Thursday, December 11, 2008

Getting ready for the Holiday Party Saturday...

To do before Saturday Afternoon:

 Put away all necessary paperwork into office area
 Put away all D&D stuff
 Put away all extraneous toys and books to Boo’s room
 Put away all sewing items, fabric and machines into sewing area
 Put away all blankets and pillows
 Put away all clothes from front room, bathroom and hallway
 Fold and put away all towels
 Do dishes and clean kitchen
 Pull table out, and re-position baby gate
 Block the underside of the table against baby invasion
 Clean up dining room area
 Vacuum everywhere
 Put up tree
 Decorate
Things to do ON Saturday:
 Take out trash in all rooms, including Boo’s room and bathroom
 Take apart baby corral and put toy basket in Boo’s room
 Place baby corral against the entertainment center/bookshelf area, and brace
 Vacuum one more time



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