Thursday, December 27, 2007

Loot for 2007!!!

It was a pretty darned awesome Yuletide at our house this year. Fred's haul was pretty impressive, as was mine.

Fred got:
New sneakers
2 new books (Garrett PI series)
a pair of sparring gloves
Creative Labs mp3 player
Movie "300"

From others -
gift certificate to Oregon Leather

I got:
New pots and pans (Farberware)
COBY mp3 player
Quilting block and mat
rotary blade
t-square (x 2)
Box of Ferrero Rochet chocolates

From others -
magnetic wrist pin holder
fan of basic quilt block patterns
book "The Complete Crochet Answer Book"
Stuffed Hedgehog for the baby
Candles with rustic candle holders
Check from mummy ("for Figgy Pudding")

I just realized this morning that I still need to get a diaper pail and compare whether diapers or a diaper service is going to be more cost efficient... I finally got 1 bottle, 3 extra nipples, some lanolin for breastfeeding, and some storage containers and cheap bottles to store breast milk in.

We still haven't figured out the whole child-care thing, so if there's anyone with ideas, please shoot them over to me...


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