Sunday, September 23, 2007

Damned Proud!

I am so proud of myself! I have learned a new crochet stitch that was something daunting-looking (at least, for me). I normally can’t read the instructions unless there’s pictures that go along with it, specifically a close-up of whatever stitch it is they’re trying to teach me. However, my “bible”, the ‘Complete Guide to Needlework’ by Reader’s Digest, helped me out immensely.

I now know how to do a wave stitch. And I am making another baby blanket. While I know I have 2 already, I also know you honestly can’t have too many of them, at least for the first year, what with accidents and messes and things. It’s nice to have several of them, of different weights. Also, once done with them, or out-grown, I’m pretty sure there’s a market for gently-used, hand-crocheted baby blankets.

Yay me! Honestly, I really needed another project to do at home. While there are a number of sewing projects that I need to get to, I can’t really do any of them until I get my table set up and the rest of the room finished. That will, hopefully, be on my next paycheck, if I can find someone with a truck / large vehicle to help get it home – or possibly get it delivered, if the company does that… hope, hope, hope.

I’m also going to be doing some embroidery. There’s a really cute stuffed gingham bunny pattern that my mom found years and years ago, that I still have. I had one as a little child, and all of the babies in our family got one. We also made some for the local hospital children’s wards and the EMT boxes to give out to children in need. It’s a sweet-faced baby bunny, its eyes closed, cuddling a carrot. It can be made from any type of patterned gingham, which makes it all the more whimsical and fun to both make and have. I happen to have a gingham pattern of little kitty paw-prints, which I think would be absolutely adorable for a bunny (chuckle), so I’ll be using that. If you know of someone who would also like a bunny, it’s just as easy to make two as one, so let me know.


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