Saturday, November 25, 2006

New View...

So, I need your opinion on what you think of the new blog style, and whether you like it better than the old one...

I'm really not one for change, but I thought that this might be a nice one. I like the colors - soothing and calm. I also like the new goodness on the side which shows the different labels that I have. I like the title bar, which includes now my entire description of myself - I even like the watercolor look of the pic in the upper left-hand corner... The one thing I don't like is that it's not a triple bar, like the old template was.

So, let me know what you think, please.


1 comment:

Jeanne S said...

I love it!!! Even though I have a triple column, I think your blog looks a lot better with this layout than the previous. The colors are sooooo nice! *hugs*