Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Day 3 of the crankypants march...

So, Boo (aka Crankypants), is working on day 3 without a nap. Oh - I beg your pardon... She had a 20 minute nap on Monday just prior to me coming home, and a 20 minute nap yesterday...

On top of this, she has a cold, is teething in her 2nd tooth, and still isn't sleeping through the night... Apparently, the combination of the teething, the cold, and the new babysitter has caused her to convince herself that she doesn't *need* a nap - and won't take one... And Jess is very soft-hearted. Boo cries and she will pick her up to snuggle her - which is fine with Boo, but does mean that Jess leaves looking like she was pulled through a knot-hole backwards by the end of the day. Poor girl.

I finally had to tell her that if Boo wasn't hungry, and wasn't dirty, then it was ok to let her cry for a while in her crib while Jess took a break. It wasn't going to hurt Boo at all... She said she was going to put her in her crib and try a nap again about 20 mins ago... We'll see how that goes.

On to other updates...

Meanwhile, my dragons need daily clickings... So, if you're visiting on a daily basis, please click on my eggs and baby dragon to help them grow up. Yay for baby dragons!

My thyroid thing is apparently doing better. I'm still tired, but not quite so exhausted, so apparently my iron level is better. My thyroid count is down from where we started, so that's good too. My dr is going to continue to watch it and I'll be tested again in 3 months to see where we are. If it doesn't move from where it is currently, she'll up the doseage.

My computer died a horrible death this last weekend... The processor fan had rattled it's last breath about a month ago, and I (in my obliviousness) hadn't noticed... The processor itself is completely fried, so I now have to look into getting another computer. We'll pull what guts we can save from mine, and get rid of the rest of it. It's yet another expense that I wasn't expecting. I'd say that I was underwhelmed with the prospect, but that would imply that somehow, I'd been whelmed in the first place. *sigh* On the other hand, there's a possibility that I get to have a larger hard drive, so there's that...

Haven't heard back on the job over in the other office. I'd really like to get it, but so far it's been silent. I'm not sure how I feel about that, other than desperate to get out of the call center. I've gotten tired of this office's type of politics and cliques. I'm so done with kindergarten drama...

I'm trying to get into bellydance classes again... Again, an expense that I could most likely do without - but on the other hand, it's not as though I'm splurging on that hot lamborghini or the 4-story house in Malibu. So, I suppose one splurge isn't bad - besides, I can justify it by saying it's exersize, which will help me... LOL.

Other than that, not much is going on in my life...


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