Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Hey protesters! Try protesting the actual ISSUE!

Recently, Fred and I were informed that a good friend of ours was injured and slowly recovering. Since this friend has been unable to event this year, and *loves* to watch Fire and Steel perform, Fred decided to dedicate one of his moves directly to him. He video-taped the whole performance, and in the midst of it, addressed our friend directly and did the one move that our friend constantly requests: the "Dragon Cascade" - pretty much, it's a fire-breathing move where a continuous stream is let forth while moving the head in a rainbow-type arch, causing it to look rather like a dragon has just flown in and said hello.

It was a nifty idea, and when he got home, Fred put it up on YouTube, LiveLeak, and Break.com, as well as sent a copy to our friend's wife, and over to our friend. And then... the comments came through - two of them QUITE negative.

Why were there *any* negative comments at all? Well, because apparently the peace-loving, crystal-gripping hippies of the U.S. can't seem to differentiate between the WAR, and those serving there.

You see - our friend, known here as Aiden, is currently serving his 2nd tour of duty in the Middle East. His vehicle was hit a month or so ago while en route to another location. He was one of the few lucky ones. Three of his crew didn't make it at all. Three more had amputation-level injuries. Aiden is currently laid up in a hospital, recovering and feeling better than he could have been. And he's doubly-lucky - he lived to be able to see his two small children and his wife again. Something that others weren't able to do.

See - I don't agree with the war. I don't agree with the reasons for it, I don't agree with the reasons why we're staying there. But that has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with my feelings for those serving over there. The men and women who have joined the Armed Forces did so for their own reasons - and I have no say over that at all. It's their issue, their thing, and I respect them for choosing it. Why? Because unlike those of us living in civilian comfort, able to protest whatever the fardling hell we want, they have signed away their rights to do so. It's very true - part of the soldier's oath is that they are now property of the US Military and government, and will be sent off and expected to do what they are told to do, where they are told to do it. They do not have the same rights that we do. They cannot - it is a different world within the military, and one that most civilians simply do not, or cannot, understand.

One of the comments went off on Fred for being a war-supporter because he was doing this for a friend who was deeply missed in this part of the world by both friends and family. The commentor went on to say that his tax dollars were being spent on a war he didn't agree with while millions of illegal aliens were allowed into the country, using up all of "HIS" health care. Yeah - and that had absolutely WHAT to do with this video HOW? Further, are you suggesting that if we HADN'T had the war, we wouldn't HAVE millions of illegal aliens in the U.S.?

*THINK* just a minute about your arguments, you crystal-gripping, wire-rimmed-wearing, tree-hugging, lettuce-eating nincompoop! One has absolutely NOTHING to do with the other. And how DARE you, or anyone else, suggest that the men and women serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, or any other high-risk military area in the world today are all gung-ho for the war and our president. Let me tell you something - they have brains, eyes and ears, all of them. While they may not have a choice about serving where they're sent, they have their own opinions on what's going on - you can be sure of that.

Don't like the war? GREAT! Bully for you! But don't drag extraeneous baggage that has nothing to do with the war into your argument. Furthermore, if you don't want your taxes to pay for it - MOVE! I hear Canada is GREAT this time of century. Stay there, and don't come back. You won't be welcome. You should be greatful that you HAVE the opportunity to say what you want, when you want it. Oh, and just as a point of information - the reason you HAVE that right? Yeah, it's because of the men and women who have signed away THEIR rights to help protect ours - including yours, you jackass.



Anonymous said...

VERY well said! Huzzah!!

stowaway said...

very angry post, some of it is understood but some i take issue with. i support having my tax dollars used for the greater good however i'd be just as happy having 20% taken out for all things that should be a right like housing and healthcare, but when so little of the funding for the war actually benefits those on the ground fighting it or the families they left behind here to struggle, or the veterans who served before them-the budget for defense doesn't sit well with me. Its how much of these tax dollars are used to help build profit for corporations supporting the war for profit that i find troubling.
Anyway just thought Id say hello. Like your blog.

Merripan said...

I agree entirely with the budget not doing enough for those who served - but again, this is something to protest the government about, NOT those who served. They are doing a job that sucks ass most days, and those are the GOOD days... they don't deserve to be treated like dirt because of how we feel regarding the tax usage.