Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Stress, sir - it's a killer...

This whole physical therapy / OMLA thing has been driving me batty. OK - specifically, not the physical therapy (which has been helping - sort of), and actually not the OMLA, which has been assisting in *getting* me the the physical therapy. No, it's my BOSS that's driving me batty, in regards to it.

She had to sit down with me today and tell me that, because she can't keep up on her job, she wants me to now send her a personal email along *with* the request for time off, so she can keep a head's up on everything and make sure that OT is posted correctly. Yeah... Lady, if you can't do your job, and you admit as much, don't you think it's time you decided to do something ELSE?!

Her exact words were "Well, you know, it's no picnic setting up schedules for 33 people in a 24/7 call center, so it's been difficult making sure that I get everyone scheduled properly. I can't always have the time to go into [the folder showing what days everyone is requesting off], so I need you to send me a personal email to give me a head's up, so I can go in and specifically look for your requested days off."

I see. Never mind that, as the supervisor, that's your JOB! Never mind that you're supposed to do that at least twice a day (once when you get to work and once when you leave)... Never mind that it's yet one more way for you to admit that you're incompetent. OMG.

I smiled and nodded. It was clarified that I wasn't going to be able to give her 3 weeks notice - sometimes I would only be able to give her a few days notice, but I would try and keep that to a minimum - and that I would agree to send her said "special" email. I wonder if I should gift-wrap it and put a pink bow on it as well.

She also tried to jolly me along with anecdotes about her friends being pregnant - she's never been pregnant, but assumes that as she has friends who were, she knows everything there is to know about being pregnant. Whatever.

Of course, this whole discussion simply underlined what was already apparent - she can't do her job, and she's going to end up losing it within the next few months because of her repeated incompetence. And she won't see it coming because she can't see how idiotic she is:

Instead of asking for help on union-related issues regarding seniority, she simply makes an arbitrary decision - and ends up almost having a call center-wide riot on her hands.

Instead of paying attention and making sure that EVERYONE got a copy of updated schedules for Thanksgiving graveyard, she only sent out updated schedules to those who had theirs changed - and then didn't even bother to actually FILL the position for that night at all, causing the graveyard person on call to be dragged in - much to their annoyance and surprise.

Now there's this. First, she decides to ignore OMLA law and tell me that I *have* to give her 3 weeks notice for all my PT appointments. Now, she's still trying to set terms, all the while backpedalling and trying to save her ass from being raked over the coals by HR, since she put the original request in writing.

She is not long for this call center - and it looks like there will be a huge sigh of relief from a number of people when she leaves.

Needless to say, I've spent the last 3 days feeling nauseous and dizzy from the stress, and my back is killing me. I didn't go to the pool on Monday, as I was still recovering some from the cold that's been kicking my butt (and has now moved onto poor Fred). I *am* going tonight, dammit, even if all I do is sit on the steps and just let the water pull the weight off my back for a bit... I need it desperately.

Friday I have another PT appointment. I will also be meeting Tom, the guy from our brace shop, and will hopefully be getting a pregnancy belly band. Apparently he has *ONE* - and luckily, it fits my current measurements. So, I'll be calling him to have him meet me at the appointment, and we will fill out paperwork, etc.


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