Saturday, November 25, 2006

Witches Weekly

I haven't yet seen an update on Witches Weekly, so I figured I'd write my own this week and put it in the spirit of the season...

What is one thing you are most thankful for this year, and why?

I have to pick one thing? Yikes... Well, if I had to pick ONLY one thing, I'd have to say that I am thankful for having such a kick-ass family unit that I've created here in in the Pac NW...

I've always been of the belief that you're stuck with the family you were born with, but you can *create* a family that you're happier with later on, when you're older, wiser, and understand more about yourself and others.

Don't get me wrong - I love my birth family - they raised me, took care of me, generally pointed me toward the "right" path, gave me pointers and have bailed me out several times when I needed it... But I don't get to see them very often. Add to that a rather high sibling animosity which seems to reign supreme in the family, and you have the makings for a rather interesting, highly stressful, often-times bordering on homecidal, holiday season.

To compare it with the family grouping that I've created here... Well, it's just a different creature all together. There are stresses with this family as well, but it's not normally of the murdering sort. We help one another out when we can, even if it's only with the giving of a soft shoulder to cry upon. We kick one another in the ass when it's needed, and laugh about it later when the crisis is done with. And the holidays are fairly stress-free. It's not about how many presents we get from one another, or whether we all got a present from other people. It's about spending time with one another, accepting each other for who we are, and giggling about it with one another over sparkling apple cider - and occasionally some wine coolers or margaritas.

It becomes about the food, the visit, the people, and the overall warm fuzzy feeling that we get when we see one another. I love the fact that I can get my friends a beautiful necklace one year, a basket of home-made baked goodies the next year, and then the year after that, throw a huge party wherein that IS the gift, and it's equally received with happy hugs and thanks.

My mother is on the list for BOTH of these families, in case you were wondering... She and I didn't always get along - what parent and child do - but once she recognized that I was my own person, and I lived out on my own for a while, and once I knew who I was, and knew that I didn't have to worry about HER decisions, only mine... We get along really well now.

If you were wondering whether you were on this list of my made-in-the-PacNW family, I would like now to say that if you have to wonder, you probably aren't - or you're oblivious, which is a sign that you probably ARE part of the family. LOL. Here's a partial list of those who are in my life that I'm most thankful for this year (It's just those who live around me - my web friends are on another list):


Happy Holidays, guys!


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