Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Aftermath of Long and Short!! And MORE!!!

Fire and Steel's final count for their "Pirates of the Christmas Season" benefit fundraiser from this event was a whopping $237. Another $140 was pledged from the Archers of Appadorres, and there was a game, an amazing book, a set of Jones' Sodas, 3 teddy bears, 3 dinosaurs, a butterfly net and fabric brought as well. $50 of the take came from Their Royal Highnesses, the Prince and Princess of the Summits.

This brings the total so far, not including the pledge, up to over $500 for the Portland Community Transitional School!!

Fire and Steel would like to specifically thank Arkill and his amazing autocrat staff for having a wonderful event, and for inviting the pirates to come and play. It was an amazing experience that they won't soon forget.

But there's MORE! Due to demand, and the realization that so many people would still like to donate and be a part of this wonderful fundraiser, Fire and Steel will be appearing at Acorn War to perform and pass the hat - AGAIN!

For those who were unable to make it to Long and Short, or unable to donate at that event but still wish to do so, they will be at Acorn War, and will continue to take donations of new, unwrapped toys, books, art supplies and cash donations to be used to purchase such items.

If you wish to donate, or if you wish to donate MORE, please come join Fire and Steel at Acorn War and help them provide an amazing holiday season to some worthy children!

Another great bit of news - Fred is going to be working to get his PayPal account up and going so that donations can be processed and marked with PCTS (Portland Community Transitional School) so that further donations can be taken up through mid-November...

This is just so exciting. I don't quite know how to express it, honestly. When everything started, Fred was worried that perhaps it wouldn't work. And then, when the first $266 was brought in from the first event this year, he thought, "Well, gee - maybe this WILL work."

The event at Sea Dogs was kind of a damper, since 1700 people showed up, and the take for the benefit was only $57... He was afraid perhaps people were losing interest and things weren't going to go well, after all... And then, we went to this event.

Their Highnesses of the Summits were there, as this was a sanctioned SCA event. The first take of Friday evening was announced, $19, and there was a pause. Then a woman who's known both Fred and myself for years came up with $10 for the donation hat. And then Their Royal Highnesses came with $20... and another $20 was pledged, and another $20... The next day, more money, along with a bag of stuffed animals was given. And that evening Their Highnesses gave another $30, along with honoring Fire and Steel with favors of the realm for their selflessness at providing entertainment as well as giving time and effort for fundraisers like this... And another $50 was brought in... And then another $20... and still more was brought in afterwards...

It was amazing to be a part of that, and Fred ended up almost breaking down in tears when I told him the take by the end of the evening...

The next morning was when the Archers came by with one of the most amazingly beautiful books for the kids, along with a pledge of another $140. Fred broke down and cried on the way back from their encampment.

This is not just something for Fire and Steel to do to get an audience. This is something that they do because it's important to remember those who cannot fight for themselves and help them. They do this as a way to champion those who have no voice, who have less and need more, and who cannot control the circumstances into which they were thrust. Each time I post another entry about this, I feel more and more strongly about it, and I am more and more glad that I found such a group of people I can call friends - not to mention a man who is so dedicated and whose heart is so filled with love and compassion for those less fortunate than we.


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