Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Poor Miss Thang...

My poor baby is being eaten alive by fleas. I've tried the over-the-counter crap at Freddy's, and I've tried bathing her (she *really* hated that), and neither of these has worked. I'm not even sure where she picked them up, unless somehow or other they managed to wheedle their way in with us - and/or lived here before and finally found a willing host to live in.

Either way, she's miserable, and I'm feeling guilt-ridden because I have no extra cash for Advantage - or Frontline - or anything else that might actually help her. Currently she's cursing my name while snuggling up to me, sharing her fleas with me as they attempt to abandon ship since she just got a bath today. I lost count after 14 of them. There's another 20 or so down the drain... Most of the ones I'm catching are preggers, too, but I'm sure that it's only a matter of time before she's once again full.


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