Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The week just keep getting better and better...

A month or more ago, I mentioned that Fred headed up a fire dance troupe, and they were holding a toy drive. I felt then the same way that I feel now about the whole thing - it's a great way to give back to the community and let these kids know that they are important, and we do remember them. Consider this: How many times have you been on the brink of getting booted from your apartment - and I do mean, on the brink - like, you're on your last nickel, and the landlord has just come knocking and you wrote yet another bad check to cover it, hoping that somehow, some miraculous fairy will come by and gift you with enough money to cover it and the overdraft fees... Yeah, that's what their life is like constantly - only it's not them writing the checks. It's their parents - mostly through no fault of their own. They make just enough money to barely (if at all) qualify for any aid, and none of it is housing. These kids have two meals a day guaranteed to them - and that's from a school that's run from mainly donations and handouts. So, take a moment, think back on the times you were mostly destitute - and if you have an extra buck and you're going to Long and Short, give it to the kids.


1 comment:

lola h. said...

well said, m'dear. very well said.