Monday, January 19, 2009

The Lizard is having a birthday!!!

When: Feb 7th (the day after her birthday) Where: Our house (unless we find someplace better) Time: 1pm til whenever Boo gets overly stimulated and needs to collapse into a heap of exhausted baby!

Yes, it's been a YEAR already, and so much has changed! She's gone from being a formless tadpole inside me, to a glowworm (just after she was born), to an interested crawler, and now she's dancing, walking, talking and even has 7 teeth (not to mention her amazing flying feats with papa)!

This is a potluck, and no presents are necessary. We know everyone is broke, and honestly, Boo has plenty of stuff to play with, chew on, and generally enjoy. If you'd like to get anything at all, gift certificates are always appreciated to Target. Or socks... She seems to eat socks... LOL.

We're going to supply the cake. You supply the friends, family, and cameras for Boo to pose at (and yes, she's not the least bit camera-shy!).

Please let us know if you'll be there by the 30th of Jan, so I know how big of a cake to get.


OK - I know that I said no presents, BUT... should you feel the overwhelming urge to get something, you might try here: One Step Ahead

It's the registry I'm currently building so that eventually I'll have what Boo still needs for camping, and socks! Lots of socks!


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