Saturday, February 02, 2008

Waiting, and hoping, and praying....

Had another non-stress-test (NST) on Friday, and this time Elizabeth acted just as I thought she would - we chased her around my belly for a good 7-10 minutes before we caught her, and then she proceeded to try and bounce the monitors off of me one by one, by way of kicking them violently.

Both the ultrasound and the monitoring showed a healthy, comfy baby, so there's no real cause for stress, other than the fact that she hasn't decided to come out yet.

There was some stress on Thursday, however. Tuesday's monitoring and ultrasound were delivered to my OB, Meg, by hand BY ME, and there was no indication that there was anything even remotely wrong at all. Meg told me not to worry, that if I didn't have the baby by Tuesday, we'd meet, and set up everything for induction either Wednesday or Thursday - no issues, no fuss, no muss.

So, when my phone rings on Thursday, I figure it's just a call to remind me of my NST. Instead, I get the following:

"Hi! This is Julie with Dr B's office (the Dr I saw while Meg was out of town - ONCE). She just wanted me to let you know that she'd reviewed your ultrasound from Tuesday, and we wanted to make sure you knew you had an abnormally large baby for her gestational age - but then, you can probably feel that, can't you..."

"Uhhh," I answer intelligently, confused, "Yeah - well, I talked with Meg about the ultrasound on Tuesday, and she said everything was fine."

"Oh. Well, Dr B just felt you needed to know about the size. Have a great day!"


Now, first off, why is another Dr reviewing my ultrasound/charts and not consulting with my assigned Dr PRIOR to actually having someone call me? And why was it that Meg felt there was no issue, while Dr B felt that there was? Was something wrong? Did the information not get entered correctly? Did I not understand something? Am I going to have to have a c-section? What the hell is going on?

So, I call the clinic back and ask that Meg's nurse call me with an explaination. 3 hours later, no call back, so I call again. This time I *DO* get a call back, and the nurse is someone I haven't talked to before (Kiki is the person I normally see with Meg, I have no idea who this gal is, other than her name is Nicole). I explain what happened with the phone call, and Nicole's response is:

"Oh, well sometimes mistakes happen. I wouldn't worry about it."

"No, I *am* worried about it. I'm a week past due at this point, and I want to know why another Dr would A. be reviewing my records when *my* OB is in, and why they would then proceed to inform me something that is completely opposite of what my OB told me less than two days ago."

"Well, it's possible that Dr B got your ultrasound by mistake and reviewed it instead of Meg..."

"Now, why would that happen, when it was ME who hand-delivered the ultrasound results to Meg on Tuesday?"

"Uh... well, as I said, sometimes mistakes just happen. Obviously the call to you was a mistake - I would simply ignore it."

"I don't think so. You now have a fairly hysterical pregnant woman on the phone, past due with her first baby. I want to find out from Meg what's going on. She told me on Tuesday that there was nothing to worry about, and if I hadn't had the baby by next Tuesday, we would induce. Now, I'm being told that I have an abnormally large baby, and I don't know what that means." (tears of frustration and stress are now running down my face as I'm trying to keep from screaming at her at the top of my lungs)

"Well... I suppose I could talk with Meg and find out if the plans have changed, and if they have, then I can call you back... But I honestly don't feel that this is something necessary."

"Well, let's have Meg decide what's necessary and what isn't, shall we? So, you go ahead and talk with Meg and call me if there are any changes to the last plans we'd set up."

"Fine. I'll talk with Meg, and I'll call you if anything has changed."

No one has called, so I can only assume one of two things has happened - either there were no changes to the plans, or the nurse blew me off, hoping I simply wouldn't call back. Either way, it was a crap-tastic day on Thursday.

Mum sent down some moolah to help with the baby. I've been approved for FMLA, but I am not sure how that's going to work, other than I won't be dinged for time off. So, we have rent and food and some of the bills covered, at the least. Mum herself may not be able to make it down until March, since there is NEW drama in my sister's life, causing Mum to have to be there to take care of the 3-yr-old while Mel heads over to Ellensburg for retraining. Don't ask - that's another entry all inof itself, and I just don't feel the energy...

All in all, it's been pretty uneventful. I'm in pain when I walk at this point - all my pelvis wants is a different body - as does my lower back. My knee has now decided to join the fun, which makes it really fun to walk anywhere. We went shopping today, and I almost lost it a few times on people who simply couldn't care less about where they were going, what they were doing, or whether they were blocking the entire aisle or not. I hate going shopping.

Found out I got everything I needed, but now I need a separate freezer to keep everything in. *chuckle* Had to jerry-rig a few things to keep everything in the freezer without the door popping open.

Tonight is gaming, with dinner being served at 7pm. Sloppy joes. MMMMmmmm.


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