Saturday, June 16, 2007

Another thing done...

Lil's dress arrived today. I unpacked it and inspected it to make sure that everything looks good. I'm actually glad I got the larger size, as I had a suspicion that it would still be a titch small even based on measurements - and I think I am right (at least, on eyeballing it). She'll need to have it steamed to get the wrinkles out, but then it'll be all pretty and flowy and lovely. yay!

Fred is finishing up the kilts. We are having a bit of an issue with the kilt for Speedboy - apparently the waistband didn't want to cooperate. But, Fred's figured out a way to work with it in the meantime, so I'm not going to worry about it until after the wedding.

I still need to get the "emergency" kits together with all the stuff I am figuring I might need just in case... I will most likely do that on Monday, since I'm planning on sleeping in tomorrow and not doing anything. I realize it's father's day - honestly, Fred doesn't care much. We've compromised, by me not making a big deal about it, and him not having to cook (we're doing pizza, or somesuch). However, I need just a smidge more sleep currently, so will be taking advantage as much as possible of all my time off.

As of Monday, Fred will be in charge of pulling the house together and cleaning up, vacuuming and generally putting things in order. I'll be helping when and where I can, but he has the whole week off, and I only get from Thursday forward - so... He's going to be stuck with most of it - of course, there's the fact that Speedboy's off from school, so he'll most likely be roped into helping as well. Bwa ha ha ha.

According to What To Expect.Com, I'm now 8 weeks along and in full swing with the morning sickness. The bean is now about the size of a raspberry, and getting specific limbs, and little toes and fingers are separating out.

The odd thing is that the site says they don't really know what causes morning sickness. I know exactly what's causing mine...

See, according to the site, the body, in an attempt at getting the fetus as much nutrients as possible, is keeping hold of all food in the lower GI tract until it's pretty much soup. This, in turn, creates a high amount of gas which is pushed out on either side of the food, which causes farting on the one end, and puffs out the stomach on the other end.

The stomach, feeling all the lovely fullness, figures that it's full and increases the stomach bile to process what it thinks is food. Instead, it causes even MORE gas, and then the belching happens. The vomiting reaction is caused when anything is swallowed (even saliva) and the stomach eyeballs the offending item and refuses to deal with it.

And thus, you have morning sickness... Or at least, you have MY version of morning sickness... I've gotten the largest bottle of Tums on the planet without going to Costco... Lemme tell ya, I'm such the sexy one... *braaaaaaaaap*



Jeanne S said...

One old wives' tale that's true: severe morning sickness (especially after 8 weeks) is more likely when carrying a boy than a girl. Apparently the male hormones from the fetus interact badly with the maternal system. Of course, as you said, there are plenty of other reasons for morning sickness.

The only thing that eased mine was constant nibbling on complex carbs. I sure went through a lot of bagels!

Anonymous said...

Hey, It's the Gothikangel here. :D

I wanted to say Congrats on the baby and the wedding which if my calculations are correct and I haven't totally forgotten everything in this nice little sick thing I am currently having, then you should be walking or have walked down the isle soon. :D

On another note... Things that helped with morning sickness... well with Joshua I didn't really get any but with William.. oh good god was it bad. I pretty much lived on tums but chewing them did no good. Sucking on them worked alot better for the morning sickness. Also talk to your doctor, at about 5 months along was when pepcid ac came out. My doctor said it was ok to use 1 a day (but talk to yours first cause god knows if they have decided they are bad now) and those worked wonders too. Aside from that... crackers and sip 7-up or crushed ice with a tiny but of cola syrup on it. If you are lucky morning sickness will be gone around 3 months. If your unlucky like I was... It will still be there 10 years after having the kid hahaha. :D