fred and I headed back downtown, and he and I parted ways - me to go to work, and him to head over to Michaels to pick up yarn for me, and then home... Apparently to reek havoc on the front room and kitchen. His corner, for the first time in months, is clean. I was horribly startled by the picture. I'm going to do what's left on Monday, and work on the bedrooms as well.

Oh - and I ordered my sewing machine. I'm hoping it will be here in a few weeks. I'm so excited!


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