Sunday, October 15, 2006


So, today I updated my page here on the left side... You'll see there's nifty linkage to the wedding info and stuff. It'll be easier for everyone interested to go there and see what's going on, than worry about sliding back through the archives trying to find out information the night before. LOL.

The venue has been tentatively set - you can check out said nifty linkage for pictures of the site. The cost is going to be really reasonable. It'll mean that we will have to move across town from one spot to the other for the wedding vs the reception - BUT - that's ok. I think that's totally workable, not to mention reasonable, as most people will be coming from all over, and the reception can be held in a fairly centrally located spot.

I need to start working on updating the dress. I'm not going to wear my original Elizabethan. First, I was married in it the first time - bad juju. Second, while it's really pretty, it was a show-piece, and not really... well... me. So, I'll be wearing my blue Elizabethan, updated with pearls and seed beads all over the bodice, and some extra fabric over the skirt. I'll end up looking something like Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty or something.

I'm also going to splurge and get my hair profesionally styled for the day. I think I'm worth it, since last time I just left it down and didn't do anything with it. It was lovely, but hot.

I will say that I need help from everyone who can in making favors for the guests: ideas, creations, whatnot. Our colors are blue and cream, with touches of black. So - anyone who is living near me who would like to help a giddy bride-to-be out, please reach out and sma-- er, I mean, drop me a line. *chuckle*

I have 2.5 hours left and I will be able to leave here and head to Lil's house. She's been gracious enough to agree to run me over to Slasher's place for the birthday party they're having for his one-year-old. I got him a pirate ship... It's a Fisher Price Little People model (the ship only - this pic includes the rest of the packs you can get, too), and is adorable. It comes with a parrot that, when pressed, sings, squawks, and makes sounds like a cannon booming and splashing into the water. It also comes with a cannon that can launch it's cannonball out across the room. Bwa ha ha ha ha. Totally perfect, and it should last him several years of playing. Really reasonable price for it, too.

I am still enjoying my job, though I'll be glad when I get my new schedule. I won't have to work Sundays or Mondays, and won't have to work Fridays, either. Will be MUCH better on my sanity, as well as my attendance adherance, since Sundays will be getting me here at least 45 minutes late, no matter what I do. *sigh* Other nice thing: Fred and I will have Fridays off together, and I'll be able to go to Pirate Karaoke without having to ditch early like I did last night.

Other than that, nothing much is really happening. I'm trying to get as much planned as possible for now for the wedding, so I won't have to stress about it later on. I learned the last time that it's easier to just get what we can done, and worry about the rest of it as it comes up. Speaking of which - I need to start working on invitations, too... whee!


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