Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ironic, isn't it...

So, we had a guy over here this evening talking with us about accidental life insurance, and what we may want to invest into it. The overall consensus was yes, we need it, and yes, it's a good idea, and yes, we'll take it, provided that we get approved (he isn't sure they will, considering our hobby of fire-dancing - but he's going to check).

He leaves around 8:45pm, totally jazzed about the living room decor and the fire-dancing thing, and at 9pm, I get the first of the text messages from my mother and sister.

My brother has fallen 3 stories from the roof of a house he was working on, through two railings, and onto a broken concrete floor. He's in ICU at Evergreen Hospital in Washington, and is expected to stay there for at least two weeks - then moved to in-pt rehab for a while longer... his injuries reads like a laundry list from a boot party, and include:

9 broken ribs
cracked spleen
broken back in 2 places
air & blood in back of left lung
internal bleeding

The good news is, he's concious - if you can call that good news. The man is a non-practicing drug and alcohol addict, and is most likely doped up to the eyeballs in morphine to deal with the pain... Not to mention the fact that he just got OUT of physical rehab about 7 months ago after he had a hip replaced...

So far, I haven't heard anything other than that. Mom's on her way over to the hospital, and Mel is already there. I'm getting updates as they find out about them as texts. I don't know that I'll sleep well tonight, and am not sure whether I'll be up to going to work tomorrow - I'll have to see. I just don't know.

Little known fact about my brother - he and my father (we only shared a mother) never got along until probably the last 6 months my father was alive - it was then that Kelly realized what it was he really wanted to be, and followed through with it. It was the one thing he always respected about my father: he became a carpenter... And now, here he is.

Isn't it funny...


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