Saturday, November 17, 2007


So, yes, Fred and I are hosting our annual Family & Friends Thanksgiving. It'll be on Turkey day, so if you don't have plans and would like to come out to celebrate with us, feel free to do so.

It's BYOB, and will be the traditional gnosh of Turkey, roasted garlic smashed potatoes, gravy and green beans. Also, if you want a dessert, bring that as well, since I'm not going to stress myself about it.

Since I work that day, I won't be home until around 4:30-ish. This means that dinner will most likely be around 6:30 or 7-ish. If you'd like to come early and hang out, please feel free to watch me hustle around the kitchen getting the turkey in the oven and the potatoes ready to be boiled for smashing...

I will most likely stick in an old favorite movie and have that playing in the background for everyone's enjoyment. So far, we have Raistlin and Corey coming by. I heard that Angst would like to join in the festivities as well, and is more than welcome... Anyone else who would like to come along, please just drop a line and let me know. There should be plenty. I have a 16 lb turkey, and can do upwards of 10 lbs of potatoes without breaking a sweat.


1 comment:

Darkwingedfae said...

I would love to come and have food to contribute as well. Although I just had surgery today on my forehead and am swollen and achy. But know we are thinking of you. Give me a call when you can :).