Wednesday, July 26, 2006

People need smacked

I realize that there are times when companies screw up. Companies are run by human beings, and as such, we are fallible. The fact is, while companies normally do NOT screw up in general, there are specific times when they do mess up - and when they do, they do so royally.

Be that as it may, the sudden onset for a royal brain-fart in the case of a large corporate entity is not the siren sound for their customers to suddenly go off on a HUGE temper tantrum on one individual, eventually requesting to speak with a supervisor - **knowing** that said individual is doing everything in their power to fix the situation at that moment.

This is what I got to deal with today. Said beast of a customer called in with her nose in said sling about a payment that was lost 2 months ago by my company. While yes, I was just as upset as she was, she did not once allow me to assist her, insisted on talking over me for over fifteen minutes, and then when I offered to do what I could for her (basically clearly stating in the notes that the information HAD been faxed in by the bank, and it was up to our finance department to get their heads collectively out of their asses and fix the situation), she REFUSES to allow me to do so and asks to speak with a supervisor.


I have 8 years worth of customer service and technical support under my belt, and I'm pretty certain that I can tell how an account is set up, whether it is being taken care of properly, and how to deal with those who may be in another department who are not doing their jobs. Whether someone before me did *their* part or not is not my issue. I'm here now, which should count for something. I'm competant, I know what I'm doing, and I'm here to help you - which is, what I would assume, you are calling to request in the first place... and then you refuse that help, and instead insist on speaking with my supervisor, insinuating that I'm not doing enough for you? I beg your pardon?

I give not a rat's ass whether or not a customer has paid their bill on time for the past 8 years or 8 months, or even 8 weeks. If my company lost their payment and they have faxed in information, then we owe it to them to find it and return that payment to their account. I agree wholeheartedly that this is an issue that needs resolved - but to treat me as though I am just as incompetant as the foul-ups in finance, who lost the payment in the first place, then posted it, then removed it again for no apparent reason that anyone could see - that's just pushing it way too much.

I ended up having to get off the phone with the promise of a callback, as there wasn't anyone available for her to speak with that I could transfer her to (of course, par for the course), and then stayed off the phones for another 8 minutes with a tension headache just behind my eyes because of her attitude with me.

I try very hard not to take things personally - but honestly, there are times. I take pride in my job, and in doing my job, no matter how mediocre it might be, or seem to be. Allow me that pride and my dignity, and let me help you to the best of my ability, instead of screaming epithets at me for no reason, and then asking to speak with my supervisor because I can't offer you help due to not being able to get a word in edgewise.


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