Friday, June 01, 2007

Minor Update...

It's 22 days left, and I am heading out at some point in the next week to find better shoes. The ones I purchased simply weren't wide enough for me. However, they WERE wide enough, and fit perfectly, for Lil. SO - she's inheriting them from me, and I will find something that is more cushy to my toes.

Tomorrow *bright and early*, Lil will be picking me up and we'll head to Costco to do some shopping. I need to remember my list so I don't forget anything... I'm finding that I'm getting more and more done with the lists I make, so am starting to stick with them, as they seem to be working. LOL

I think we've picked out a name for the bean, though it's a tossup for the girls' names, since there are two that I like (though I'm leaning toward the first one):

Lauren Elizabeth Wilcox
Sharon Elizabeth Wilcox

Robert Alexander Wilcox

I figured we may as well have a boy's name picked out, just in case for the first time in world history Lil (and my personal feeling) is wrong. *chuckle* I tend to be cautious, what can I say?

Fred has finished doing the cuffs on the shirts. We started working on the kilt, but the instructions are just bass-ackwards, so we're going to do it the "old-fashioned" way, I think, and measure it out from mid-back out, and pleat from there.

We got a beautiful card from Fred's grandparents, which included a small gift that was quite nice of them. I need to remember to send them a thank you card for it, as we weren't expecting anything other than the card.

I also need to figure out what's going to happen from the 9th to the 10th, as I'm working swing, then expected to be back here at 7 am for a meeting, then go to Brunch, then do swing again, and then am on call for grave... I'm thinking that, even though it may suck, I may simply bring blankets and sleep on the couch in the copy room for the night to avoid several things, not the least of which is paying for a cab, and not getting even 5 hours of sleep. I may not get much sleep here, but at least I won't be late to the meeting. If I do, though, I'm definitely bringing my blankie and a pillow.

In any case, not much else to tell... I'm working on getting everything ready for OHP, but there's a butt-ton of paperwork to fill out. It boggles the mind.


1 comment:

Jeanne S said...

Oh, please go with Lauren! (You don't want a name that has a nickname of an alcoholic beverage. Really.) And guess what my middle name is? *grin*