Thursday, February 21, 2008

Someone quick! Get me my walker!

Yes, it's official - I'm now 34 years old... and feeling every second of it at the moment - and then some. I'm sure that it has something to do with having a newborn 14 days prior to my birthday...

Fred and I are continuing to survive - barely - with Elizabeth's demands. She is learning that Mommy isn't going to pick her up every time she cries, and neither will Daddy. She's also learning, however, that she will get fed pretty well on time, and Mommy will not let her starve - no matter how much she thinks otherwise.

We're also working on getting her to see that sleeping during the day by herself is not going to kill her, and neither is not getting constant snuggles from Mommy - not that Mommy doesn't do the snuggles, anyway... I have to say, I do love new baby smell, and she has such soft downy hair that it's nigh irresistable to snuggle with her whenever she reaches out to me and demands it.

I'm beginning to get more relaxed into the role of Mama. It's been a difficult transition, since I started off with very little experience in that department and topped it off with knowing that we'd almost lost her at one point due to birth complications. I'm reminding myself daily that I don't *need* to rescue her each second she's not in my arms, that she's ok, and that she'll survive a few minutes more without me - as long as I'm nearby and can rescue her when she really does need it. For instance, currently, I am allowing her a good 6-minute cry on our bed while I update my blog. I have fed and changed her, and the sounds she's making means she's bored and wants me to entertain her. So, she's learning that Mommy isn't always going to entertain her whenever she wants...

She's still really gassy, but her pediatrician says she's doing fine, and is looking good. She gained another 3 oz from last Wednesday, so we're pretty well good to go with her weight gain after the loss of weight in the hospital.

Other than that, nothing more to report - I'm still needing to do taxes, and get a nursing bra... The two that I have are not going to cut it in the long run, and none of my other bras are going to cut it at all for nursing... Perhaps this weekend I can drag Fred out or leave Elizabeth with him and head out for a few hours on my own...



Anonymous said...

Uh, if your baby cries, you NEED to pick it up. Babies that are left to cry are babies that have SIDS happen to them. You say you're all these things in your blog title, and I notice the big glaring "competent mother" being left out for a reason.

Seriously. You're 34 years old. Stop being so selfish, suck it up, and provide for the child you decided to have. People who can't even nurture their baby don't deserve to have them.

Merripan said...

First of all, your comment being posted as "anonymous" rather than giving your identity is the first sign of a coward unwilling to show themselves for fear of retribution when all they're trying to do is push buttons with incorrect information.

Secondly, SIDS can occur at any time, to any baby, whether or not they cry. There's a reason it's an acronym for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - NO ONE KNOWS WHAT CAUSES IT. Babies cry. They do so for a number of reasons. Letting them cry helps build their lungs and stomach muscles, and teaches them that Mom and Dad aren't always going to respond to that sort of sound. Babies have a very good short-term memory, that includes response from Mom and Dad - if they get picked up every time they make a peep, pretty soon, they'll expect it - regardless of whether Mom and Dad have time to do so.

Third - yes, I'm 34 years old. I also have many friends who are parents, all of them having raised, quite successfully, their children. NONE of them have told me to constantly hold my child, or keep my child from crying. ALL of them have told me that it's good for babies to cry for a bit if their physical needs (feeding and changing) have been met.

I can only say that either A. you have no idea whom you have decided to respond to, and therefore are coming off as an idiot, or B., you DO know to whom you are speaking, and are assuming that I don't know YOU - and you're still coming off as an idiot. Either way, try doing some research before attempting such scare tactics.
